The Sexiest Thing You Can Put On For A Man Isn't Anything You Wear

Drape yourself in this quality.

Confident woman, tipping her glasses down LOOK | Canva

Confidence is amazing. It can be the sexiest thing about a person. Have you ever met someone who feels comfortable in their skin? You want to be around them. Because they feel good, you feel good. When you have the tools to feel confident, life is just easier. Things don’t get you down. You take setbacks in stride and you navigate the world more effectively. When you don’t feel good about yourself, thinking about how to gain confidence seems so unattainable especially when it comes to body image or dating. Use the following steps to start feeling great.


Here's how to make confidence the sexiest thing you can put on:

1. Talk back to the negative self-talk

Diffuse the thoughts inside your head that make you feel insecure and inferior. For every negative thought you have about yourself, come up with at least two positive things you can say.

RELATED: 3 Tiny Root Causes of Low Self-Confidence, According To A Psychologist

2. Focus on your strengths

Identify positive attributes about yourself and put your time and attention on those features rather than things you don’t like about yourself. Identify things you are good at. Think about your achievements.


3. Recognize everyone makes mistakes

Let go of your missteps rather than beating yourself up. Be gentle with yourself. Try talking to yourself about mistakes like you would with a friend or loved one. We are far less forgiving of ourselves than we would be with anyone else. Get over yourself and don’t take things so seriously. Try to laugh at yourself.

4. Develop an attitude of gratitude

Rather than focusing on what you don’t have, think about the many gifts you possess. Instead of berating yourself for how your legs look, be thankful you have legs that can get you where you need to go.

RELATED: Gratitude For The Small Things Could Have The Biggest Impact On Your Happiness


Confident and happy, she presents the flowers Sirtravelalot via Shutterstock

5. Don’t disqualify the positive

Don’t shut people down when they give you compliments. Recognize no one gives positive feedback because they have to. Listen to the nice things people say to you rather than discount them. Eventually, you might start to believe it!

6. Get outside yourself

Helping others can boost confidence. Stepping away from your insecurities to help someone else goes a long way in helping you to feel good about yourself.


7. Ditch the negative people in your life

Surround yourself with people who build you up rather than tearing you down. When the people closest to us are constantly making us feel bad, our confidence suffers. Build your support system with people who help you feel good. Distance yourself from people who bring you down. Stand up for yourself and don’t allow people to treat you poorly.


distance sometimes lets you know who’s worth keeping and who’s worth letting go❤️‍🩹

♬ Get You The Moon - Kina

RELATED: 16 Little Ways To Protect Your Happiness When You're Surrounded By Negative People

8. Set realistic goals

When it comes to confidence, nothing can boost you up like accomplishing a goal. Make sure your goals are realistic and attainable. Start with a specific and measurable goal that will bring you a sense of accomplishment and success. Each small step builds on the next and before you know it, you will achieve your goal.


Like everything else in life, this process will take time and practice. The more you put in, the more you will get out. When you feel like you can do something, you are much more likely to be successful. Just remember it is about progress, not perfection. Each time you take an opportunity to use these skills, you will get closer to achieving the sense of self you long to have.

RELATED: 7 Tiny Habits Of People With Unparalleled Confidence

Michelle Lewis is committed to helping people create meaningful and lasting change to improve their health and wellness. Areas of specialty include barriers to weight loss, food addiction, emotional eating, binge eating, and compulsive overeating, as well as stress management and relationship issues.
