Mom Warns Parents Planning For A Baby To Stop & Think About The Baby’s Zodiac Sign
A baby’s zodiac sign could influence their parenting journey in unexpected ways.

When planning for a baby, there are a million things to consider — from feeding methods to sleep schedules — but according to TikTok creator Sam McGuire, there's one crucial factor many parents overlook: the baby’s zodiac sign.
In a recent video, McGuire shared a humorous yet insightful warning for expectant parents: Don't just focus on the basics; take some time to think about what zodiac sign your baby might have. Here’s why she believes it’s important to consider this astrological aspect before making any big decisions.
A mom shared how a baby's zodiac sign matters more than parents think.
Sam McGuire humorously reflected on her own experience as a parent of children with different zodiac signs. She admitted that when she was first preparing for motherhood, she never gave a second thought to when her children would be born and what that might mean astrologically.
Now, after raising kids with the signs of Virgo, Scorpio, and Leo, McGuire has learned that the zodiac can play a surprising role in how children behave, communicate, and relate to their parents.
“Something you need to think about,” McGuire said in her video, “is when is this baby going to be born? What’s the zodiac sign going to be?” While it's common to consider health, feeding methods, and parenting styles when preparing for a new arrival, McGuire suggested that the zodiac sign is just as important.
She shared her personal struggles, describing her emotional rollercoaster as a "crybaby Pisces" raising a Virgo, Scorpio, and Leo, and advised other parents to think ahead about how different signs might impact their experience.
The mom explained how children with different astrological signs will offer different experiences for parents.
According to McGuire, each zodiac sign brings with it a unique set of traits that could influence the dynamics in your home. For example, she mentioned her own emotional temperament as a Pisces, which might not always align well with the practical, detail-oriented nature of a Virgo child. Meanwhile, a Scorpio might demand intensity and emotional depth, which can be draining. At the same time, a Leo might have an independent and dramatic streak that leaves parents feeling like they’re constantly on edge.
While McGuire was mostly joking, she tapped into a larger truth: Parenting a child with a zodiac sign that doesn't align well with one's own energy can present challenges. Understanding astrology might help parents navigate those challenges with greater awareness.
If you're a fiery Aries but your child is a calm, sensitive Cancer, you might need to adapt your approach to accommodate their more introverted nature. Conversely, if you're a practical Capricorn and your child is a free-spirited Sagittarius, learning to find common ground might take a little more effort.
Some astrology experts argue that planning on having a baby based on their zodiac sign won't always yield the results parents hope for, however. Claire Comstock-Gay, aka Madame Clairevoyant, an astrologer for The Cut, told Vice that parents shouldn't put all their eggs in the zodiac basket when it comes to their child's sign. She said, “The traits associated with each sign can be expressed in all kinds of different ways — not all Leos are stereotypically dramatic, not all Virgos are stereotypical neat freaks, et cetera.” She added, “In general, I think it’s good to have a very light touch when using astrology to talk about kids.”
Planning a baby based on their zodiac sign is not about control; it’s about harmony.
Ultimately, McGuire’s main message isn’t that parents should plan their children based on astrology. It’s that parents should be aware of how astrology might shape their child rearing journey.
She acknowledged that parenting comes with challenges no matter what zodiac sign your child has, but being aware of these potential dynamics can help create more harmony.
McGuire’s advice is lighthearted, but it serves as a reminder that every child is unique, and understanding their personality traits can help parents tailor their approach. While it may not be possible to control exactly when your baby is born, you can embrace the qualities of their zodiac sign and learn how to navigate any differences.
After all, parenting is about balance and flexibility, and sometimes, astrology might just offer an interesting lens through which to view your child’s strengths and challenges.
Erika Ryan is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics.