11 Phrases Winners Use That Losers Just Don't Get

Being a winner doesn't mean scoring victories every time. It's all about resilience.

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Many people might define a winner as someone who consistently triumphs in every competition, always excels at work, and has a large social circle. However, constant victories don't make someone an authentic winner. Rather, a true winner can be categorized as someone who understands resilience, growth, and the ability to learn from setbacks. 

While they may not necessarily "win" all the time, there are certain phrases winners use that losers just don't get, as winners know how to handle both their victories and their defeats. This is something that losers, or people who refuse to let themselves learn and take risks, cannot quite grasp.

Here are 11 phrases winners use that losers just don't get

1. 'Failure is just a stepping stone'

man learning from his mistakes Drazen Zigic | Shutterstock

Winners understand that no matter how hard they may try at something, failure is an inevitable part of life. Rather than take it as a sign of weakness and to stop trying, winners view every failure as a chance to adjust their strategies, refine their skills, and grow stronger for next time.

According to executive coach and speaker Dr. Sam Collins, her first real failure of being fired from a dream job is what launched her into success. "I highly recommend losing at least one job in your life because it gives you awareness and an aliveness you don't get when you have the same job for life. It forces you to tune in to what you truly want in a career," she shared. "Failing is an inevitable part of creating your destiny, and it gave me the platform to start my own business and follow my biggest dreams."

If you take a look at the big picture, failure is truly just a stepping stone leading up to your biggest successes. And by saying this to yourself, it becomes one of the phrases winners use that losers just don't get.

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2. 'I'll figure it out as I go'

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Winners are motivated individuals who are uncomfortable with uncertainty and do not have a rigid plan on how they will achieve their success. Plans are not always guaranteed, and winners know that sometimes they must adapt along the way. Still, their go with the flow attitude typically does not limit them from taking charge of parts of their success.

"It is possible to have a 'flow' attitude in life, but still work toward goals and dreams that are meaningful to you," revealed corporate consultant Beverly D. Flaxington. "Waking up each day to wonder what's going to happen next may ultimately lead you to the same room in your apartment day after day. You do have to step outside and explore, try new things, and make reasonable plans for where you want to go."

Not every successful person has a plan, and this is something winners acknowledge wholeheartedly. They have the knowledge and experience to make something happen, even if it's not set in stone.

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3. 'The grind never stops'

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"The grind" often refers to a period of hard and monotonous work, constantly persisting toward certain goals. Winners know that hard work and persistence are essential to their success journey.

While it is necessary to take a breather and allow yourself some rest, rigorous work and focus toward your goals will ultimately help them manifest. Winners understand the importance of the grind, and how being consistent with it will help them stay on track and continue to win in life.

In fact, though hardworking people are always in a "go go go" mindset, they occasionally find some time to slow down, are incredibly self-aware, and don't let everyday setbacks frustrate them. By telling themselves that "the grind never stops," it becomes one of the phrases winners use that losers just don't get.

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4. 'Success is a journey, not a destination'

woman working to be successful Gorodenkoff | Shutterstock

Winning in the long-term is about progress, not perfection. Life is full of ups and downs, and winners focus on their long-term growth and self-improvement, rather than the occasional failures and losses along the way.

True success consists of a combination of small wins and losses, and a journey to success emphasizes the continuous growth we experience with these wins and losses. The perspective that success is a journey and not a destination allows winners to focus on something bigger than the desired outcome. It involves overcoming challenges and embracing growth opportunities that will only help you maintain your success.

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5. 'I control my own destiny'

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Losers often wait around for something good to come for them. But winners, on the other hand, go out and chase it. That's why "I control my own destiny" is one of the phrases winners use that losers just don't get. Winners take responsibility for their actions and decisions, and understand that they hold the power to shape their future.

Research from the Journal of Applied Psychology suggests that taking control of your own destiny will increase your odds in achieving your goals. And, according to Taylor Matthews, founder and CEO of Farther Finance, "The buck stops with you. If you want to succeed, you need to make your own luck. And when things don't go your way, you need to find the silver lining and refocus your energy rather than dwell on the past or blame others."

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6. 'I'll do whatever it takes'

ambitious man ready to run Jacob Lund | Shutterstock

Winners have a willingness to push far beyond their comfort zones and go the extra mile to make their dreams a reality. They have the mindset of pushing themselves forward, never stopping no matter what setbacks they face.

Even if the road is filled with unexpected bumps, they take it upon themselves to adjust their course rather than turn around and go back. Instead of hoping that they will eventually work their way to that point, winners have common sense to take whatever actions necessary to dominate success. Losers, on the other hand, stop at the first sign of trouble, abandoning their ambitions in place of comfort.

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7. 'I don't have time for excuses'

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George Washington Carver once said "Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses." While losers may blame their lack of action on being too tired or pin it on other people, these excuses do not exist in a winner's vocabulary. They focus on solutions instead of things that cannot be done.

Excuses are a sign of avoiding responsibility and hindering your own growth, something that winners do not pass up on.

"If you look in the spectrum of most successful people, you will know that they never used excuses for any purpose," author Harshada Pathare shared. "Excuses are the main reason we settle for less and it is not related to minimalism but unproductivity or limited use of skills and talent."

Winners understand that the key to their success is not just having good intentions. It is about holding themselves accountable to take concrete steps to make it happen with no excuses.

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8. 'Setbacks are a part of the process'

woman experiencing setbacks at work fizkes | Shutterstock

Winners don't let setbacks derail their progress. Instead, they view them as natural parts of achieving big goals. They use those bumps in the road as a way to push themselves forward, thinking of it as something minor, not something that can end their ambitions.

Setbacks are often perceived as "setups for comebacks." They are not failures, but rather, valuable learning experiences that reveal the areas that we can improve upon our skills and knowledge by analyzing what went wrong.

Research from Harvard Business School suggests that those who take the time to go over where they fell short during setbacks are better prepared for future obstacles, increasing their confidence and abilities to handle these setbacks.

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9. 'How can I make this happen?'

man thinking about his goals voronaman | Shutterstock

Winners are always asking themselves how they can improve their skills and make their victories happen. Of all the phrases winners use that losers just don't get, asking themselves how they can bring a goal to fruition is meant to motivate winners.

Instead of dwelling on what could potentially hold them back, they shift their mindset to find creative solutions. This question fosters a sense of control and responsibility for people so they feel obligated to actually do the work to make their success happen.

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10. 'I'm not interested in comfort; I'm interested in growth'

smiling professional man working on his personal growth Face Stock | Shutterstock

Winners are willing to step out of their comfort zones to achieve greater things, and do not let unfamiliar territory hold them back. Instead, they use it as an opportunity to shape them into stronger and more resilient individuals.

According to David Yeager, PhD, an associate professor of developmental psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, people who have a growth mindset, or the belief that one's abilities and intelligence can be developed and learned rather than fixed or innate, are more likely to achieve more, overcome challenges, and be creative problem-solvers.

Winners know that constantly sticking with what feels comfortable will only hinder their growth, and never allow them a chance to be successful. Losers, meanwhile, would rather sacrifice their personal growth for staying in their comfort zone, choosing instead to have a negative mindset.

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11. 'Time is my most valuable asset'

man looking at his wrist watch PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

Money and possessions will come and go, but nothing can ever replace time. Every moment spent is gone forever. Winners are especially aware of what they make of their limited time, and it encourages them to prioritize what really matters and to avoid distractions. Unfortunately, losers may waste time worrying about the things they won't accomplish, rather than moving forward and not dwelling on what could potentially happen.

A paper titled "Buying Time Promotes Happiness," published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reported that working adults reveal higher levels of happiness when they spend money on a time-saving purchase rather than a materialistic one. 

While money and material items may launch you into success, they won't always be a safety net. The one finite resource that surrounds all of us is time. And winners know how to spend it wisely.

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Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.
