10 Phrases People Use When They Have No Personality
Having no personality doesn't mean you're an introvert; rather, it means you use a few very specific phrases.

Most people would like to think they're fun and outgoing, or are interesting people with a lot of emotional depth. But for some, that's not always the case, and it has a lot to do with the words they speak.
It turns out, there are phrases people use that indicate they have no personality, and these phrases can have the opposite effect.
Here are 10 phrases people use when they have no personality
1. 'It is what it is'
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Most people have heard or uttered the phrase, "It is what it is," when something unexpected or unconventional happens. On the surface, this might seem like a harmless or good phrase to use. After all, being able to keep a cool head always is.
But constantly approaching life this way shows a lack of personality. It's normal to react and to get phased by certain circumstances, and it's only human to get upset sometimes. Showcasing these emotions is how we connect with others, and how we're able to empathize with what someone else is going through.
Plus, suppressing emotions is never a good thing. Multiple studies have shown that emotional suppression leaves negative emotions intact while decreasing positive emotions. And for people who use this phrase constantly, it becomes clear over time.
2. 'Whatever works'
Roman Samborskyi | Shutterstock
Some may think it's helpful to let another person lead, saying, "Whatever works for you," when asked about upcoming plans or outings. But constantly pinning the responsibility on others doesn't just show a lack of personality or preferences — it shows a lack of leadership as well.
A lack of leadership can frustrate those who are trying to have a good time with minimum stress involved. So, in order to put everyone in a good mood, it's best to make collective decisions together. One study even found that collective decision-making is great for reducing emotional stress. And that's a win-win.
3. 'I guess so'
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There's nothing more bland than saying, "I guess so," when asked a question. Not only does it show a lack of depth or thought, but it can also open the door for miscommunications or misunderstandings.
According to research, feeling misunderstood leads to higher rates of stress, lower rates of life satisfaction, and lower motivation. This is why having clarity is a key part of communication.
Saying, "I guess so" makes the other person assume responsibility, meaning they must interpret a person's wants, answers, and desires, which may or may not always be accurate.
4. 'I can't complain too much'
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The phrase, "I can't complain too much," is annoying for most. In some instances, it can mean that the person saying it is content in life. However, in other cases, it can mean that they are content with the circumstances in their life, regardless if they're ideal or not.
Regardless, many people view this phrase as a sign of laziness or a lack of ambition and, by extension, a lack of personality.
5. 'I'm not that picky'
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Uttering the phrase, "I'm not that picky," does the opposite of what it's intended to do. And though a person might not want to be seen as difficult, someone saying they have no preference does one of two things: it shows they have no opinions, or they have no personality of their own.
Individuality is just as important as conforming. One study found that living authentically is key to overall well-being. So, people should never be afraid to speak up and express their opinions, as it might just benefit them in the end.
6. 'I don't really care'
Antonio Guillem | Shutterstock
The phrase, "I don't care" shows a lack of compassion and personality. When someone uses this phrase, they are really saying, "This isn't important to me." And that can make people's perception quite negative.
It's important for people to express interest in what others are doing. Even if they find it boring, they should do their best and try. Because, as research shows, engaging in a variety of activities makes people happier than doing what they normally do.
7. 'I'm just here'
Antonio Guillem | Shutterstock
There's nothing more mood-crushing than someone who uses the phrase, "I'm just here." It tells others that they don't want to be there, and exposes a lack of consideration for others' time.
Even if it isn't the intention, saying this phrase shows an absence of enthusiasm or excitement, which comes off as having no personality.
It's best to avoid using this phrase; instead, one should say what they really want to say.
8. 'It's not a big deal'
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Saying, "It's not a big deal" is incredibly dismissive and cold. Understand that human beings need connection to thrive; we need to feel understood and appreciated. Without this, we might feel cheated or left in the dust by those who are supposed to treasure us most.
Studies suggest that being understood makes us feel important, worthy, and empowered. Yet, when we say, "It's not a big deal," we're taking that away from others. We're disregarding their feelings, and that's not okay.
9. 'It's not even worth arguing over'
Perfect Wave | Shutterstock
While it may seem helpful to say, "It's not even worth arguing over," this comes off as being avoidant instead. And this type of mindset includes a lack of compassion, emotional intelligence, and awareness, making someone who utters it appear to lack a personality.
On the surface, avoidance could be a good thing. Research says that avoidance relieves fear temporarily; however, long-term avoidance causes a loss in social engagement or activities. And as human beings who need social support to thrive, this simply isn't good.
10. 'I'm not overly opinionated'
Antonio Guillem | Shutterstock
Everyone has their opinions, whether it's weather or politics. But these opinions shape a person's personality and can determine whether or not they stand out.
People who say, "I'm not overly opinionated" are often perceived as lacking the ability to form their own opinions as well as having an underdeveloped personality. And not having an opinion, and therefore being inauthentic, makes it harder to fit in and connect with others.
Studies show that just knowing that others share the same opinion makes people feel better connected to a group, showcasing the importance of a person developing themselves and their ideologies.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.