9 Psychological Traits That Make People Less Attractive

These subtle traits alter another person's perception of you.

serious woman out in nature AlexandrMusuc | Shutterstock

There's no worse feeling in the world than feeling unattractive. While having one bad hair day or outfit can throw us off, being perceived in this way feels terrible.

But there are ways to avoid the embarrassment, and it begins by understanding a few very specific traits.

Here are 9 psychological traits that make people less attractive

1. Not getting enough sleep

woman with head in hands looking stressed Evgeny Atamanenko | Shutterstock

Looking tired can unfortunately impact attractiveness. And it all has to do with not getting enough restful sleep each night.

One study found that those who were rated attractive looked noticeably healthier than those who were not. This study ties into another finding, which determined that "Sleep-deprived people appear less healthy, less attractive, and more tired compared with when they are well rested."

Those who don't get enough sleep should make it a point to get to bed at a decent time, as a lack of quality sleep can have some pretty detrimental effects.

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2. Disrespecting others

woman crossing arms looking annoyed while man looks down Perfect Wave | Shuttetstock

Destroying any chance of being perceived as attractive begins with having bad manners. When people are rude or disrespectful to others, it lets others know that they don't care. When people refuse to say things like "excuse me" or "please," it shows their ignorance or conceit.

Regardless, being rude can have a big impact. According to research, even witnessing rude behavior can negatively impact the cognitive process and performance. Individuals who are disrespectful need to be careful of what they say and how they act in public, as it might just come back to bite them.


3. Being constantly stressed out

woman looking burnout and stressed while sitting down at work Quality Stock Arts | Shutterstock

Everyone gets stressed from time to time. Maybe it's work or personal relationships, but no matter the cause, it's important to manage daily stress. Otherwise, it can become all-consuming and make us appear unattractive.

People prefer others who prioritize mental health. And for those who get stressed easily, this directly impacts the ability to take care of mental health. A study focused on employees found that workers who experienced burnout also experienced a decrease in their mental well-being, leading to depression or anxiety. And that, unfortunately, makes people less attractive over time.


4. Being lazy or unproductive

man looking unmotivated while sitting in front of laptop fizkes | Shutterstock

People who are lazy are seen as less attractive. Being seen as unproductive is a turn-off and, according to research, students rate lazy students (regardless of how attractive they are physically) as less attractive and less likable.

For individuals who are considered lazy, it's in their best interest to work hard. People admire those with good work ethic in their day-to-day lives, and use them as role models to drive or inspire them forward. 


5. Bragging

man facetiming while showing off car voronaman | Shutterstock

There's nothing wrong with celebrating accomplishments, but there's a fine line between celebrating and bragging. For those who can't help but brag, they are unfortunately viewed as less attractive than everyone else.

Boasting can come off as intolerable and annoying, but even worse is something called humblebraggingAccording to research, humblebragging makes people less likable than those who just brag outright. Why not just avoid bragging altogether, just to play it safe?

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6. Acting insecure

woman looking upset while hugging knees gpointstudio | Shutterstock

Each person has insecurities that are hard to admit, but just like anything in life, there's a call for balance. Being perceived as unattractive often relates to the inability to maintain that balance and get those insecurities under control.

One study found that women preferred men who were self-confident within themselves. Women tend to find secure men more attractive than those who are insecure, likely because they see them as more competent.

For people who aren't the most confident, there are minor tweaks that can make a difference. They can straighten their posture, speak clearly, or just fake it until they make it.


7. Being unreliable

woman complaining to older woman while older woman isn't paying attention fizkes | Shutterstock

It's a relatable experience to most: having that one person in life who is unreliable. Maybe they bail on plans last minute or forget to text back. Of course, their friends and family still adore them, but being seen as unreliable can have a huge impact on a person's level of attractiveness.

Most people get tired of reminding others to do what they promised to do, leading to a build-up of resentment and distrust. All of these negative emotions combined can lead a person to appear less attractive and, by extension, less trustworthy.


8. Lying about little things

two women arguing outside MDV Edwards | Shutterstock

It's human nature to tell white lies and, in some instances, it's not a bad decision. However, it's never a good idea to make lying a habit. After all, nobody likes a liar.

Research has shown that honest people are perceived as more attractive than those who lie. So, even when it's difficult, it's best to tell the truth, as doing so leads to more admiration and being perceived as trustworthy.


9. Having contradicting body language

man crossing arms while looking out window Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

Humans like things to align in order for it all to make sense. But when a person's body language contradicts itself, it becomes confusing. People care about body language and it can make or break desirability.

For instance, research says that expansive (open) body language increases desirability. But if body language contradicts itself – for instance, smiling but having aggressive body language – that can lead to being perceived as unattractive, as the body language makes others uncomfortable.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.
