12 Phrases People Say When They Have A Super Strong Personality

People show their confidence in different ways.

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Believing in yourself isn’t always easy, but the more you affirm and manifest what you want, the more confidence you’ll have. While some people have high self-esteem from a young age, others must take specific steps to foster it.

People show their confidence in different ways. Some are quietly self-assured, yet others want everyone to know how great they are. Those people shout their accomplishments from the rooftops. They celebrate their wins and express themselves authentically, no matter where they are.

Here are 12 phrases people say when they have a super strong personality:

1. ‘I refuse to settle for less than I deserve’

woman smiling outside mavo | Shutterstock

The phrase “I refuse to settle for less than I deserve” is something people say when they have a super strong personality. It indicates that they have a high sense of self-worth and won’t let anyone else dictate their choices. Because they believe deeply in their merit, they act in ways that highlight their self-respect.

While it might seem counterintuitive, people who are highly regarded in their communities build their self-respect by acknowledging everyone around them. As life coach Alex Mathers explained, reaching out to others “instantly puts you in a responsible, compassionate position.”

He shared that cultivating connections with others “will amplify your self-respect right away.”

People with super-strong personalities know their own worth, and they focus on the quality of their relationships rather than the quantity.

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2. ‘I’m not here to make friends’

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Sometimes, having a super strong personality can make it difficult for people to get along with others. They need to feel like they’re in charge, so they say phrases like, “I’m not here to make friends.” Using this phrase can indicate that someone has a superiority complex and they don’t care who knows it. They hold themselves above others because they have a big ego and a grandiose sense of self.

You might hear this phrase uttered by your extra-competitive coworker who doesn’t care who they step over to get the promotion they think they deserve. Often, when someone says, “I’m not here to make friends,” it indicates that someone feels more insecure than they want to let on. By saying, “I’m not here to make friends,” they protect themselves from being hurt if they don’t make friends.

We all have insecurities, even people with super-strong personalities. The more vulnerable we allow ourselves to be, the more we open ourselves to true friendship.


3. ‘I trust my judgment’

man working on laptop fizkes | Shutterstock

Another phrase people say when they have a super strong personality: "I trust my judgment.” They might say this when faced with a difficult decision or when others doubt them. They reveal how deep their self-assurance runs by telling people how much they trust themselves.

Aimee Leigh, a clairvoyant teacher, shared steps for strengthening one's sense of intuition and learning to trust one's inner judgment.

“Pay attention to your instincts and gut reactions in various situations, and learn to trust and act upon them,” she advised. “Practice listening to your inner voice without dismissing or overthinking it.”

Leigh emphasized that tuning into your intuition can be done through daily habits, like journaling, developing a gratitude practice, and spending time alone.

Mindfulness takes dedication and focus, yet learning to trust your judgment is the reward.


4. ‘You can’t dull my shine’

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People say the phrase “You can’t dull my shine” when they have a super strong personality and they want to let their truest selves show. Yet being authentic and letting yourself shine depends on more than just saying certain phrases; it requires people to take specific actions.

Patricia Magerkurth, a life and business coach, explained that authenticity is rooted in self-acceptance.

“Showing up and being authentic means we must think clearly about what we value, want, and need for our well-being,” she revealed.

In order to be authentic, people have to consider what’s important to them and set clear boundaries. Authenticity demands honesty and self-compassion. People must believe in their capacity to grow and change to let their light shine.

5. ‘Giving up isn’t an option’

woman working fizkes | Shutterstock

One phrase people say when they have a super strong personality is rooted in extreme determination and drive: “Giving up isn’t an option.” Maybe you heard your soccer coach say during a championship game. Perhaps you had a demanding boss who said this phrase when sales were down. Maybe you said this phrase to yourself as a way to push yourself and reach whatever goal you were aiming for.

“Giving up isn’t an option” is a phrase that people with super-strong personalities use when facing challenges. They have high expectations for what they’re able to achieve. While being determined is usually a positive personality trait, pushing yourself too hard can lead to extreme burnout, which is hard to bounce back from. Acknowledging that everyone experiences failure at some point in their lives is essential to maintaining resilience.


6. ‘I don’t have time for excuses’

man working on laptop Prostock-studio | Shutterstock

The phrase “I don’t have time for excuses” is often used by people with a super-strong personality. While it’s valuable to have goals in mind and work toward them, this phrase suggests maintaining a toxically rigid mindset that can do more harm than good.

There’s a valuable difference between expecting people to work up to their full potential and not providing space to rest and reset. It’s one thing to be so inconsistent that you never follow through on what you say you’ll do, and something else entirely to try your hardest but miss the mark.

“I don’t have time for excuses” is a phrase someone with a fixed mindset might say, as opposed to having a growth mindset, which allows for flexibility, changing course, and learning from past mistakes.

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7. ‘I’m a leader, not a follower’

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When people have a super strong personality, they say the phrase, “I’m a leader, not a follower.” This phrase indicates that they believe in themselves so much that they might struggle to share the spotlight. Of course, people in charge must believe in themselves and their mission, but being a strong leader can also require stepping back to truly listen to what others say.

A successful manager knows how to listen to what’s essential to their team members. They provide opportunities for open discussion, and they don’t shy away from hearing constructive feedback. They understand that leading isn’t about always being right but admitting when you’re wrong and seeing mistakes as opportunities to learn.


8. ‘I live on my terms’

woman in car maxbelchenko | Shutterstock

The phrase “I live life on my terms” is something people say when they have a super strong personality. This phrase harnesses the power of positive energy and allows people to be the most confident versions of themselves. People who say this phrase don’t live their lives according to anyone else’s markers of success. Instead, they design their happiness and live according to their truth.

People with super strong personalities who let the world know how confident they are that playing the comparison game will leave them feeling unfulfilled, as though something is missing in their lives. Because they know what makes them feel good, they don’t need to measure what they have against anyone else.

Career and life coach Heather Moulder shared that a significant aspect of manifesting confidence is standing up to your self-doubt. She advised people to reframe their self-doubt by talking back to their inner critic, which encourages being kind and compassionate to themselves. 

So much confidence comes from having the courage to acknowledge your fears and then doing the scary thing anyway.

9. ‘What other people think doesn’t matter’

two women walking together GaudiLab | Shutterstock

Another phrase people say when they have a super strong personality is: "What other people think doesn’t matter.” Of course, there’s value in caring about people’s opinions, but letting other people’s vision rule your life can break any hope of achieving happiness you might have. It’s important to respect others and acknowledge that everyone has a different perspective, but defining your life according to someone else's thoughts will only hold you back.

People with super-strong personalities say this phrase as a mantra and a manifestation. By telling themselves that “What other people think doesn’t matter,” they remind themselves of their independence and unique approach to life. They don’t let themselves get stuck in someone else's judgment because they know that their life is theirs to create.


10. ‘I make my own success’

business woman smiling Maria Markevich | Shutterstock

The phrase “I make my success” is something people say when they have a super strong personality. It’s easy to imagine a superstar athlete or the CEO of a major corporation saying this phrase, yet it’s a phrase that can — and should — be told by everyone, no matter where you work or how much money you make.

The phrase “I make my success” helps people believe in their worth and capabilities. The power of positive thinking stems from the idea that good things come to people who think they deserve success. While “I make my success” can come off as arrogant, it can also be said in a way that channels someone’s sense of self-assurance.

The phrase isn’t about the material goods you think you’re entitled to, but rather, it’s about believing in your right to live by your definition of success.

11. ‘I know who I am’

woman in sunglasses Diana Indiana | Shutterstock

People who say, “I know who I am,” have a super strong personality. They have high emotional intelligence and spend time on self-reflection, allowing them to understand themselves more deeply. 

They know what they like and don’t like, and they won’t let anyone cross their boundaries or convince them to act contrary to their principles.

When people tell you they know who they are, they don’t mean it as a challenge or an affront to anyone else. They’re establishing their place in the world while acknowledging that others can make the choices that work for them. It’s a compassionate phrase that doesn’t wield judgment but rather an innate knowledge of what nourishes that person.


12. ‘I’m worth it’

woman with her eyes closed Zigres | Shutterstock

The phrase “I’m worth it” is used by people who have a super strong personality and an innate sense of self-worth. People who say this phrase know that their ability to love and be loved exists as is, just because they’re here, breathing the air and being themselves.

Cultivating self-worth isn’t always easy. Sometimes, a person’s sense of worthiness is rooted in how they were treated as children. Other times, people have to learn their own worth as they grow. Telling yourself that you’re worth it is the ultimate form of self-care. The feeling of being worthy comes from within and flows out, guiding your way toward a happy life. 

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Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture analysis, and the entertainment industry.
