The Secrets Of People With The Most Attractive 'Steady Vibrational State'
We all have a default vibrational state, an energy others can sense that helps determine how we see the world. But it's not set in stone.

Imagine having a conversation with a person who moves and speaks slower than you. Most of us will shift our speech and activity to keep the conversation flowing.
This is us matching communication and vibrational energy, and we often do this without even thinking about it.
We may naturally try to find a match with other people’s vibrational frequency, but sometimes there is not enough of a match or connection and we quickly move on.
Now, briefly think of a time when you were having a conversation with a person who was struggling emotionally. Most likely you were aware that something was off, but part of you attempted to make a frequency connection. You adjusted your words and cadence to communicate with this person. This shift, conscious or unconscious, can be exhausting.
RELATED: How To Know If Someone's Low Vibrational Energy Is Bringing You Down
It is not sustainable to maintain vibrational exchange with someone or something that is far from your steady state. Either your energetic makeup begins to shift towards their frequency or they shift their energy towards your frequency. If neither of these transformations occur it will be uncomfortable until you part ways.
It is important to remember we are all a mix of vibrational frequencies. The most important frequency is our steady state, and this can change depending on how we live our life.
How to determine your steady vibrational state
One of my favorite tools for awareness is to determine what my steady vibrational state is. My energy shifts a little, day to day, in relation to my self-care and stress level.
Even with the variables in my life, I can say, my steady state, or the energy at my core, is peaceful, compassionate, and curious. Whatever is going on in my life, subconsciously, I will try to get back to my steady state.
What is your steady state? In the quiet times of the day, are you calm and peaceful or are you always seeking distractions?
If you are not happy with your steady state, notice your thoughts and who you spend time with. Where do you feel best?
Identify and transform your steady state with this:
A tip for transformation is using a mantra to shift your steady state. Try repeating the mantras below. You can substitute whatever word you want for your steady state.
My steady state is peace and love.
My steady state sees beauty and feels joy.
Try using other words like abundance, trusting, kind, and compassionate for the words peace and love. Have fun with this and change the words whenever you are ready for a shift.
As a side note: each of our truest nature is love expressed in inspired form. One way to look at this is your truest nature is the part of you holding the inspiration or light of God. Your steady state is where your free will is created with your truest nature.
Different vibrations & what they do to you
People with slow or stuck vibrations usually don’t feel great to be around.
They stay attached to a narrow belief system and their steady state is usually lower energy. This relationship is not sustainable unless you are willing to dive into a lower frequency and stay in a place of dense energy. Luckily, the universe will try to break this connection and keep you at a vibrational level similar to yours. With that being said, we have free will, lessons to learn, and sometimes choose the lower frequency path.
People with chaotic and an easily distracted steady state will leave you feeling off balance and unorganized.
You can only be around this for so long before you look for a way out. This can be a relationship, job, or other life experience. I don’t think any chaotic and distracted vibrational match is sustainable. The very nature of this energy is seeking something outside of yourself or the relationship.
Two people with unbalanced vibrational matches may feel unstable.
This is especially true where one person always needs or wants more of the energy to shift their way. Unless both parties consciously change their energetic patterns and steady state, this relationship is unstable and not sustainable.
Harmonious vibrations feel in sync with all of you.
You’re completely open to receiving and able to go with the flow of life. This is sustainable.
Restorative vibrations feel exactly like that, you dip in and get restored.
These people or places might not be where you stay, because it is a place to rest. Think about going to a spa or visiting someone that makes you feel content and fully satisfied. It’s great, but not a match for all of your energy. Part of you will eventually be pulled towards an expanded version of yourself.
Merging with a higher vibrational energy will feel good.
Each of our truest states is high vibrational energy, so you probably feel like you have come home to love and peace with a little inspiration mixed in.
You get to choose your vibrational state
With all the different types of energy we experience every day, the most important thing to remember is you get to choose.
Surround yourself with situations or people who match your desired frequency.
You can shift your steady state by staying in a relationship or career that is a vibrational match to your highest frequency.
Are you willing to slow down and stop your growth, or are you seeking people and experiences that will inspire you and raise your vibration and shift your steady state?
In my work as a psychic and life coach I have developed an understanding of vibrational energy. I think about it all the time, because I consciously work with energy every day. Whether I’m tuning into the universal energy at large, or simply tuning into a client’s energy, my attention is focused on our potential, our feelings and transformation. With that being said, my understanding of energy expands and changes, as my awareness shifts with life experiences.
Having a clear understanding of vibrational energy will change your world.
Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.