Server Shares Her Job’s Unforgiving List Of Unexcused Absences That Result In Workers Being Written Up
Many online highlighted the misogyny evident in the list.

From demanding customers to inadequate pay and the ongoing tipping debate, restaurant servers have to deal with many frustrating things while on the clock. Add an insensitive boss to the mix, and things become almost unbearable.
Such was the case for a waitress on Reddit, who shared the list of inexcusable absences posted at her job, some of which are entirely outside of a worker's control.
The server shared her job's unforgiving list of unexcused absences that result in workers being written up.
Many restaurants have strict policies regarding absences. Some demand prior notice, and others require the worker to find a co-worker to cover their shift. The worker on Reddit shared their place of employment's stringent policy, including a picture of a notice posted in the Texas restaurant.
According to the policy reminder, the Redditor's managers require three hours' notice and a doctor's note when absent due to sickness. Yet it was the list of unexcused absences that drew the attention, and anger, of many online.
The notice stated that workers would be written if they called out of work because they were hungover, did not do laundry, had cramps, were tired from staying up late, had a flat tire, didn't like the employees they were scheduled to work with, or didn't have a ride to work. If their pet passed away or was having a medical emergency, that was not excused either, nor was getting pulled over on the way to work or not having a babysitter to watch their children.
Many online called out the sexism evident in the list of unexcused absences.
Of course, workplaces want notice when an employee will not be in attendance; however, a bit of understanding and grace is necessary. Life is often unexpected, and many of the unexcused absences on the list were entirely outside of one's control — not to mention lacking any empathy.
The fact that a boss would expect someone to come to work after their beloved pet passed away is patently absurd, for example, and no one chooses to get pulled over.
Many commenters also pointed out that several items on the list reeked of sexism. "Sounds pretty misogynistic to me," one user wrote.
The waitress agreed, sharing that she has endometriosis, a condition that makes period cramps more painful than usual. "Going to a doctor for a period when there’s nothing they can do is absolutely pointless," she wrote, explaining why she could not get a doctor's note. "They won’t even see you for a period."
Kmpzzz | Shutterstock
Considering that women are still far more likely to be the default parent, listing "no babysitter" as an unexcused absence can also be viewed as misogynistic. What do you expect a parent to do if their babysitter falls through? Leave their child home alone? In some states, that is illegal, but in all, it's certainly inadvisable.
The worker's place of employment may also be breaking the law.
Beyond the list of unexcused absences, another alarming item on the notice stood out to those on Reddit. "Anyone who is calling in due to an illness will be asked to bring a doctor's excuse," it read. "This excuse must include the patient's name, date of birth, time of visit, diagnosis, and when the employee can return to work."
While employers can request a doctor's note, they cannot demand a diagnosis.
"In general, employers have the right to inquire about an employee’s absence from work due to illness or injury. However, there are limitations to the type and extent of information that an employer can request," Aegis Law explained.
"If you call in sick, the employer may ask for the expected duration of absence, your ability to perform their job duties, whether you are under medical treatment or supervision, and to produce a doctor’s note if it will be more than one day," they continued. "An employer cannot require employees to disclose specific medical information about their illness or condition. This means you do not have to give details on your medical history, diagnosis, or treatment unless you consent to it."
At the end of the day, employers should see their workers as people who have lives beyond their jobs. They should give their employees grace and strive to create an environment where people feel respected and supported through difficult moments in their lives — something this Redditor's place of employment clearly failed to do.
Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.