Research Reveals 10 Common Traits In Men That Make Women Instantly Reject Them
These behaviors are big no-nos for most women.

While it may seem fairly easy to figure out what attracts a woman to a man, what about the things that turn a woman off? What are the specific types of qualities that women don't find attractive in men and that even repel them from women? And do these things change over time?
What repels women the most in women — both initially and long-term? In a massive survey from 2011 of more than 20,000 men and women, YourTango partnered with Glo and Chemistry to determine what the true power of attraction in relationships is.
Women are most repelled by these 10 qualities, according to research:
1. Poor personal hygiene
If she can sniff you before she even comes close, you may want to revisit your personal hygiene routine. According to a poll, 28% of women find Sandalwood as the loveliest scent.
2. Narcissism/lack of empathy
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
According to research from 2021, up to 5% of the American population has a narcissistic personality disorder.
3. Lack of chemistry
Women often want to give the nice guy a chance, but sometimes being sweet or nice isn't enough to make a relationship. If there's no chemistry, you can't force it.
4. Boredom/lack of adventure
cottonbro studio / Pexels
A little mystery and adventure never hurt anyone. A man who doesn't reveal everything about himself on the first date and asks women questions as much as he talks about himself is someone she'll consider second date material.
5. Immaturity
Being on a date with a clear man-child will make any woman run for the hills.
6. Racist or prejudiced speech
This is a no-brainer. No woman is going to put up with racist, prejudiced, or misogynistic ideologies.
7. Extreme views on religion
It's fine that you go to church every Sunday, but don't try to convert women to your religion or force your beliefs on her.
8. Lack of spark
New Africa / Shutterstock
Sometimes there are no fireworks and no spark on a first date with a man, and that's nobody's fault — it's more of a compatibility issue — but it's doubtful she'll consider a second date without a spark.
9. Lack of intelligence
Men don't need to be Oxford graduates, but being able to hold a smart conversation and be fairly up-to-date on current events is something most women find attractive.
10. Lack of drive/ambition
Men who know what they want in life and go after it are irresistible to women. Men without ambition, on the other hand, often come across as lazy, directionless, and childlike: adjectives that aren't attractive when it comes to finding a great woman.
Kait Smith is an editor, writer, and social media manager, who writes on love and relationships.