25 Creepiest Ghost Videos On The Internet That Will Give You Nightmares
Don't turn off the light.

"The Ring" has made it almost horrifying to watch any short-clip horror tape or paranormal videos. We're not looking for the TV (or now computer screen) to come alive and take us. Well, for most people, anyway.
But there are still those that love the idea of the scariest ghost videos scare and want content online to creep, spook, and bewilder them. For those who think they can handle the paranormal, we've put together a list of 25 creepy, real ghost videos to give you a fright.
1. Lights Out
Unlike many videos on this list, this short clip was created for suspense versus captured live. Regardless, it scares us all the same and is perfect for those looking for a scare without watching an entire movie-length film.
2. Possible Fallen Angel in Catalonia
While not a very long video, this one-minute clip shows just how spooky a remote forest can be. Pictured is a strange, "real life" ghost or creature sitting and roaming around in Catalonia's Campdevànol.
3. Ghost from Japanese Subway
What's scarier than riding on the subway during rush or peak hours? Sharing that ride with the undead.
A ghost sitting in the Japanese subway is brought to life with this short clip, detailing a ghost coming to life after jumping in front of a train. While not a short-clip film created for YouTube or a real sighting, this segment from Ura Horror is sure to make your hair stand up.
4. Ghost in a Shop
You'll never know what happens behind closed doors unless, of course, you have 24-hour surveillance.
This video of a shop after-hours shows movement said to be prompted by paranormal activity. Perhaps ghosts? With over 9 million views, it must have created at least some believers.
5. While You Were Sleeping
From "The Daily Mail," this is beyond the frightening video of spooky activity happening while a woman sleeps. When we shut our eyes, we're blinded to any spirits that may be hanging around us, leaving us extremely vulnerable and making this video extra scary.
6. The Spooky Halloween
Halloween is apparently not just a day to binge-watch scary movies and dress up as your favorite character or celebrity. It's a day when all ghostly spirits crawl the Earth... apparently. In this scary video, a ghost can be seen lurking the Morialta Falls in Australia.
7. Still Clocking In
We all need to work hard to bring home the bacon... apparently even ghosts. In this scary yet surprisingly comical and bizarre video, a ghost is seen acting as a warehouse janitor. Make sure to pay him overtime.
8. Narrow Halls
In almost every major horror film or scary movie, there seems to be an eerie scene taking place in a hallway. Hello, "The Shining," anyone? In this clip, the hallway makes its reappearance of housing ghostly spirits.
9. On Route 66
While technically the scariest thing on the road is worrying about the other drivers, runners and cyclists, who thought you'd have to add ghosts to the list?
Taking place outside of the United States, apparently, a real-life ghost was seen jaywalking/riding a motorcycle into the abyss. We've had our fair share of sci-fi films to know that vanishing is surely an act for the supernatural.
10. Graveyard Wanderers
The first rule of thumb: never enter a graveyard at night. We feel like that's common sense. Why? Because what could be more haunted by ghosts than their body's burial site?
Don't believe us? Hust watch this very spooky video where ghosts are caught on camera frolicking through the tombstones.
11. The Haunting Tape
We all want to feel like we're safe in our own homes, but when you start to stir up ghostly spirits you may get more than you bargained for. In this video, the commentator is visited by an unwelcome guest, another spirit.
Is it real or fake? It's up to you to decide (and the other 5.7 million other views).
12. The Haunting Tape (Part 2)
So, ghost spirits have taken over your home. You're safe to get some air, right? Apparently not! In this sequel clip, there seem to be spirits lurking within the nature trail. Move aside, giant grizzlies, we're not concerned with you anymore.
13. Ghost Sightings Caught at Schools
What if (in school) you were just trying to pay attention, get good grades, and potentially go to an exceptional college? Those should be your main priorities, right? Not dodging the paranormal. Unfortunately for these kids, they've seen their fair share of ghostly sightings around campus.
14. The Gettysburg Ghost
Many wars and battles have been fought all over the world, some in our very own backyard. While these locations are full of history and lessons to be learned, just remember what lies beneath the surface. If there was ever a place to witness a ghost sighting, Gettysburg would be one of them.
15. Ghost in the House/Blog Gone Wrong
When you're just trying to be a beauty influencer, and a ghost just has to steal your spotlight... We get it, not everyone is meant to be on camera.
16. Levitating Girl in Russian Forest
This video starts out with an adorable dog, but things get weird real quick when a little girl is seen levitating in the middle of a forest. How is this happening? The girl ends up running away once she lands, but it's still incredibly creepy.
17. Ghost Attacks School Lockers
There's one angry ghost in Deerpark CBS, the oldest and most haunted school on the south side of Cork City, Ireland. And for some reason, this ghost really doesn't like school.
18. Ghost Throws Plate and Mug at Man
Another video from "The Daily Mail," the ghost in this one clearly doesn't want company or to talk to anyone! Instead of egging the ghost on, this guy should have immediately left and not looked back.
19. Ghost Screaming in a Haunted Hotel
Not only are the screams in this video absolutely haunting (see what I did there?), but looking at the security footage instills more uneasiness in viewers. You might want to check for hauntings before booking a hotel.
20. Scary CCTV Footage
Enjoy this totally creepy and uncomfortable compilation of terrifying CCTV footage. Because there are certainly ghosts caught on camera, and it's not okay.
21. Ghost Moves Bed in Corridor of the Provincial Hospital
We seriously need a stretcher after this one. This creepy event caught on camera took place at the Provincial Hospital of Rosario, Argentina.
22. The Haunted Canterbury Pub
We go to the bar to drink and have a good time with our friends, not to lose our seats to ghosts! Yeah, we'll take the check, please.
23. The Pantry Ghost
Sometimes we get hungry late at night, but apparently so do ghosts. You might think twice about grabbing a late-night snack next time.
24. Ghost Girl in the Mirror
You see the reflection not turn with its person, too? Yeah, that's totally cool. Don't blame us if we never use a mirror again.
25. Playing on the Stairs
This ghost was caught on a security camera in a family home. The ghost seems to really be into playing on the stairs. Maybe that's how it passed on.
Elizabeth Blasi is a New York-based lifestyle and travel writer who is often seen with a suitcase in hand, jet-setting to her next location. Her work has been featured on Elite Daily, Yahoo Lifestyle, Good Housekeeping, and more.