Manifestation Expert Reveals The ‘Power Move’ To Use When Someone Really Infuriates You

“You’re not going to like it, but it’s really effective.”

Woman using the manifestation power move after someone really angered her fizkes | Shutterstock

Let’s be real — when someone purposefully tries to get on your nerves, it can be hard not to fight back. But while it may bring some short-term relief, is it worth the cost?

One manifestation expert online says definitely not. The law of attraction suggests that humans are capable of attracting whatever they desire by focusing their thoughts and intentions on it, so when strong emotions consume us, this energy is misconstrued, and it will only harm you in the end.


A manifestation expert shared his unconventional ‘power move’ to use when someone really infuriates you.

Michael, who goes by @sleepfix on TikTok, helps others "master their personal energetics" so they can evolve into their highest selves. He began his video by distinguishing what kind of infuriating interactions this ‘power move’ refers to. Certain instances may require self-defense, which is a different case. 

“When I say someone’s [expletive] you off, if you’re being physically threatened or assaulted in any way, that’s not what I'm talking about,” he said. “I’m talking about if you had a nonphysical interaction with someone and it [made you angry].”


According to Michael, when someone offends or disrespects you in any way, triggering an angry response, "you need to do a 'you-turn.'"

"Being pissed off costs you the most," he explained. "And if you need to hold someone accountable, doing it from an energy of anger is not going to get you what you want."

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Projecting anger will only amplify your stress.

In the moment, seeking out a vengeful outcome can be hard to resist, but the only person this will really harm in the end is yourself. 

“The law of attraction is always in the on position, it’s always working. Every vibe, every feeling you offer to the universe, the universe hears as a request, and the answer to all your requests is yes," he explained. "Maintaining a state of righteous anger is requesting that the universe give you more reasons to be angry and frustrated.”

Think about it, you know when you get really upset about something, and suddenly more and more inconveniences start to occur the longer you stay angry? This is what happens when we project anger into our environments. The energy you give off is what you will receive in return, as the law of attraction underscores. 

When you allow your anger to consume you, your thoughts and energy subconsciously "pray" for the problems to continue and even escalate, further fueling your rage — a dangerous spiral that can happen quickly. 


"The ultimate mastery you have in your life is to control your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings," Michael affirmed. "It's all you really have control over."

As Alleah Friedrichs, a law of attraction expert on TikTok, explained, the first step to responding to your agitated state is to figure out how to return to a state of calm. 

"How do I move into an energy of not caring? How do I tap back into my inner being who's always smiling and knowing everything is fine?" she asked. "Just posing the question is going to really help fix you, chill out, and not be annoyed. 


RELATED: 6 Tiny Ways To Emotionally Regulate Yourself, According To Neuroscience

Thinking before you react will give you the mental strength to embody your authentic self.

It's important to remember that our emotions are fleeting. They come and go and aren't worth dwelling in. Other energies may try to pierce your state of peace, but it's up to you to rise above it and actively shield your energy from any intrusive penetration. 

Taking offense to acts of disrespect is a choice, after all, even when it doesn't feel like it. Having the strength to maintain your peace in the face of negativity will always serve your highest good in the end. 

As someone who deals with some fiery emotions myself from time to time (it’s the Aries in me), I can attest that this is not always easy. But you’ll find that it takes a lot more energy to react immediately than it does to step away from the situation and give yourself space to process. 


You could do this by isolating yourself in a quiet room, going for a run, screaming into a pillow, rage journaling, or punching a punching bag — whatever works for you.

Woman screaming into pillow because someone really angered her Beauty Stock | Shutterstock

While that anger may still linger in the end, you’ll be able to think much more clearly and calmly. It’s always ideal to give yourself time to manage your emotions rather than acting on them and doing something you might later regret.


Whatever that person did to get under your skin, it's not worth your peace. Save your energy for more important things, like manifesting the life of your dreams. Let the haters hate, and focus on mastering your energy. 

RELATED: 5 Quiet Things To Do When You're Angry — That Could Literally Save Your Relationship

​​Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. She covers lifestyle, human-interest, adventure, and spirituality topics.