10 Kind Reminders That You’re Actually ‘A Better Person’ Than You Think
Perfect reminders for a quick self-confidence boost.

Oftentimes, we make grandiose resolutions and set inspiring goals to try to force ourselves to “be better.” Whether that means finding a great partner, reading more, or attempting to be healthier, we often set our focus on the next best thing.
However, house of investors on Instagram wants you to remember to look at the great qualities you already have and how many are a testament to the fact that you’re likely “a better person” than you think.
Here are 10 kind reminders that you’re actually a better person than you think.
1. 'You compliment others when it’s deserved'.
Whether you appreciate someone’s sense of style or find someone’s insight intriguing, giving a compliment is a simple way to acknowledge them.
Most people underestimate the power of a compliment, not just for the recipient but for the person giving it. Studies show that not only does “compliment giving” make the people around you feel better, it also has a huge impact on the way you feel about yourself.
So if you’re sitting on public transit, commuting to work, or taking a stroll, don't hesitate to make someone’s day but giving a compliment when it strikes you. By doing so, you’ll actually be making yourself feel better, too.
2. 'You’re grateful for your loved ones'
Your inner circle of friends, family, and loved ones shapes the world around you.
Photo: Brothers91/ Canva Pro
So, be grateful for those wonderful people in your life and express gratitude in ways that bolster their confidence and your own. It’ll look different for everyone, but consider implementing gratitude practices — whether it’s small acts of kindness, words of affirmation, or gratitude journaling — into your routine.
3. 'You're polite and respectful'
Politeness is much more than table manners and social etiquette. Susan Hursey, owner and founder of Space for English, shared that there are three pinnacles of “politeness” that people should adopt that allow them to grow into better versions of themselves.
“Don’t impose, give options, and make the other person feel good,” she wrote.
People want to feel respected and appreciated. So, providing them space, being a good friend, respecting boundaries, or giving them praise when deserved goes a long way.
4. 'You’re kind to everyone'
Being a “better person” is the most objective statement there is and we all strive for it. One way we quantify “being better” is through the kindness, ambition, and love that we share with the people around us.
Nicola Marasco discussed on TikTok the importance of kindness in growing as a person and how sharing it with strangers can leave an influential impact.
“Somewhere out there, there is a complete stranger who remembers you,” he said. “They remember you because you did something kind for them once and it still lives in their head.”
5. 'You’re honest'
Not only does honesty improve our relationships and connections, but it also has several psychological benefits, as well. Being honest can both “boost self-esteem” and improve our mental health long-term.
If you’ve ever told a white lie or kept a secret, you know the emotional toll it can take. So, “bettering yourself” this year might be as simple as telling the truth.
6. 'You’re optimistic'
Our thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives on life craft the world around us. If you believe that your best days are ahead, they definitely are. If you’re less optimistic and have a negative outlook, you’re likely to sabotage the promise of good things.
The power of optimism is not only making you “a better person,” but it’s also radically changing your mental and physical health.
“The ability for you to stay optimistic produces a buffer against your probability of experiencing depression,” Dr. Medina, author of “Brain Rules For Aging Well,” told Forbes.
In combating depression with optimism, you also see a decline in the potential for other cardiovascular and nervous system illnesses.
7. 'You’re generous with others'
Generosity is more than gifts. It can also mean giving people space when they need it, advocating for them, and providing them with a listening ear in times of need. Like many enthusiastically preach, when we give to others, we’re also giving to ourselves.
Sociologists Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson suggest there’s a tangible link between generosity and happiness, arguing that participants in their recent study who were “very happy” were more likely to spend time volunteering or donating.
8. 'You take responsibility for your actions'
Self-empowerment and confidence are intertwined with personal growth. Taking control of your actions is fundamental to how you navigate through life. It’s your habits, everyday decisions, and goals that have the power to truly change your life and the only person who is responsible for those is you.
So, while taking responsibility for your wrong-doings in conflict is essential to growth, you also have to hold yourself accountable to habits and decisions that keep your mind, body, and soul equally happy.
9. 'You’re wise'
While many categorize wisdom as an intellectual trait, the truth is, it often comes into play in more social settings than educational ones.
“You don’t have to open your mouth and dump out everything that’s going on in your brain,” @boldbelievers shared on TikTok. “You don’t have to tell people everything you know.”
Instead of brain-dumping or trying to “one-up” someone in conversation, use your words thoughtfully. Know when it’s healthier to keep things to yourself, and when it is important to share. That’s true wisdom.
10. 'You don’t wallow in self-pity'
Playing the victim is a coping mechanism that hinders growth. Instead of facing up to the challenge of healing, asking for help, or admitting the truth of our pain, we retreat to a place where we stay stagnant.
While everyone deserves rest and comfort, wallowing in our self-pity is not helping anyone. Take action, make decisions, and foster habits that hold you accountable for your actions, and don’t let the things that happen to you decide the rest of your life.
It's sometimes harder to recognize the good in ourselves than it is to point out areas that need improvement.
Striving to improve is always something to celebrate, but it's equally important to sit back and revel in who you are right in this moment.
If no one told you today, you are amazing. Show yourself some love because you deserve it.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a news and entertainment writer at YourTango focusing on pop culture and human interest stories.