The One Phrase To Say Out Loud That Can Help You Separate Yourself From Strong Emotions
You experience emotions — you do not embody them!

As someone who considers herself a highly sensitive person, I understand the struggle that comes with the strong emotions I experience on a daily basis. Although I am aware that I am separate from my emotions, it can often feel as though I’m powerless against them. However, the negative emotions we experience are not always products of our own triggers — sometimes they come from outside energies.
There are ways to combat this and better regulate our emotional states, and the power lies within our words.
By saying this one phrase out loud, you can learn how to separate yourself from strong emotions.
Chinez, who goes by @officialchinez on TikTok, is a content creator and tarot reader. She took to the app to share one phrase individuals can use to manage their strong emotions when they begin to feel consumed by them.
For many of us, our initial reaction to the burden of strong negative emotions like sadness, anxiety, or anger is to describe the experience by saying, “I feel …” However, this exact phrase is what prompts us to claim the emotion rather than separate from it.
Chinez explained, “Instead of saying to yourself, ‘I feel sad,’ ‘I feel angry,’ ‘I feel fill in the blank,’ try using this phrase: 'There is anxiety in my energy field; There is fear in my energy field; There is anger in my energy field.’”
The purpose of rephrasing the way you experience your emotions in this way is to help you separate yourself from their fleeting nature so you can learn to allow them to pass rather than absorb them.
“It's very important that you don't use the word 'I,' and your inclination is going to be to say, 'I,' so you're going to have to rehearse this over time,” she continued. “And it's also very important that you say it out loud. Simply saying it in your head is not going to be enough to get this energy out of your body.”
Two different things can happen once you have recited this phrase to yourself.
“It’s either immediately going to dissipate and start to feel separate from you,” Chinez described. “Or it’s going to linger a bit longer because it is, in fact, you.”
Strong negative emotions can arise for a myriad of reasons. Sometimes, they seemingly come out of nowhere, such as waking up in an anxious mood, and sometimes, they are triggered by a certain unpleasant experience or interaction.
If you recite this phrase and notice the emotion disappears, Chinez labeled this experience as “energy telepathy,” which happens when someone who is in your environment or is energetically connected to you has sent you this energy, and it’s not yours. Other helpful phrases you can use in these situations are, ‘I return negative energy back to sender,’ or ‘I release negative energy that no longer serves me.’
In cases where a trigger causes strong emotions to develop, it can be more challenging to separate yourself, but it’s not impossible.
When this happens, the first step is to identify the trigger. Chinez recommended viewers ask themselves what they possibly saw, thought, heard, or witnessed that triggered their emotional reaction.
The next step is to identify where this trigger is stemming from. Does your ego or your soul feel triggered? Are your thoughts triggering negative feelings, or are you experiencing them within your emotional body?
“Once we establish that, we can ask ourselves, ‘What from this situation can my ego grow from or can my soul be better supported by?’” Chinez explained.
Our physical and emotional bodies are made up of energy, so it’s important to learn how to tune into our energy and act accordingly.
We all tend to get so carried away in our busy lives that we neglect our energy and subconsciously soak up whatever negativity attaches to it.
Although we may not be able to see it, energy is constantly being transferred within our environments. This only emphasizes the significance of taking some time every day to cleanse your energy from whatever it is you are feeling.
Whether your own thoughts or environment trigger the negative emotions you experience or another individual who crossed your path transfers this energy to you, you have the power to claim or reject it. You just have to study the impact your thoughts, words, and actions have on your energy.
“This will help you develop emotional intelligence, and it will also help you develop a stronger relationship with your intuition,” Chinez expressed.
Just by carving out time to meditate, pray, practice mindfulness, or recite affirmations to yourself, you are protecting yourself, healing your energy, and releasing whatever doesn’t serve your highest purpose.
Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.