Man Insists Couples That Hold Hands In Public Are A Nuisance — 'Just Get Out Of Everyone's Way'
Some people assume that he is just bitter about being single. However, he makes a valid point.

We’ve all been in situations where we have to wriggle our bodies through impossibly tight spaces in public to make way for the couple holding hands who refuse to break away.
While most of them see us struggling to pass, they still choose to take up at least 5 feet of walking space at their arm's length, appearing to be in a bubble of love that prohibits them from being conscientious.
One man hilariously called out those couples who refuse to let go of each other’s grip, even if it means forcing others around them to scramble for space to walk by — and others had mixed opinions on the matter.
The man vented about couples who hold hands in public and get in everyone's way.
Sharing his opinions to the subreddit r/unpopularopinion, the man called couples holding hands in public settings a “nuisance.”
“It’s cute and all until you’re blocking sidewalks, stairs, etc, especially when others could be in a rush,” he wrote. “Forget about being in a rush, just get out of everyone’s way.” - Yuri A | Shutterstock
The man also highlighted just how agonizing it is when couples holding hands walk at a slower pace than everyone around them, forcing others to duck down and press themselves against walls just to be able to shimmy past them.
Other Redditors were divided on the issue.
Some people argued that the man was simply bitter toward couples in love.
“Just walk around them, or ask them to move. Don't be bitter others are in love and want to stroll, without a care in the world,” one Redditor commented. “Maybe you'll get to experience being a couple, holding hands and walking slowly with someone, to understand the sentiment of it.”
“She didn’t wanna hold your hand, huh?” another user assumed.
“You want people to get out of your way without knowing they are in your way? You're a big boy, use your words and say excuse me,” another suggested.
Others claimed that there are other groups of people responsible for sidewalk blockages, including the elderly, people who may have difficulty walking and even confused single people who lose track of where they’re going.
However, others understood exactly the point the man was trying to make and agreed that some couples holding hands in public lack social awareness.
“Have people forgotten how to be aware of their surroundings? It’s on par with the idiots at the store who stop and chat in the middle of the goddamn aisle. Or people who stop in the middle of the street while driving to talk to their neighbors. Move! You’re in the way!” one user pointed out.
“Couples who hold hands and get in the way are a nuisance. Growing up in New York I was raised with a special hatred for people who stand in the way. I therefore try to stay aware of my surroundings and not get in the way, even when I’m out hand-in-hand with my wife,” another shared.
In public, there is an unspoken rule that if you are taking your time and notice someone in a rush behind you, you should move to the side to allow them to get by.
According to a Bloomberg article detailing a “non-jerk’s guide to sidewalk etiquette,” those who are going at a slower pace than the flow of pedestrian traffic should veer to the right, similar to automobile traffic.
Since couples who are holding hands are often casually strolling and enjoying each other’s company without feeling the need to be rushed, they may want to stick to the right side of a store aisle or a sidewalk so that those in a hurry do not have to bump into them or uncomfortably weave around them.
antoniodiaz | Shutterstock
And even though this should really go without saying, if you are walking hand-in-hand with your loved one in a rather congested area, it is okay to break away for just a few moments and walk single-file to avoid slowing down the flow.
We promise, that your love will not diminish if you need to let go of your partner’s hand for just a moment!
While most of us don't mind that couples in love want to hold hands while in public (and we’re glad that you have someone who makes you feel safe and loved at all times!), we do ask you to be considerate of others.
If refusing to break away causes others to struggle and weave around you or even go underneath your arm bridge, they may be slightly annoyed, and rightfully so.
They are not bitter that there is a happy couple in their presence. They are flabbergasted by the couple’s consideration only for one another and not the other people they share the sidewalks and store aisles with.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.