Millennial By Birth, Gen-Z By Vibe: My Not-So-Secret Double Life

How flexibility, side hustles, and meme-worthy mental health chats made me into a Millennial who secretly lives like Gen-Z.

Millennial with a Gen Z vibe. Ruben Ramirez | Unsplash

Let’s get this out there: I’m a proud Millennial. I grew up with dial-up internet, burned mix CDs, and cared about my LinkedIn profile before it was cool. 

But somehow, I find myself adopting Gen-Z habits — like craving remote work so I can do yoga at lunch or jumping between industries like I’m switching Netflix shows. Why?

I have a not-so-secret double life: I'm a Millennial by birth but Gen-Z by vibe:

1. I prioritize a flex work-life balance

Gen-Z taught me that 9-to-5 is last decade. I love a schedule that lets me create content for a digital publication in the morning, hop on a Zoom call at noon, and still have time to meet friends by evening. Turns out, “work to live” resonates with me way more than “live to work.”


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2. I take my cues from TikTok 

Confessions Of A Millennial Who Secretly Lives Like Gen-Z Perfect Wave / Shutterstock

Gen-Z is all about online courses, tutorials, and learning from TikTok geniuses. I used to think I needed a fancy degree for everything.


Now, if I want to learn a new skill — boom! A quick YouTube deep dive or a self-paced course. It’s surprisingly addictive — and way cheaper than another degree.

3. I shamelessly career-hop

“Pick a path and climb the ladder,” the Baby Boomers said. But Gen-Z says, “Try everything, see what sticks.” I’m so on board with that philosophy. 

I’ve jumped from marketing to wellness to AI because each pivot sparks a new passion. And yes, it looks chaotic on paper, but it keeps me energized, and that’s what matters for long-term career stamina.

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4. I prioritize purpose over a paycheck

Gen-Z prioritizes values, not just a salary. I’m the same: if a project doesn’t light me up, I can’t fake it.

I want to see real impact, whether it’s helping a wellness brand or exploring AI that improves people’s lives. Money is important, but meaning? That’s the real motivator.

5. I value my mental health over everything else

Millennial by Birth, Gen-Z By Vibe insta_photos / Shutterstock


Gen-Z is refreshingly open about prioritizing their mental health — no more hushed conversations. I love it. Checking in with myself, scheduling breaks, and being vocal about burnout is liberating. I used to feel guilty if I wasn’t hustling 24/7.

Yes, I’m a Millennial, but I’m shamelessly adopting Gen-Z vibes. Why? Because it works. I get to embrace my curiosity, chase meaningful work, and keep my mental health in check

And if that means mixing memes with business emails or switching industries every few years, so be it. Maybe it’s not about which generation you’re in — it’s about finding what actually makes you happy. And for me? That’s a little bit of both worlds.


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Olga Evdokimova is a multilingual writer, AI-powered content creator, and storyteller specializing in wellness, tech, and cultural trends. Her writing has been featured on Medium and LinkedIn, where she shares insights on modern digital culture and personal growth.