The Male Body Type That Attracts Most Women, According To Research

A specific type of build is most alluring to women, a study reveals.

Active man is the most attractive to women. FoToArtist | Canva

While you may be putting in your best effort to keep up with hygiene, find a beard length that the ladies love, and polish your pickup lines, there is some science behind why people are attracted or unattracted to you. Don't worry, the odds are better in more people being attracted to you.

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Researchers at Chapman University took a poll of 60,058 heterosexual women and men, asking how many partners they have had and what their body mass and height were, all to determine the body type that gets the most action.

With the men and women aged between 30 and 44, the average number of people they were intimate with was eight. For men who were shorter than average, their median number was 5, while very tall men averaged 10 women. However, Chapman University researchers noted that these numbers were not as drastically different as they thought they would be.


“These findings confirm that height is relevant in the mating market,” said David Frederick, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology at Chapman University and lead author. “However, the relatively limited variation in partner number for men across much of the height continuum is difficult to explain.

Research has repeatedly shown that women prefer men who are relatively taller than they are. It is possible that for most women there is a certain minimal threshold of height, after which they will consider a male as a potential partner, and thus men above that height will end up with similar numbers of partners.”


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The Male Body Type That Gets The Most Women Andrei Korzhyts / Shutterstock

When looking at the body mass index, men who were right in the middle had the most partners while overweight men were close behind them. 

According to Dr. Frederick, "Men who appear somewhat larger, more powerful, or more athletic generally report more intimate experiences than other men.”


So, while height and weight do \make a difference when it comes to how many intimate experiences men will have, the study shows that it isn’t everything. This is a chance to realize that a great personality will get you a long way. Nothing is more attractive than a funny guy. And you can learn new skills to impress ladies, and women love a man who can cook.

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Male Body Type That Gets The Most Women Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB / Shutterstock


For you guys out there who are above average in height or the middle when it comes to BMI, don’t just rely on these characteristics. Women like so many different things when it comes to a guy, and a man who is nice and can dress nice is all a woman can ask for. So, just remember that a clean shave and a nice shirt can take you a whole lot farther.

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Shannon Ullman is a writer who focuses on travel and adventure, women's health, pop culture, and relationships. Her work has appeared in the Huffington Post, MSN, and Matador Network.
