Numerologist Says People With This Life Path Number Are Being Tested By The Universe In 2025
And you thought 2025 was hard enough already…

Well, 2025 certainly has gotten off to an interesting start, huh? Nearly an entire city burning down, seemingly a gazillion plane crashes, political chaos… and it's only March.
So what the heck is going on here? Well, two decades of political chaos tends to beget more chaos, of course, but that aside, there may be clues hidden in practices like numerology. According to the ancient art, some people are destined to have an even more challenging time this year than the rest of us — but with rich future rewards to go with it.
People with a life path number 4 are being tested by the universe in 2025, according to a numerologist.
In numerology, the practice of using numbers for divination and future insights goes all the way back to antiquity, there is no more important number than your life path number. In numerology, this number determines the themes of your personality and your life — your struggles, triumphs and everything in between.
A life path number is calculated by adding the digits of your birth month, day, and year together until they reduce to a single digit. So if your birthday is 10/12/1992, you'd add 1+0 to get 1, 1+2 to get 3, and 1+9+9+2 to get 21. Then, you'd add 2+1 to reduce 21 to a single digit of 3, add that with the 1 from October and the 3 from the 12th, and get a life path number of 7.
Collectively, we are all experiencing a life path of 9 in 2025, which is the most challenging.
Each life path number has its own unique ins and outs, but a life path number of 9 is considered to be the most challenging and complicated. And guess what 2025 adds up to… 2+0+2+5 equals, you guessed it, 9, which numerology says explains why this year has been such a mess so far.
So on a collective level, we are all going through it. A 9 "means endings," said Karina, a numerologist known as @karina.angel111 on TikTok. A 9 is an experience of "coming to terms with things that no longer serve us and letting go," she said in a recent video — which is putting 2025 very lightly so far!
"The letting go isn't so fluffy and nice," she went on to explain. "It's just very abrupt," and all too often, she says, it's something we didn't really plan for or take fully into account—which certainly resonates in this topsy-turvy new era we're in.
9 years are even more challenging, however, for people with a life path of 4.
Numerology says people with a life path number of 4 tend to be part of the foundations of society — the stable building blocks on which everything is built. And, well… you may have noticed that that kind of stuff is crumbling down around us in the numerological 9 year of 2025.
Iryna Imago | Shutterstock
As Karina explained it in her video, "4 is the complete opposite to a 9 [because] it's an earthly number," which means it's about "building, structure, boundaries." Again — everything that is basically antithetical to the general vibe of 2025's 9-ness.
"When you are in a nine year… you will see that a lot of your boundaries are being stretched," Karina said of 4s. "Nine is not a number of stability; it is very cyclical, very energetically dense, and this is the kind of number that will uproot you." This means that if you're a 4, you're likely being challenged by this year — things you thought were set in stone may in fact end up being upended.
The numerologist said the key to getting through 2025 is leaning into the opportunity for change.
Being uprooted is rarely pleasant, but all too often, in hindsight it becomes clear that it was necessary in order to bring in something better. "Your experience always depends on how you relate to that [experience]," Karina said of the 4's likely experience in 2025. "If you understand that some things need to fall apart, no matter what aspect in your life we're talking about, you will see that behind that falling apart there is something so much greater and so much better for you," she explained.
She added that spiritually speaking, 9 years will always push you toward seeking and finding a "higher, greater purpose" in whatever is happening. It may be opposite of the order and structure a 4 typically seeks, but the upending of things is nothing if not instructive if you're willing to see it that way.
That's probably good advice for all of us who are staring down what's happening in 2025 and not feeling celebratory. Things are undoubtedly chaotic and, depending on who you are, even frightening. But the chaos of this year is forcing us to contend with the dark side of our country, and it is changing people's minds politically in ways we haven't seen in decades. Time will tell if it will come to fruition, but it's a place to start.
John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.