The Metaphysical Reason The Direction You Face When Sleeping Can Make Or Break Your Day
Factors such as the cardinal direction you sleep in, metals, and colors all contribute to your success.

I have used something interesting to help me specifically channel better sleep and improve the management of my whole day. I call them "Success coordinates" because they contribute to helping you better align with your potential for success.
Let's see how you can specifically use success coordinates.
Here's the mystical reason: the way you sleep can make or break your whole day
1. Alignments for success coordinates
The direction in which you sleep, your power colors, power numbers, and complimentary metals are all alignments that comprise your success coordinates. The first question that may pop into your mind is, how do I find my alignments for success coordinates?
It's not like software or an application program on your smartphone, where we just enter some details, and AI churns away to provide a generic answer. You are unique, so generic answers won't work so well. However, on your blueprint, you may find common alignments with other people because there are only so many colors, metals, and directional combinations.
2. Power directions help you focus
Power directions are the directions you will be facing when you're working, meditating, or doing creative projects that require focus. You will align with the direction that allows you to step into your potential so the flow of your work is easy.
If you're looking to get something done, the focus is easier when you are facing this direction. When your work is more focused, you feel more accomplished and sleep better, as supported by a study in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
Experiment by working while facing in different directions and make note of any differences.
3. Sleep direction can influence restfulness
Sleep direction is simply finding the best direction for you to sleep so you can enjoy a quality, restful sleep. Do you sleep better facing the sunrise or sunset set, north to south like a compass (as found by a study in The International Journal of Indian Psychology), or reverse polarity? Experiment by sleeping in different directions and notice if you feel more restful.
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4. Color helps you resonate
In terms of colors, it's the same thing. What parts of the rainbow are the most aligned for you and will be most beneficial for you? You can build your rainbow from the colors that resonate most with you, the colors you are most attracted to, and the colors that look the best on you.
Explore building your rainbow based on a theme that works for you, and consider implementing the colors of your rainbow into the place where you sleep or meditate before sleep, as implied by Professor Mohammadreza Hatamian.
I use the seasons, namely spring, summer, winter, and fall, to help determine which color palettes are best suited for you.
5. Numbers help tune you in
With numbers, it's very similar to the colors. However, everything is simplified into a single digit to determine your number. So basically, we experiment with the numbers one through nine to find the number that works to tune you in.
This could be through visualization, numerical symbology, or paying careful attention to the natural numbers occurring around you. Your power number can used similarly to colors for the place you sleep or a pre-sleep meditation. Pre-sleep mindfulness‐based stress reduction programs have been demonstrated effective by Andrea L. Cincotta, Ph.D.
6. Metals amplify
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Then, with metals, we primarily look at jewelry, whether it's a ring, watch, or any other piece of metal you might wear. It's about how you personalize and accessorize yourself with these metals. When you wear the metal best attuned to you, like with colors, you feel more confident, and the day flows better, so sleep comes naturally at day's end.
Iron, zinc, copper, gold, and silver have different qualities for conducting electricity, so it is not too challenging to imagine their effect on the human body. Especially since certain metals also are part of the human body, as shown by a study in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology,
7. Success coordinates are unique based on your energy
Some people might need help to channel their success coordinates to find out what works best for them and learn more, even after they've already experimented. Many people benefit from feedback to help find the factors that work for them and channel their success coordinates so they are much more aligned and in sync. It will put you firmly on a path to success by helping you sleep better and get more from each day.
You can align more here.
Archanaa Shyam is an Intuitive Visionary Strategist, Catalyst, and medical intuitive who is a student of Shamanic Astrology. She is a medical intuitive, a master energy transmitter, and a channel, and she integrates all of these interests and talents into helping clients in various ways.