11 Old-Fashioned Habits People Should Bring Back To Live Happy Lives Again

You can live a happier life again by making a few simple changes.

Old-Fashioned Habits People Should Bring Back To Live Happy Lives Again ViChizh / Shutterstock

Wherever people go, sadness tends to follow. And with the rise of technology and the plummeting of social gatherings and connections, is it any wonder that many people find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place? After all, loneliness only seems to be getting worse. But though this might be the case, it doesn't need to remain this way forever.

If people want to feel fulfilled, there are old-fashioned habits they should bring back to live happy lives again. From reconnecting with friends and family to channeling their inner green thumb, there are plenty of ways to live happy once and for all — and research proves it!

11 old-fashioned habits people should bring back to live happy lives again

1. Having an afternoon nap

woman relaxing on the couch fizkes | Shutterstock

The first old-fashioned habit people should bring back to live happy lives again is having an afternoon nap. Now, people are probably wondering how sleeping will help make them happy. Believe it or not, sleep can be a powerful tool if used correctly.

According to a study published in Sleep Medicine Reviews, greater quality sleep leads to an increase in people's mental health. Additionally, a 2023 study looked at 3,200 adults living in Spain, where midday naps or siestas are common. In the study, researchers found that those who slept for thirty minutes were 21% less likely to have elevated blood pressure. And that's not all, as a study published in 2018 cited that mid-day naps also helped with emotional stability. 

It's also well known that Albert Einstein took frequent naps to ensure he didn't overdo it. So, the next time you get the itch to sleep for 30 minutes, don't feel too bad. It's not as uncommon as people think and it might have great perks for your health in the end.

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2. Waking up early to start the day

woman waking up and stretching WESTOCK PRODUCTIONS | Shutterstock

The famous phrase, "The early bird gets the word," was coined by historian William Camden. And though people might hate the phrase they also can't deny that he has a point.

Waking up early to start the day has a ton of benefits. According to a study published in 2013, those who wake up later are increasingly likely to experience depression and anxiety. In the same study, when they shifted the participant's schedule to wake up two hours earlier they found that participants reported lower levels of depression and anxiety.

That said, waking up early isn't always easy. For parents or those with packed schedules, they can use as much sleep as they can get. However, if someone can even wake up thirty minutes early they should do their best to take it. Who knows, it might benefit their mental health more than they anticipated.

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3. Spending less money on materialistic things

woman looking through outfits JLco Julia Amaral | Shutterstock

In this modern world, it's way too tempting to spend money on eye-catching things. After all, with the new Dyson products on display and tons of cooking machines, it can be hard to resist temptation.  

That said, if people are buying products hoping that it'll make them happy then I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it likely won't get them very far. 

One study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that spending money on materialistic purchases doesn't actually make people happy long term. Rather, it's only when people spend money on experiences that their happiness begins to increase.

So, if someone wants to be happier then bring back the old-fashioned habit of spending less money on materialistic things. Remember that back then grandparents weren't spending money on $600 vacuum cleaners or countless products. And though their draws might've been small, as it stands, people back then were filled with much more joy than the current generations. 

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4. Going out of their way to help a stranger

woman helping a person in need Dmytro Zinkevych | Shutterstock

Most people nowadays would never go out of their way to help a stranger. Yet, can people blame them? Let's face it: the world has gotten a lot more dangerous. And unfortunately, due to this danger, people have become weary of helping others in need.

However, if people extend a helping hand, no matter how small, what they'll find is that lending a hand will have a greater impact on them than they might think. One study published in Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine found that people in the study who helped showed a decrease in stress and an increase in feelings of reward. All of this combined leads to people feeling good, directly impacting their lives for the better.

So, if someone's goal in life is to live happy lives again then bring back the old-fashioned habit of helping a stranger. As long as it's safe to do so, helping others can bring people tons of peace and happiness in their lives.

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5. Cooking from scratch

woman cooking dinner Photoroyalty | Shutterstock

Another old-fashioned habit people should bring back to live happy lives again is cooking from scratch. Given how busy people have gotten, it isn't always possible to this every single day.

Most people aren't lining up after a full day of work to make a three-course meal with a smile on their face. This is the exact reason why platforms such as Nara Smith have gained traction in the past year. People are fascinated with the idea of having the time and luxury to bake homemade bread from scratch.

Research published in Public Health Nutrition found that people who ate from home tended to consume fewer calories and had healthier diets. That said, getting to this point isn't easy, as burnout is preventing people from even cleaning their homes properly.

However, if the goal is to live a happy life again, then people must muster the strength to begin cooking from home. A study in 2020 cited that good nutrition protected both mental and physical health, while poor diets lead to lower moods.

If people struggle to cook after work then using modern-day devices like instant pots or rice cookers might be the best way to go. Though slightly time-consuming, seasoning meat the day before and throwing it into an instant pot is a lot better than eating takeout every single day.

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6. Maintaining a garden

woman holding plants while smiling PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

The thought of maintaining a garden might seem a bit bizarre or stressful to some people. After all, who cares about maintaining a garden right? That is so old-fashioned and 'useless' in the modern-day world. However, if the goal is to be happy then this is an old-fashioned habit people should bring back if they want to live happy lives again.

Believe it or not, this 'random' hobby can have a huge impact on their mental health. A study published in Clinical Medicine found that exposure to sunlight lowers blood pressure and increases vitamin D while working in the garden helps build strength and can even delay symptoms of dementia. On top of the fact that it can help stabilize people's mental health, gardening is great for a number of reasons.

If you're open to trying a new hobby, try gardening. Though tons of work, there's no greater feeling than planting a vegetable or flower and watching it come to life. And with the rise of indoor gardening, even those living in an apartment can still enjoy the activity all in the comfort of their own home.

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7. Keeping a journal or diary around

woman writing down stuff in journal Diana Grytsku | Shutterstock

Keeping a diary might sound super old-fashioned. After all, in this day of smartphones and social media, the best way for people to express their feelings is to go on an hour-long Instagram rant about their problems, right?

Though this is just a joke, the truth of the matter is people have gotten too comfortable relying on strangers for emotional validation. As a result, they never started the old-fashioned habit of reflecting on their behavior.

This is unfortunate, as the University of Rochester Medical Center notes that journaling can help with mental health and reduce stress. Additionally, it can also help people problem-solve and address any negative thoughts or experiences they might be having.

Thankfully, it's never too late to change and adapt. Lessening your time on social media and spending more time venting your frustrations to a handy diary will have a better impact on your mental health in the long run.

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8. Expressing gratitude daily

woman expressing gratitude fizkes | Shutterstock

Who knew that the old-fashioned habit people should bring back to live happy lives would be so simple? However, expressing daily gratitude indeed makes people a lot more happier.

Harvard Health Publishing states that gratitude helps people feel more positive and improves their health. Additionally, it can lead others to create stronger bonds with their friendships and relationships.

Expressing gratitude isn’t always easy. After all, people have bad days which makes it increasingly hard to see the bright side of things. Thanking people mentally, journaling every day expressing gratitude, and meditating are all ways to add a little dose of appreciation to their everyday routine.

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9. Sharing meal time with others

two friends taking a selfie while enjoying cafe CandyRetriever | Shutterstock

One old-fashioned habit people should bring back to live happy lives again is sharing meal time with others. As most people know, spending time with friends and family is crucial to solidifying bonds and creating happy moments. However, what people don't know is how little this actually happens.

A study published by the Food Marking Institute Foundation found that while 84% of parents agreed that spending meal time together was important, only 50% actually did it. This means that half of Americans don't get the bonding time they need with their family, showcasing just how much of an 'old-fashioned' habit this truly is.

Sharing meal time together doesn't need to be every day. Whether it's cooking together and eating separately, eating together four times a week, or simply FaceTiming a friend while eating, this type of socialization is crucial.

Socialization is as important as food, water, and shelter. So, don't skip the habit of sharing meals with others, even if it might be slightly bothersome. 

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10. Spending time without technology

woman meditating while holding hand over heart PeopleImages.com - Yuri A | Shutterstock

I know people have heard it before, but one old-fashioned habit people should bring back is spending time without technology. It’s unfortunate, but tons of people have become extremely dependent on tech.

At dinner time or while using the toilet, people can’t help but scroll through Facebook or surf through TikTok for hours on end. Even worse, the ability to read a map has all but faded from existence.

As a result, this type of behavior has led to foreseen consequences. Besides isolating people, technology causes individuals to experience anxiety or burnout. That said, people must find ways to ground themselves and reconnect with their surroundings. Socializing, planting, or even just going on a walk can sometimes be the difference between thriving or failing in life.

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11. Celebrating small wins with friends and family

people congratulating friend fizkes | Shutterstock

With the rise of self-comparison on social media, it’s no longer enough to graduate from college or get a good-paying job. Though unfortunate, the only way to feel successful nowadays is by being the best of the best and as a result, people have ceased celebrating the small wins in life. 

This means that moments that are supposed to be filled with happiness often end in disaster as people begin to feel numb to their successes. That said, reversing this isn’t impossible. If someone truly wants to live a happy life again then the old-fashioned habit people should bring back is celebrating those small wins in life. 

By sharing the news with others and basking in their excitement, it’ll allow others to feel the importance of the moment. Furthermore, planning an activity or reward for this milestone will reinforce the belief that this ‘small moment’ is a lot bigger than they anticipated.

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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help topics such as relationships, career, family, and astrology.
