11 Signs Of A Genuinely Authentic Person That Fake People Can't Copy
It's hard to fake true authenticity, after all.

Genuine human beings have natural and authentic qualities that make it difficult for those who fake their entire personalities to replicate — so much so that there are very specific signs of a genuinely authentic person that fake people can't copy.
Being genuine requires emotional consistency, vulnerability, integrity and self-awareness. All of these qualities are not exactly easy to perform if they are not rooted into a person's core. But genuine people are built on a foundation of authenticity that shines through and draws in others, and it is nearly impossible to mimic.
Here are 11 signs of a genuinely authentic person that fake people can't copy
1. They try their best to live up to their promises
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Since genuine people value integrity and building trust, they consider their world to be a reflection of their character. In order to be reliable and consistent with their words, they often uphold the promises they give to others. And this is one of the most glaring signs of a genuinely authentic person that fake people can't copy.
Whether it's promising to come and support a person's sports game or promise to their boss that they'll have a task done at a certain time, authentic people are good at keeping their word. And according to mental health magazine PsychoLogs, keeping promises not only strengthens our relationships with others, but also positively influences how we perceive ourselves. It's not something that fake people can easily replicate.
Even though life happens and people may not always be able to uphold their original promises, they do everything they can to ensure people that they heard what was asked of them, and they will do their best to deliver.
2. They don't try to make others like them
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Authentic people know who they are at heart and don't feel the need to force others to see that. They understand that no matter how friendly they are, some people may like them and some won't. And that's okay. A person's priorities should not consist of living up to other people's expectations of how they should be.
Genuine people stay true to themselves and know as long as they are kind, considerate and respectful of others, they shouldn't need to prove that they need to be liked. Fake people, on the other hand, will often put on a performance depending on what types of people they're around to ensure that everyone likes a specific version of them.
3. They don't brag
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Another of the signs of a genuinely authentic person that fake people can't copy is the way they avoid bragging. They are humble and don't boast about their accomplishments. While they are certainly proud of themselves, they don't go out of their way to seek praise from others by rubbing all of their successes in their faces.
Instead of making others feel inadequate or inferior, genuine people strive to create a positive and supportive environment where others feel valued, rather than putting all the focus on themselves. People who are fake often brag when they are attempting to prove themselves as better than others.
According to professor Utpal M. Dholakia, PhD, "More than anything, bragging conveys powerful negative trait information about the sender... In a nutshell, people don't like braggarts and find them to be annoying, a phenomenon called the ‘hubris hypothesis.' This dislike is based on the inference that the braggart has a negative view of everyone around them."
When genuine people score a personal victory, they smile, pat themselves on the back and remind themselves that they are proud. Ingenuine people generally flock to social media to seek the validation of others who could really not care less.
4. They celebrate others' successes
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When those around them succeed, authentic people are truly happy for them, even if they may not be hitting their own goals. Instead of feeling threatened and cursing the universe for being against them, they recognize the fact that there's no strict timeline for success, and everyone will achieve their goals in their own time. In the meantime, they are able to celebrate with their loved ones during their most exciting life milestones.
Even when genuine people are still waiting for their dreams to become reality, they recognize that other people's achievements don't diminish their own light. They will be the first ones to tell someone how beautiful they look in a wedding dress, even if they have yet to find their person.
5. They're helpful without an agenda
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Genuine people are often driven by intrinsic values like kindness and empathy. When they see someone struggling, they offer a helping hand without any ulterior motives.
For example, if they notice the person in front of them doesn't have enough money to pay for their items, they won't hesitate to offer any spare change without the expectation that the person will pay them back. But fake people may turn the tables and request money in return.
Real people authentically care for other human beings and don't feel the need to gain any favors. They just want to alleviate someone else's burden and make their lives a little easier. And they do it without expecting anything in return.
6. They openly express their opinions
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Genuine people don't shy away from who they are, and aren't afraid to stick to their truth despite who they're around. And that's something that fake people can't copy, no matter how hard they try. Authentic individuals prioritize honesty and don't put on a facade just to please others. They speak from the heart, regardless of the situation.
According to experts from UC Merced, "Speaking your truth is a powerful way to communicate your needs and values to others while maintaining openness and grace." Where genuine people express their views in respectful ways, fake people may contradict their opinions in front of different audiences, concealing their authentic selves from those around them.
7. They don't seek validation
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Not seeking validation for their actions is one of the signs of a genuinely authentic person that fake people can't copy. Real people don't seek approval from others and are comfortable enough in their own skin to value their own opinions. In order to feel worthy, fake people often go hunting for external validation.
"Validation is part of being interdependent and relying on the feedback and encouragement of others around us," licensed psychotherapist and life coach Sherry Gaba shared. "Even very independent people still need validation in some aspects of their life; however, they are also able to accept their own self-validation if they do not get it from someone else."
While people are certainly allowed to ask others for their opinions on a situation they aren't entirely sure about, it's important for someone to recognize their own worth and have confidence in their decision.
8. They take responsibility for their actions
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Genuine people know that they are human and mistakes happen. Rather than trying to shirk responsibility when they make a mistake, they aren't afraid to step up and own their actions. They don't make excuses or attempt to blame others, while fake people often do this.
When things go wrong, fake people will do anything instead of accepting blame. They refuse to take ownership and learn from their experiences. According to psychology expert Margaret Paul, people who blame others instead of taking responsibility do so for a few reasons: they want to be in control, have low self-esteem, or fear being vulnerable.
Despite this, genuine people make it a point to own up when they make errors. And it makes it easier for them to move past any anger or upset.
9. They're consistent
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No matter who they interact with, a person's true character will be clearly evident to everyone when they are authentic. They are consistent in their behavior, both publicly and privately. They typically don't change who they are based on who they're around or what the situation is.
According to Robb Stevens, CEO of Med One, consistency is one of the top qualities of a trustworthy and genuine person. "A trustworthy person will use roughly the same behavior and language in any situation," Stevens said. These people live by the same values and principles across the board, no matter who is around.
10. They listen more than they speak
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When people are great listeners, it's a sign of a genuinely authentic person that fake people can't copy. Authentic individuals express their curiosity in what others are saying, ask them questions, and engage with the conversation.
They often allow people the space to speak before jumping in with their own feedback or relating it back to something that relates to them. However, fake people are selfish and tend to talk excessively about themselves, and cannot help but put themselves at the center of attention, even if they aren't the one speaking. For fake people, they can't simply sit back and let someone else have all eyes on them.
11. They're honest even when it's difficult
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The truth hurts, and genuine people are well aware of this. No matter how uncomfortable it may be to say the truth sometimes, they don't shy away from it or twist words to fit a narrative that benefits them.
For fake people, though they may want to copy an authentic person's behavior, they simply can't bring themselves to do so. They may lie to a person's face and say things they just want to hear, instead of being an empathetic and honest person.
But genuine people value transparency and honesty in all of their relationships, and know that they owe it to the people they value most to give them that, even if it may not be something they want at the moment.
Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.