A Short List Of 4 Tiny Things Men Love Most

The simplest things can make him happy.

Man looking at woman loves these things the most. Jenny Uhling | Canva

There are far too many things men dislike, but there are a few things they can't help but love.

Here is a short list of 4 things men love most:

1. Intimacy

Although it probably goes without saying, I am nonetheless going to mention the item that is Number One on the list of “our favorite things.” And no, snowflakes, copper kettles, and mittens of any fabric do not make the cut.  As I’m sure you already suspected, the topper of our “want list” is…intimacy.  


It’s what we consider the perfect pastime. In fact, according to studies, men spend more time whiling away the hours joyously contemplating what they optimistically perceive as the unlimited intimate possibilities that exist for them in the world than women do.

And while their expectations and fantasies ultimately prove to be hopelessly unrealistic, their enthusiasm will not be diminished one iota. Men love it — all intimacy — good, bad, or mediocre (though we prefer “good”.)

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2. To be able to provide

It may surprise you to learn that all our wants and desires aren’t completely frivolous. Also high on our list is our love for being able to successfully provide for ourselves and our families. Men are very goal-oriented, and our biggest goal is to be a successful provider.

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In many ways, it defines who we are. If we can supply the things our families need, we feel good about ourselves.  And the more we can exceed the minimum necessities the more contented we become. 

Conversely, a man who is unable to meet his family’s needs, regardless of the reason, feels, at best, ill-at-ease, and at worst, an abject failure. Rightly or wrongly men derive their self-respect from their economic accomplishments. So it only makes sense that our success in this area would be something we would greatly prize.

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3. Gadgets

What else do we like? Gadgets. We are oddly attracted to anything that does something cool. No matter how impractical, unnecessary, or fiscally foolish a device is, if it accomplishes some mundane task in a new and interesting way, through chemistry, electronics, or simple mechanics, we are inextricably drawn to it.

things men love the most Pexels / Buro Millennial

And if it has lots of flashing lights, our credit cards are leaping out of our wallets. Why are we fascinated by gadgets?  Who knows. I’m not even certain anyone has seriously explored this topic. But that doesn’t change the fact that one of the simple truths about us is that boys love their toys. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.


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4. Their own scent

And finally, guys love any odor produced by their own bodies. That statement is self-explanatory and deserves no elaboration.   Bizarre? Yes. Icky? Definitely. True? You betcha.

The items mentioned above are but the tip of the iceberg of the things that cause men to bound out of bed each morning with enthusiasm for the new day and a zest for life in general. 


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David M. Matthews is an Emmy-winning TV writer, producer, relationship coach, and author.