2 Major Risks Associated With Indulging Your Own Perfectionism
You think perfectionism makes you better, but it's actually the opposite.

I am writing this today from the perspective of a recovering perfectionist. That's me.
Here's a confession, you might relate to. Have you ever tried to make every element of something — a project, an event, anything — so awesome, that you dot all the I's and cross all the T's to make it 1001% perfect, but every time you look at it again you find something that needs to be fixed? Then you can't even truly enjoy the result of all your hard work.
That is the fundamental flaw of perfectionism. But there is an alternative: appreciating progress.
Here's why you need to focus on progress, not perfection.
1. When we are seeking perfection we will never be done
Think about all those different projects you have been trying to complete but there's always something that still needs to be done so it never really gets finished. As humans, we never seem satisfied and always find fault with ourselves and our circumstances. You look at yourself in the mirror and wish you looked better.
When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and said hey, I look good!? For it to be easier to change, you first have to accept yourself.
If you have a big presentation and keep delaying to make it better by adding this and deleting that and so on? It never gets done.
Then, it's the big presentation day. But, with all the delays you missed out on the opportunity to pitch the idea and get feedback so you could actually improve the project. At the end of the day, whatever you do, you serve someone you're supporting. We try to make a difference in their lives.
Being perfectionistic makes it hard to hear feedback that can help us grow
Let's say you make your presentation and get feedback on what your audience wants. So, you tweak it, present it again, and the project elevates to a whole new level because now everyone is on the same page. Whether it's your website or whatever you do as an entrepreneur, you must put your services out there or you won't know if somebody needs it or not.
So start looking at the different items on your to-do list. Instead of waiting to be perfect, just get it done. With that, you will make progress.
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Make each step count
It could be a tiny step. It could be a big leap. But take each step forward, even if it's small. Take one step forward because it counts.
It could even be clearing the clutter in your house. Pick up one piece of clutter every day and put it away. The first few days you may only pick up one thing at a time, maybe after a few days you'll start picking up two things. It accelerates the momentum and before you know it, the space will be much more presentable.
Once you start making this a way of life, you achieve progress. Remember, to take small steps and you will be amazed at how far you'll, and how quickly you get there.
Enjoy your many adventures as you embody this principle. It has made a huge difference for me.
Archanaa Shyam is an Intuitive Visionary Strategist and Catalyst and medical intuitive who is a student of Shamanic Astrology. She is a medical intuitive, a master energy transmitter and channel, and integrates all of these interests and talents into helping clients in various ways.