Your Spirit Guide Sends 6 Specific Signs When Something Isn't Meant For You, According To A Psychic

“These are the signs your spirit guides are saying STOP.”

Woman listening to spirt guides Beautrium / Shutterstock

Whether you believe in spirit guides, guardian angels, or some interpretation in between, when contemplating a change in your life, the universe speaks to you in more ways than you might imagine. However, as humans, we often get so carried away in our desires and impulses that we miss the subtle signs that show up when something is not meant for us.

Tahverlee, a psychic and self-described “temple keeper,” helps people interpret the signs they receive from their guides. She took to TikTok to share the signs individuals may come across when warned about potential danger or misalignment.


These signs are similar to a “caution, or a warning sign, or a great, big stop sign,” she said. But if we're not paying attention and staying mindful of our intuitive guidance, they're easy to miss or ignore.


Here are 6 signs your spirit guides send you when something isn't meant for you, according to a psychic:

1. You experience delays

While delays can happen for various reasons and may not always be connected to misalignment, when you notice you are experiencing delays for the same plans repeatedly, Tahverlee suggests you “take a moment and ask yourself why.”

These delays can signify that the timing isn’t right or that the path you’re pursuing isn’t aligned with your highest good. Rather than forcing something that may not be right for you, evaluate why these delays might occur and if they indicate a warning sign.

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Or, as Phil Good, an intuitive life coach, pointed out on TikTok, sometimes these delays indicate a need for patience as you may not be ready to pursue this path just yet.

"It's so important to accept where you are in life because without that sense of alignment, where are you going?" he explained. "There's a reason why you're being halted, and it's because you need to bring all of you with you when it's time for you to pick up and go again."

While these delays may seem like inconveniences at first, spirit guides use these setbacks to protect you from unfavorable outcomes and offer you the opportunity to pause and reconsider your options.

2. Your body has a bad feeling

Our bodies are highly intuitive and can often sense when something is wrong before our minds catch up. A persistent bad feeling, such as a knot in your stomach, tightness in your chest, or a sense of unease, can be a strong indication from your spirit guides that you must reevaluate your choices. These physical sensations are your body’s way of communicating that something isn’t right and that you need to take a step back and reassess the situation.


When faced with these feelings of unease, Tahverlee recommends you “take a pause” and “ask yourself, ‘Why do I feel this way?’”

3. Something feels off, and you can’t understand what it is

You might encounter a situation where everything appears to be perfectly fine on the surface, but deep down, something feels off. This inexplicable feeling of dissonance can be a nudge from your spirit guides to pause and question where this feeling is stemming from.

When something is truly meant for you, you will know based on the way you feel undeniably aligned. There isn’t any discomfort, hesitance, or uncertainty — you just know. When you feel the opposite of this and can’t quite place your finger on why something doesn’t feel right, you should trust your intuition.

“It’s a sign for you to stop and pause,” Tahverlee explained. “It is definitely the way your spirit guides will come into your field and let you know that something is not for you or not to proceed because it will just feel off.”


If something feels off, it’s off. Your intuition never lies.

♬ Calm - Faneo sound

As Mel Robbins emphasized herself, "Your intuition never lies. The issue isn't your intuition, the issue is you have not found the courage to listen to it. You're questioning it. That will change the moment you start to act based on your intuition."

RELATED: 8 Ways To Sharpen Your Intuition So Decisions Come Really Easy For You

4. You can’t sleep at night

Restlessness and insomnia can be more than just physical issues — they can also be spiritual signals.


If you don’t typically experience insomnia but are struggling to sleep night after night, tossing and turning because of an upcoming change or plan you’re contemplating, this could be your spirit guides trying to get your attention and warn that this path may not be meant for you. If it were, it wouldn’t be interfering with your sleep and keeping you up at night.

If this is happening to you, Tahverlee said to ask yourself why you can’t sleep, take some deep breaths, and evaluate how this lack of sleep may be signifying an intuitive sense of misalignment.

5. You get sick

Tahverlee explained that oftentimes, as soon as you’ve made a decision, you’ll receive a sign from the spirit world by getting sick. While it could just be a common virus or cold, getting sick causes you to slow down and be mindful of your needs, which Tahverlee said is “the goal.” By taking time to heal and recover, you are allowed to reevaluate your decision and gain some clarity.

Additionally, this sickness may be your body’s way of telling you that something in your environment or lifestyle is not conducive to your well-being.

@language.of.vibration This is just one of the ways intuition can make you sick! Your body talks, and it is your job to listen. 👂 I walked out of that job and never went back. I definitely burnt a bridge, but I also stepped fully into my calling and never looked back. 🙃 Sometimes when our survivals on the line you don't want to listen to our intuition. The truth is that we will survive much better and even get into a state of thriving within life if we stop and actually follow directions. That means more money, more stability. Better love and just all around wholeness and well being. But it's scary. I wish instagram would let me talk for ten minutes on this instead of just ninety seconds. And that's my answer to if intuition can make you sick? #energysickness #intuition ♬ original sound - Misti Miller

One psychic medium on TikTok, Misti Miller, shared her own experience on how agreeing to help manage a friend's pizzeria caused her to constantly get sick on her drive there, which she realized was a sign she wasn't meant to be there. Funily enough, the sickness she felt suddenly disappeared as she drove away from the place.

6. Things start to break

You know that superstition about how breaking a mirror means seven years of bad luck? This is similar to that. Accidents do happen, and breaking a mirror, or anything for that matter, doesn’t necessarily symbolize bad luck.

But when the transfer of energy is heightened within your energy field, it will cause items to shatter and break, signifying a need to reexamine the choices you’re currently making.


Woman looking in broken mirror Ground Picture / Shutterstock

“The things might not have anything to do with what it is you’re contemplating or what decision you’ve made, and it’s usually more than one,” Tahverlee shared. “Things fall, slip out of your hands, things in your field fall and break in front of you, you see things breaking, and it’s a very strong sign to stop.”

These physical and loud disruptions are often a way for your guides to get your attention and urge you to reflect on whether you’re on the right path.


Be mindful of the numerous signs that appear in our daily lives.

Positive or negative, we all see signs daily. Whether they’re in repeating numbers or strong sensations you feel within, your intuition is always speaking to you. You just have to learn how to understand these signs, and thanks to spiritual teachers like Tahverlee, you can.

“When we are contemplating big decisions, small decisions, any decisions, or we don’t know where we’re supposed to be making decisions, we’re often looking around us for signs," Tahverlee said, "and they’re always there, specifically the ones that tell you, ‘Nope, not this way.’” 

RELATED: 10 Sneaky Ways Your Spirit Guides & Angels Always Guide You

​​Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics. 
