Man Asks If It's Normal That His Wife Always Takes The Middle Seat When They Fly Together
Does anyone actually enjoy sitting in the middle seat?

Traveling gives people the wonderful opportunity to see the world and different cultures, but the process of getting to your destination isn’t that wonderful. Now, why could this be? Could this be because of the lengthy flights or the seat in front of you constantly reclining, backing into your knees? Good guesses, but no. The notorious middle seat takes the cake. Staying wedged between two people for the next whatever amount of hours of your life.
However, have you ever heard of someone willingly taking the dreadful seat? Well, one husband touched on this subject on a Reddit post, sharing that his wife oddly does. He said that his wife has no problem taking the middle seat when they fly together, but it made him wonder if she was really just doing it to be nice.
A man questioned whether it’s typical for wives to always take the middle seat when flying with their husbands.
This strange little arrangement started on their first trip together when his wife declared her interest in the middle seat. Yes, the middle seat—that uncomfortable, cramped, “Why did I book this flight” position. To many, this is the worst seat on the flight; however, for her, it is the best arrangement, with a price, of course.
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Over time, this arrangement became their flying routine, with a little twist: If one of them gets an upgrade, the wife always gets first dibs. This is a completely reasonable compromise because, hey, who would ever want to be stuck in the middle seat?
Why do wives often end up in the middle seat when flying with their husbands?
For many, the middle seat is known to be a dreaded spot on a flight, stuck in between two other passengers with a limited amount of space. So why on Earth does this wife prefer it?
For some, sitting in the middle seat actually has its perks — very surprising, we know. According to SJSUNews, the middle seat can have its redeeming qualities. For example, it is said that people tend to be less bothered when sitting in the middle seat. Stating that “You only risk one person bothering you to go to the restroom.” This may be true, but what about being wedged between two other people?
Most commenters seemed to argue that the best bet is to book two aisle seats, but there were plenty who insisted that whoever is shorter and smaller gets the middle seat because it's simply easier. That generally means women are more likely to sit in the middle.
There is also an unwritten rule for the middle seaters: You get both armrests. Yes, you heard that middle seaters, those two lovely armrests people use when they need comfort, are all yours. So, looking back now, maybe the wife wasn’t wrong for picking the middle seat. Not only does it have its perks, but if the couple is offered an upgrade, she gets an even better seat. Sounds like a win-win.
Every couple has to do what works best for them when it comes to comfortable airline travel.
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Every couple has their own quirks and compromises for their relationship to run smoothly, for this couple it's the middle seat compromise. Healthy relationships are built on this, and sometimes, that means sacrificing the prime window seat for a little cozy middle-seat snuggle.
Whether it’s switching between aisle and window or committing to the middle seat for life, what matters most is that they’ve found what works. And honestly, if you’ve got an upgrade system in place, who’s really complaining?