15 Phrases Men Use When They Can't Be Trusted, According To Psychology
These phrases foretell dishonesty.

You've heard the saying, "Actions speak louder than words." That’s generally true, but some phrases reveal important information about the person who speaks them. Sometimes, the words from an individual's mouth demonstrate attitudes and beliefs that should cause you to tread carefully. Listen for these phrases as they show you the signs you can't trust someone.
Here are 15 phrases men use when they can't be trusted, according to psychology:
1. “I won’t ever talk about it”
Do you feel barred from certain aspects of this person’s life? If so, you have to wonder what lies behind those walled-off areas.
2. “Let’s get married!” (if said too soon)
Under the right circumstances, these are amazing words. However, some people hurry the process out of insecurity, desperation, or unrealistic expectations about what is needed to create an enduring and satisfying union, as supported by 2020 research from The National Library of Medicine.
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3. “Why should I have to explain everything to you?”
Research from Brigham Young University on honesty and deception in intimate relationships suggests that if your date is defensive or sensitive when you ask simple questions, they might be hiding something.
4. “C’mon, it was just a little lie”
A person’s willingness to lie should serve as a big red alert about their character and emotional health.
5. “I’m bored”
Some people need constant action and busyness to feel satisfied. They easily become restless, making it hard to relax in their presence. Another danger: This person may quickly get bored with your relationship.
6. “Can I borrow some money?”
Loaning money to a romantic partner is fraught with danger. At the very least, a request for a loan shows the person is not conscientious about money management. Be especially wary when you are chatting online with someone who asks to borrow money, as explained in online dating fraud research from the University of Warwick.
7. “No, duh!”
Insert your sarcastic phrase here. Research from the American Psychological Association (APA) agrees that sarcasm stings, even when the other person insists it’s “just a joke.” Biting humor is a sign of insensitivity and superiority.
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8. “You can trust me”
Trustworthy people usually don’t need to proclaim their ability to be trusted. Instead, they demonstrate their reliability through actions, day in and day out.
9. “I’m right, you’re wrong”
A healthy relationship is impossible with someone who insists on always being right and reacts strongly to any suggestion otherwise.
10. “Our relationship is fine the way it is. Why do we need a commitment?”
Some people want the best of both worlds — the security of their dating relationship and the freedom to date others, as suggested by a study from the APA on failure to commit.
11. “Well, that was stupid”
Research from Arizona State University on toxic romantic behaviors helps explain that if someone puts you down or tries to make you feel inferior, consider this a warning sign of more trouble ahead.
12. “Just do it the way I told you to”
Beware those who need to take control of every situation and be in charge. In the name of being “helpful,” some people want to micromanage your life.
13. “How could you say that to me? That’s so mean"
This is a red-alert phrase if you have gently and sensitively offered feedback or made a suggestion. People who are hypersensitive to criticism may be insecure or narcissistic, as explored in APA research on narcissism and sensitivity to criticism.
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14 “How can you believe that?”
You may feel stifled if your opinions and beliefs are not respected.
15. “Don’t you feel lucky to be with me?”
Some people exude arrogance and aloofness, signaling you’re fortunate to be in their presence. A relationship can thrive only when both partners feel grateful and blessed to be together.
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