Brave Little Girl Wearing A Princess Crown & Dress Saves Her Mom’s Life While The Two Of Them Were Home Alone Together

The young girl knew exactly what to do after her mother suddenly experienced a medical emergency.

Little cute girl in beautiful dress is sitting near the window at home. 4 PM production | Shutterstock

A brave 5-year-old girl from the U.K. became a hero after she took action to save her mother's life and proved that not all heroes wear capes — they can also wear a princess dress and crown. 

The little girl saved her mom's life while the two of them were home alone together. 

According to BBC, Poppy Davies and her mother, Leisha Davies, were home alone together when suddenly Leisha collapsed from septic shock. The 35-year-old mom and mental health worker had been feeling ill for a couple of weeks after having surgery for a twisted bowel in October 2023.


It seemed complications from the surgery caught up to Leisha, and in January 2024, she woke up feeling extremely tired and later that day collapsed on the bedroom floor while her husband, Ryan, was away at work. 

"Poppy opened all the curtains and blinds in the house and put on all the lights to try and draw attention," Leisha said. "But when nobody came, she spent the night with me."

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The next morning, wearing the same princess dress and crown that she'd been playing in before her mother collapsed, Poppy walked all the way to her school, Pontllanfraith Primary, to get help. Luckily, the building was just behind her house, so the little girl didn't have to travel too far.

"In the morning on the 19th, she was in her princess dress, got her wellies on and her little crown. She unlocked my front door and walked to the school gate right by my house," the proud mother explained. "She went into the schoolroom and told the teacher, 'Mummy's on the floor, and I can't wake her up."

After Poppy got help from her teacher, Leisha was placed in a medically induced coma to save her life.

Poppy arrived at school and told her teacher what had occurred. The teacher immediately called 999, went back home with her, and helped get her into her school uniform before returning her to school safely. 

After discovering Leisha's unconscious body, two of Poppy's teachers put her in the recovery position while waiting for the ambulance.


At the hospital, doctors discovered that Leisha was in septic shock and only one of her lungs was working at 15% capacity, according to the Daily Mail. Leisha was then placed in a medically induced coma for three weeks so her body could recover. Aside from having a few vivid and scary dreams, as Leisha described it, she has no memory of this time.

Mom in hospital bed after her daughter saved her life while the two of them were home alone together Supavadee butradee | Shutterstock

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Leisha spent a total of 9 weeks in the hospital while she was undergoing treatment on her feet because they'd turned black due to the medication she'd been given.

At first, Leisha was told that she would need to have her feet amputated from the shin down, but doctors were able to only remove half of each foot. Now, Leisha hopes that her story will promote awareness of the symptoms of sepsis and encourage children to know what to do in case of emergencies.

It's a valuable resource to teach your children how to dial the number for emergency services, have them memorize their parents' numbers or other family members' numbers that live in the area, and get them acquainted with asking others for help in case something happens. Children are never too young to know that if something frightening happens, they have the power to take action immediately instead of waiting for someone else to step in because, by that time, it could be too late.

"It is scary," Leisha admitted. "I always think, what if the inevitable did happen and she didn’t know what to do? She doesn’t understand the gravity but she realizes when I say you are my little hero, you saved mummy’s life, and she loves that."


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Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.