The One Daily Habit That Can Change The World, According To Experts
Ripples to waves, butterfly wings to hurricanes.

Making the world a better place one small direct action at a time is a realistic goal.
By letting our minds find little ways to make our world a better place than we left it the previous day, we can resonate significant change when focused on the small ways to affect long-range social change.
The one daily habit that can change the world, according to YourTango experts:
1. Using kindness as a catalyst
Random acts of kindness.
As simple as that. As we often don't know the backstory of the people we interact with, we also don't know the results of a random act of kindness. One smile could resonate and change someone's world.
— Ronald Bavero, Attorney
2. Knowing how to set the tone
Active listening and recognition of others we interact with daily sets the tone for better communication and understanding.
— Suzanne Geimer, Founder/Director Special Angel Inc
3. Treating ourselves and others with greater dignity.
When we consciously or unconsciously violate the dignity of another, this is what causes someone to protect their heart, closing off some small part of it. Each time this happens, we close off a little more and a little more, which leads to fear-based misinterpretations, misunderstandings, or even breakdowns in communication — leading to conflict.
So, what is one thing you can do each day to honor the dignity of another? Love yourself. Respect yourself. Honor yourself. And do your best to treat others with kindness and compassion. You never know what someone is going through in their life
— Michele Molitor, CPCC, PCC, CHt Your Mind Detective, Master Coach & Hypnotherapist
4. Get up, get going
A morning walk contributes to a healthier, happier, more motivated, and more productive population who is more likely to make a significant difference in the lives of people we interact with.
Health experts say a morning walk will improve heart health and reduce the risk of diabetes and cancer, not to mention the improvement in joint and muscle function, bone strength, sleep, and mood.
You are more likely to maintain your commitment in the morning as you are more motivated then and have fewer competing priorities.
— Reta Faye Walker, Ph.D., Relationship Therapist
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5. Speaking from a place of peace
When you commit yourself to self-soothing before you speak, you become the peace you wish to see in the world!
— Susan Allan, Founder The Marriage Forum Inc. and Heartspace Trainings
6. Practicing intentional global meditation
One daily habit that can change the world is to meditate on world peace. Science has proven that when people meditate together, they create a unified field of energy that has a positive effect.
Meditating for world peace, on your own or with a group like Ten Million For World Peace, makes a difference. Every day at 1:11 pm ET is a guided 7-minute meditation for world peace on Facebook and YouTube.
However, it's also been said that the best way to create world peace is to start with your inner peace. This also changes the world and affects those around you.
If more people focus only on their inner peace, it will ripple out to the world. Either way, you can imagine creating a more peaceful planet with this simple, free, and powerful way to change the world.
— Ronnie Ann Ryan, Intuitive Coach & Wise Woman
Changing the world starts small and moves outward from the self as intentional action to the global community as resonating compassion.
Now, go change the world for the better. You can start with a kind smile to a random stranger.
Will Curtis is a writer and associate editor for YourTango. He's been featured on the Good Men Project and taught English abroad for ten years.