Mom Freaks Out After Another Kid Pukes On Her Child At Daycare — 'Shouldn’t The Daycare Have To Report This Incident To Us?'

She was extremely concerned about the lack of communication from her son's teacher.

toddlers and teacher playing with toys in daycare Poppy Pix | Shutterstock

A mom on Reddit questioned if she had the right to be aggrieved after learning that her child was involved in a situation with an ill child at daycare. While she wasn't angry about the incident, she was upset that she wasn't notified. 

The mom freaked out after learning that another kid puked on her child at daycare.

In her Reddit post, she explained that her son came home from his summer program and informed her that another kid had vomited all over his sandals. 


"According to my child, the teachers wiped off his sandals (he says that they didn’t clean his feet, but I’m hoping that they did…)," she wrote. "We promptly gave our child a full shower, washed his sandals, and tossed his clothes in the laundry."

However, the mom was concerned about the lack of communication from her son's teacher. 

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"We received no mention of this from the teachers at pick-up, and when I called the director for more information, she wasn’t aware that the ill child may have vomited on someone," she explained.

All little kids lie and bend the truth from time to time, so the mom admitted that she was waiting for clarification on the situation before reacting fully. But if her son's story was, in fact, accurate, she would be furious.  

"I’m steamed that no adult let us know that our child came into direct contact with potentially infectious material or told us what steps were taken to prevent the spread of illness," she wrote. "I get that these things happen ... but shouldn’t the daycare have to report this incident to us?"

Children getting sick and vomiting, especially at school, is more common than not. 

The little boy's teacher was likely overwhelmed with cleaning the mess and making sure that the child who got sick was OK. Often, children throw up for no reason at all or just because of an upset stomach. Usually, once they get it all out of the systems, they're back to normal again.


If it was a more serious situation, like the teacher knowing that the vomiting kid was sick with something contagious, then that would be grounds for the young boy's parent to be alarmed. But, these things tend to happen, and parents should trust that their kids' caretakers know what they're doing.

teacher and kids at daycare nimito / Shutterstock

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The mom admitted that she was especially 'sensitive' about the entire mishap.

In an update to her Reddit post, the 7-year-old boy's mom shared that she was "way more sensitive about illness than most people think [she] should be."

Parents in the comments shared their own experiences with their kids being in daycare and similar incidents occurring. Many daycare workers and teachers also shared similar situations that happened to children in their care.

"I had a child throw up the first week of school while standing up, directly onto [the] tile floor. It splashed so many places," one Reddit user, who worked at a daycare, recalled. "The custodians came and cleaned up the obvious spot on the floor, but I had to clean up everything else."

Teacher cleaning Twinsterphoto / Shutterstock


"Your child told you what happened. What difference could have been made if you had heard it from the teacher instead?" the commenter continued. "Sounds like the teacher had a hard day. I hate to say it but your child comes into contact with potentially infectious germs every day by being around other kids and touching what they touch."

"I [work] in the infant room, and the babies sometimes get snot on things, and we don't notice until another kid has touched it. We don't communicate that with parents, nor when they sneeze on each other or us," another user shared. "That would be way too much on top of what we already do."

At the end of the day, as many of these Reddit commenters pointed out, daycare teachers and employees already have mounds of responsibilities. These things are common in their everyday routine, and they likely don't think about alerting parents when they happen. It doesn't mean that a kid is unsafe or not being looked after.


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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.