12 Phrases Brilliant People Use To Politely End A Conversation With Anyone
It's all about showing the other person appreciation and grace.

True brilliance isn't just measured by having a high IQ or doing well on tests. Knowing how to relate to people in a way that makes them feel valued and understood is a mark of true brilliance. While we're told that being good with people is a soft skill, the reality is that talking to people with care matters most, in both professional and personal situations.
Having strong social skills can help propel you forward in life, just as having poor social skills can hold you back. It's one thing to know what topics to cover during a conversation, yet knowing how to exit that conversation with grace is something else altogether. There are certain phrases brilliant people use to politely end a conversation with anyone, which always makes a good impression.
Here are 12 phrases brilliant people use to end a conversation with anyone
1. 'I know you're busy, I won't keep you longer'
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This phrase shifts the focus away from the person saying it while showing that they're considerate of the other person's time. It's an effective way to end a conversation that reveals a level of thoughtfulness most people don't expect to receive.
Using the phrase "I know you're busy, I won't keep you any longer" is a firm yet kind way to extricate yourself from social interactions, especially in the workplace. Time is a limited yet prized resource, and most people feel like they don't have enough of it.
According to the 2023 American Time Use Survey conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 35% of employed people worked from home and 73% of employed people worked in their workplace. The survey reported that remote employees worked for 5.1 hours a day and in-office employees worked for 7.9 hours. Being productive takes dedication and focus, and it also requires minimal distractions from other people, which is why ending a conversation by saying, "I know you're busy, I won't keep you any longer" is such a brilliant phrase.
2. 'Let's pick this up some other time, it's been such a pleasure'
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Saying this phrase indicates that you're still interested in talking, just not in that exact moment. It's promising and warm-hearted, which is an antidote to feeling isolated and lonely.
As psychologist Guy Winch explained, "We don't realize loneliness is an invisible trap... We feel like nobody cares so we're extremely hesitant to reach out to those who could make us feel connected," noting that being lonely leads to a "perceptual distortion" that keeps us feeling more alone than we really are.
"We believe that if our good friends really cared they would have realized we hadn't spoken in weeks and reached out to us, so if they didn't, they must not care," Winch revealed. "So we wait for them to make the first move and feel more hurt and resentful when they don't — even though we haven't reached out either."
When brilliant people use the phrase "Let's pick this up some other time, it's been such a pleasure," they're reaching across the void and showing how much they truly care. Using this phrase is an act of kindness and a way to stay connected.
"Loneliness is something we all feel, no matter where we're from or how we live. It's like this tricky part of being human that's not always easy to figure out," Winch concluded. "But, the good news is it's not impossible — you can recover from loneliness by learning how to connect with others emotionally."
3. 'I have to head out but I'm so glad we had a chance to connect'
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This phrase is an example of setting a clear boundary and honoring your own needs, while offering respect and kindness to the person they're speaking to.
Media commentator and lawyer Susan J. Elliott pointed out that at their core, boundaries exist to protect your space, your presence, and your peace of mind. "Healthy boundaries give us healthy relationships, healthy self-esteem, and healthy well-being," she explained, noting that "You cannot be a happy, healthy, successful person without boundaries."
Elliott noted that some people might push back against your boundaries, but you shouldn't interpret their resentment as a reason to not set any boundaries, at all. She shared that boundaries aren't about being mean or rude, they're about taking care of yourself and your needs. "Boundaries simply recognize that you end in one place and I end somewhere else. All good boundaries do that," she concluded.
Brilliant people use the phrase "I have to head out but I'm so glad we had a chance to connect" to politely end a conversation with anyone because it directly outlines how they feel and what they need, without being disrespectful to themselves or the other person.
4. 'I've got to run but this has been so insightful'
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The phrase "I've got to run but this has been so insightful" is one that brilliant people use to politely end a conversation with anyone. By using this phrase, a brilliant person puts a hard stop to the interaction, yet they do it in a way that isn't abrupt or jarring. It's a gentle yet firm way to tell someone you have to be on your way, even though you've appreciated what they've told you.
Holding space for other people is a valuable skill to have. Most of the time, people want to feel seen and accepted for who they are. When we share what we believe or express our feelings, there's a slight sense of fear that comes with speaking up, a small voice whispering, "What if they reject us?"
The phrase "I've got to run but this has been so insightful" reflects a generosity of spirit without compromising either person's emotional well-being. The person saying the phrase shares their appreciation and the person hearing the phrase gets to feel recognized, and neither person feels over-extended or ignored.
5. 'I'll follow up with you soon, thanks for taking the time to chat'
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Brilliant people use the phrase "I'll follow up with you soon, thanks for taking the time to chat" to politely end a conversation with anyone. They close out the current discussion but leave the door open to talk again in the future. Brilliant people are able to directly express their intentions because they value clarity over ambiguity.
As life coach Alex Mathers explained, becoming a better communicator means honing in on exactly what you want to say. "Great communicators are conscious of adding unnecessary words and being long-winded," he shared. "They say more with fewer words. They know their objective, get to the point, and don't ramble."
Brilliant people who have good social skills don't talk just to hear the sound of their own voice, but rather, to send a message or share how they feel. "They prize impact and efficiency over making more noise," Mathers concluded.
By using the phrase "I'll follow up with you soon, thanks for taking the time to chat," brilliant people can walk away from a conversation knowing that they've clearly outlined their next steps, so there's no communication breakdown in the future.
6. 'I'd love to continue our conversation, but I have to go'
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This phrase is effective at capping off a conversation without seeming like you were raised without good manners. It offers an easy out, in that what they're essentially saying is, "I'm going to leave but I liked hearing what you had to say."
The phrase declares the end of the conversation in a polite but firm way. It even acknowledges that there's an opportunity for further discussion, without locking either person in. It displays a certain type of detached kindness someone might use when they run into an acquaintance at the grocery store but don't want to get stuck in the cereal aisle talking about where their kid is applying to college.
Brilliant people don't mince words, yet they were also taught good manners, which means they use phrases like this one to end conversations in a polite way.
7. 'I'll let you get back to your day, I've really enjoyed this'
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This phrase is the pinnacle of politeness, in that even if the person saying it desperately wants out of the conversation, they frame their exit as being out of consideration for the other person's schedule.
By using this phrase, they acknowledge the interaction and express gratitude for having been part of it, yet they also draw a line in the sand by putting a stop to any possibility for conversation to continue any further. Someone who says this phrase demonstrates that they have high emotional intelligence and that they're able to attune to the other person's vibes, yet they still value their own time and don't want to overstay their welcome.
8. 'I have to step away but let's stay in touch'
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This phrase signals an interest in talking more and indicates that the person saying it genuinely got a lot out of the conversation, since they want to stay in touch.
Mathers further pointed out that people who are skilled at communicating "use respectful honesty," which is exactly what this phrase does. "Great communicators are willing to go to places that are a little uncomfortable," he shared. "This takes courage and garners respect."
Yet even in their pursuit of telling the truth, they don't want to cause any damage, so they're "mindful of saying necessary things and coming from a place of genuine care for the listener, as opposed to a place of insecurity and a need to inflict harm on another."
"This takes practice, but you want to prioritize being honest in your communications to develop confidence in yourself and your speaking power," Mathers concluded.
9. 'I need to let you go but it was wonderful talking to you'
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Brilliant people don't say that they need to go out of a sense of urgency or with a lack of kindness, but rather, they say it because they respect themselves just as much as they respect the person they're speaking with.
Professor and educator Yvonne K. Fulbright shared little communication tricks that lead to a deeper love, yet her guidance is applicable even outside of romantic relationships. "Be present and participate," she advised. "Don't worry about what you're going to say or how you're going to respond during casual or critical conversations with your partner. Just listen and give nonverbal signals that you're truly engaged — like nodding your head and maintaining eye contact."
By being present, you share a part of yourself with whoever you're talking to and show that the other person matters to you. By saying, "I need to let you go but it was wonderful talking to you," you carry over being present to the way you say goodbye.
10. 'I don't want to monopolize any more of your time'
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This phrase acknowledges the other person's time constraints and signals a stopping point in the conversation. Saying this phrase is a subtle way to show how much you appreciate the other person for time a moment away from whatever they were doing to pay attention to you.
Using this phrase exemplifies a graceful transition. It allows the other person to feel important, which can boost their confidence and lift their spirits. This phrase is especially effective in a work environment, whether you're talking to your boss, your boss's boss, or the IT guy who always helps you with any computer-related disaster you've found yourself in.
11. 'Let's pause here and pick this up later'
fizkes | Shutterstock
"Let's pause here and pick this up later" is a phrase brilliant people use to politely end a conversation with anyone. It implies that they're willing to continue the discussion at a date further down the road, but they're done talking at that exact moment. It strikes a kind of balancing act between keeping the possibility of communication open while closing that communication down for the time being.
Using this phrase shows that someone has initiative and strong time management skills. They don't get caught up in small tasks that end up wasting their time, and they know that it's better to end a conversation than talk circles around each other, just to keep the discussion moving in any direction.
12. 'Before I go, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?'
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This phrase is a master class in effective communication. It provides a moment for the other person to make any last points while the person saying it declares in no uncertain terms that they're planning to leave.
It outlines exactly what's going to happen next: One person makes a final statement or asks a clarifying question, and then, poof! The conversation is over. They say there's no such thing as closure, but this polite conversation-ender is proof that closure does, in fact, exist.
Alexandra Blogier, MFA, is a staff writer who covers psychology, social issues, relationships, self-help topics, and human interest stories.