The Phrase That Repels Money Faster Than Any Other — And What To Say Instead
You have the power to shift your mentality and be open to receiving.

If you’re wondering when your life will change for the better, pay attention to the phrases you frequently say, which have a bigger impact on your life than you realize.
You have the power to live a life of abundance, but that power lies within you and the words you put out into the world.
A life coach on TikTok shared the one phrase that repels money and abundance.
Alleah, a life coach who teaches manifestation and the law of attraction, took to TikTok to share her knowledge about the power one phrase holds over our lives, and how it keeps us from reaching our full potential.
The phrase, "I don’t know," will hold you back from attracting opportunities and possibilities.
“Saying, ‘I don’t know,’ energetically locks you into not knowing,” Alleah explained. “You cannot know while you believe you don’t know at the same time.”
In other words, if you frequently say "I don’t know," you eliminate the chance to know what the answers or next steps are.
For example, if you express that you don't know how to get out of debt, or you don’t know how to make more money, then you are preventing yourself from discovering the opportunity to learn how to do these things. By doing this, you are "manifesting the continuation of not knowing."
This is a hard pill to swallow, as we all have experienced confusion about what to do with our lives. It’s okay to not have all the answers, as long as we are energetically open to what those answers may be.
Alleah suggested an alternate phrase that could help you attract abundance.
Allowing yourself to think, feel, and say "I don’t know" is similar to saying "This seems impossible" or "I doubt this will work." It’s very easy to despondently surrender to your lack of knowledge or answers, but responding to challenges with these phrases will cause you to stay stuck in your hopelessness.
A way you can break free from this inefficient cycle is to think about what area of life you may feel stuck in, and allow yourself to feel curious.
Swapping out the phrase "I don’t know" for "I am curious" will completely shift your energy and thought pattern and allow you to explore and receive answers. When you express curiosity, you attract and manifest possibilities and opportunities.
“Take that breath in and feel in your body right now the difference between saying ‘I don’t know’ versus ‘but I am curious.’ If you can feel that micro-shift, the law of attraction and manifestation will work for you,” Alleah claimed.
You can make this shift in your life by feeling, thinking, saying, and writing what you are curious about.
Alleah encouraged TikTok users to write what they are curious about in the comments of her video, saying, “It will make it real in your body and make this shift a new permanent part of your body and your energy.”
"I’m curious as to how I will become financially free & abundant," one person commented. "I’m curious what job will be next for me," another person commented. "I always follow up an 'I don’t know' with a 'but let me find out' because it’s okay to not know, but never stop learning," another person shared in the comments.
Photo: Ground Picture / Shutterstock
Another way you can initiate this change is by writing down what areas of your life you are curious about in a personal journal. Whether you are curious about how to make more money, or you're curious about what path you should take in life, writing down your curiosities for a vigorous life will further secure a shift in how you choose to perceive your life.
In doing this, you are stepping away from the helpless victim mentality and giving yourself the strength to stand up and be open to the possibilities of life.
The only way you can ever change is by understanding the power your thoughts, words, and actions have over your life. Use that power to your advantage and watch how your life will change.
Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, and spirituality topics.