Man Tells His Co-Worker To Go Back To His Country Because 'In America We Don't Run Away From Our Problems'
People urged him to report the disparaging remark to one of their superiors.

A man admitted that he was shocked after being the victim of xenophobia by another one of his co-workers and what they said to him during their workday.
Posting to the subreddit r/antiwork, he claimed that he was absolutely stunned and didn't know how to respond to the unnecessary and, frankly, out-of-pocket comment made by someone that he worked with.
His co-worker told him to return to his country because, 'in America, we don't run away from our problems.'
In his Reddit post, he explained that he's originally from Venezuela and moved to America to escape the economic and political climate in the country for fear of his life. He ended up getting a trade job, and during his most recent experience at work, he was with some of his other co-workers waiting for their foreman outside of a building.
"They were talking while I, without paying any attention, was on my phone reading a little," he recalled.
fizkes | Shutterstock
While they were all waiting, his journeyman, who is a person who served an apprenticeship at a trade or handicraft and is certified to work at it assisting or under another person, arrived and for no reason whatsoever turned to this man and said an extremely disrespectful comment in regards to him being on his phone.
"You know? In America, we don't run away from our problems; we solve them. You should go back to your country, and God, I'm so happy that we will put the right guy in the office to get all of you out of the country," he recalled his co-worker saying.
Everyone standing around them said nothing and didn't even try to jump in and defend him from such comments. Instead, people laughed.
Robert Kneschke | Canva Pro
He was incredibly stupefied by the fact that something like that was said to him out in the open, and no one seemed to take issue with it. He didn't know how to react and ultimately acted as if nothing had happened.
He pointed out that his job is supposed to be a "union" and "brotherhood," but his co-worker's behavior proved that it's anything but.
It's disgusting that one person would insinuate that another person doesn't belong in this country just because of their ethnicity.
If we're being serious, America is stolen land, to begin with, so technically, we all don't truly belong here.
Outside of more philosophical ethicalities on war and land ownership, it is disheartening and cruel that this man's co-workers stood by laughing while these disparaging remarks were made about one of their own.
To stay silent is to side with a racist, and luckily, he admitted that he will be leaving his job soon, so he won't have to be around these people anymore. Sadly, according to the civil rights advocacy group SPLC, "The workplace is, for some, the only place they experience diversity. For those who live in segregated neighborhoods, attend segregated houses of worship, or take part in segregated hobbies or activities, work becomes the only place they interact with people of varied and diverse backgrounds. It often is, for these people, a testing ground."
Unfortunately, this is a stark reality for many people of color, especially immigrants from ethnic countries. They experience xenophobia and racism on a daily basis from ignorant individuals who both don't realize and don't care how their words will affect someone else.
People in the comments were sympathetic toward this man for having to experience an ordeal like that.
"Comments like that can still get your boss in trouble in the U.S. If you have HR, run that to them immediately. With the way things are going in this country, his behavior is likely only going to get worse. I know you're leaving soon, but that behavior shouldn't have to be tolerated for any length of time," one Reddit user suggested.
And that commenter is absolutely right. According to the U.S. Equal Opportunity Commission, "It is unlawful to harass a person because of that person's race or color. Harassment can include, for example, racial slurs, offensive or derogatory remarks about a person's race or color, or the display of racially-offensive symbols."
Another user added, "Unfortunately, this mindset is very common amongst blue-collar workers and Republicans. You may run into this again, and I am, honest to God, sorry about it. I am so disappointed in my fellow Americans any time I hear this. We are a country founded on immigrants."
"That's pretty much the definition of a racist and xenophobic rant. Report his behavior to your union rep, if you have one; otherwise, his superiors," a third user agreed, joining others who brought up the same point.
If he can, he shouldn't let this type of behavior fly under the radar, and if there is someone to report this kind of stuff to, he should most definitely do it.
No one should ever be allowed to spew that kind of hatred at anyone else.
Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.