11 Phrases Brilliant People Use To Politely Say 'Go Touch Grass'

There's a whole world out there beyond our screens.

happy woman in nature mavo | Shutterstock

If you're part of a younger generation, you've likely heard your parents bark at you to "go touch grass" as you doom-scrolled in your room while the sun was shining outside. But aside from saying it outright, there are additional phrases brilliant people use to politely say 'go touch grass'.

The phrase is used as a playful or sarcastic way of urging someone to step away from their screens and spend some time outdoors in nature. It implies that a person may be spending too much time immersed in the digital world and not enough time reconnecting with the real world. And with data finding that people spend an average of 6 hours a day consuming digital media, people just might need to touch grass now more than ever.

Here are 11 phrases brilliant people use to politely say 'go touch grass'

1. 'Get some fresh air'

happy woman outside Pheelings Media | Shutterstock

While there isn't a specific amount of fresh air our bodies require on a daily basis, the more we can get outside, the better we feel. The playful phrase "Get some fresh air" nudges people to stop what they are doing to go outside to experience the outdoors, even if only for 10 minutes at a time.

According to UC Davis Health, fresh air does wonders for our physical and mental health. It boosts our creativity and problem-solving abilities, and can lower our heart rate and blood pressure. 

Additional research from the United States Department of Agriculture found that "exposure to nature may decrease death from chronic disease" and that "people who live near parks and green spaces have less mental distress, are more physically active, and have longer life spans."

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2. 'Take a walk'

man taking a walk in nature ViDl Studio | Shutterstock

People typically don't suggest "take a walk" as a subtle way for someone to get exercise; rather, it's one of the phrases brilliant people use to politely say "go touch grass." 

If you're glued to a screen all day, taking a walk may help you reconnect with the physical world around you. In fact, just 30 minutes of walking daily can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and improve your overall mood, per the Victoria State Government Department of Health.

Doom-scrolling and spending an excessive amount of time on social media can make people feel anxious and miserable. But making the mindful choice to take the time to put the screens down and get our legs moving outside shifts our focus to the sun shining and the birds chirping.

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3. 'Disconnect for a while'

woman disconnecting from her phone fizkes | Shutterstock

When someone politely says to disconnect from your phones, computers and televisions, they want you to instead connect to nature. That means turning all your devices off and focusing on just being. It's about giving yourself time to be present in the real world, away from technological distractions like emails, social media, and constant news notifications.

This phrase encourages people to relax and recharge, and focus on things outside of technology. Take a mental break to go outside and smell the flowers instead of staring at pictures of them online.

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4. 'Clear your head'

woman holding head fizkes | Shutterstock

When a brilliant person tells you politely to "clear your head" it means removing anything from your mind that is stressful or provokes anxiety. That means stepping away from anything related to screens and media. They are encouraging you to step away from overwhelming situations (like consuming constant media) and regaining mental clarity as a result.

According to neuroscientist and meditation teacher Nicole Tetreault, PhD, "When we quiet our minds, the critics and judgments fall away. When you connect to yourself, you can better know your likes and dislikes, connect to your desires, explore what you are interested in and clearly know what you no longer want in your life, and let go of things that no longer serve you."

"You can clean out the clutter and confusion and become more empowered and confident in learning to listen and trust yourself to see yourself through any situation that arises," Tetreault continued. "Through clarity, we are more confident and courageous to take the next steps in our lives and to live more freely as we are. It can also support us to not be reactionary and instead be responsive, open, and more flexible in our thinking."

When you declutter your thoughts and worries surrounding your screens, you can think more clearly and focus better. Taking time to go outside and connect with nature is a great way to silence all of the thoughts plaguing your head.

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5. 'Get some real world experience'

man looking ahead to face challenges PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

According to an XQ Institute poll, 30% of high school students rated their preparedness for the real world as a 4 or 5 out of 5. This is partly due to the fact that they are often glued to their screens rather than experiencing the physical world around them.

One of the phrases brilliant people use to politely say "go touch grass" is "get some real world experience," which nudges people to drop their phones and computers to engage in activities or situations that apply knowledge and skills outside of utilizing their screens.

They could take on a part-time job. They could volunteer for a non-profit they are passionate about. They can quite literally experience the physical world around them by soaking in the sun and trees.

Getting real world experience can only happen when we put down the technology and immerse ourselves in the environment around us. Otherwise, we will remain in our own little bubbles, not ever evolving and growing.

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6. 'The outdoors could use your company'

woman meditating outdoors maxbelchenko | Shutterstock

While you're never truly alone when you're immersed in nature, there's always room to include more people to enjoy it alongside you. This lighthearted phrase urges people to leave their phones at home and spend more time with their dear friends, including Mother Nature.

The phrase invites people to enjoy the fresh air around them, implying that the outdoors would "appreciate" having them there appreciate the beauty and immensity it has to offer. And it's a much more immersive experience than simply watching nature documentaries from your couch.

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7. 'It's time to see the sun'

woman smiling in the sunshine mimagephotography | Shutterstock

The sun is only out for a limited time during the day. Rather than remaining inside — whether it's a lazy day sleeping, being at work for hours, or feeling sad — "it's time to see the sun" is one of the phrases brilliant people use to politely say "go touch grass." And along with literally and figuratively touching grass, you should enjoy the sunshine too.

This phrase suggests that we may as well take advantage of it, especially if we've been indoors for a long period of time. And ditching indoor activities and replacing them with exposure to natural sunlight has various benefits on our well-being.

According to health writer and nutritionist Sarah Garone, natural sunlight boosts our vitamin D levels, wards off seasonal depression, and improves our sleep patterns. If people have been cooped up indoors on their phones and computers for an extended period, seeing the sun provides them with a favorable change of scenery and perspective.

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8. 'There's a whole world waiting for you'

smiling woman in the sun Ground Picture | Shutterstock

This motivational phrase suggests that there are many opportunities, experiences and adventures waiting for someone, but only if they step out of their current environment and comfort zone.

Not only is "there's a whole world waiting for you" a phrase brilliant people use to politely say "go touch grass," but it's often used to inspire people to engage with the physical world around them, enjoying everything it has to offer. Essentially, this phrase is an important reminder that there's a beautiful world beyond our screens if we just take the time to look at it.

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9. 'How about a screen detox?'

woman turning off her computer Daisy Daisy | Shutterstock

This phrase helpfully suggests taking a break from electronics. That means not using technology, social media, or any kind of electronics, and steering clear of all screens. The idea is to reduce screen time in order to give your mind a rest from the constant exposure to the digital world.

Stepping away from technology allows someone to relax, improve their focus, and encourage more real-world interactions. And according to Brown University Health, a digital detox improves sleep, mental health, alleviates stress, and allows you more time to do things you enjoy outside of spending time with your devices.

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10. 'Nature is calling'

woman connecting with nature by meditating maxbelchenko | Shutterstock

Completely different from "nature calls," the phrase "nature is calling" is something brilliant people use to politely say "go touch grass." It's a playful way to remind someone to get outside and immerse themselves in nature, and that its beauty and benefits are just a step away.

It can also be a lighthearted way to suggest taking a break from the indoors and reconnect with the outdoors. Spending time in nature can bring a sense of serenity and peace, something that our screens don't always give us. But when nature is calling you, you should probably answer.

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11. 'Ground yourself'

woman holding her heart to ground herself PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

The phrase "ground yourself" doesn't mean to literally place yourself into the physical ground to connect with nature; rather, it suggests taking steps to calm your mind, regain focus, and reconnect with the present moment, especially during times of stress.

Grounding yourself in a therapeutic way can involve something called "earthing," which means physically connecting your body to the earth "by having your skin touch grass, sand, a river, lake or sea — like walking barefoot in the grass or running your hands over the bark of a tree."

No matter how you ground yourself — mentally, emotionally, physically — the important thing is that you're reconnecting with nature and the world around you, and disconnecting from the pressures of social media and electronics.

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Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.
