The Simple Life Goal That Promises Deep & Lasting Joy
Five easy ways to create a path to lasting happiness in your life.

Wherever you are on your life journey, creating balance in your life is a fundamental part of experiencing peace and expansion in your awareness.
Balance is the key to your true potential. Keep reading and discovering five easy ways to create balance in your life while expanding your conscious awareness.
Here are five techniques to help you find balance in your life
1. Goals are awesome — set some
Challenges are thrilling, but there is a need to pause and check in on the balance of your life. Is there something in your life that is no longer healthy?
2. Intentionally tune into the feeling of gratitude
This will automatically create space in your thoughts and help you step back from the perpetual movement of life.
3. Explore all parts of your life, physical, spiritual, mind, spirit, and body
Where are you putting all your energy? What part of you needs more attention? Are you making time for prayer and meditation?
4. Create a daily practice that holds stillness, gratitude, and self-reflection
This can be found in yoga, journaling, and meditation.
5. Write goals and dreams down to create balance
Put your goals and life dreams down where you can see them. Write out your daily schedule. This is an easy way to discover how balanced your day is. The act of writing things slows you down, clears your mind and can decrease stress and anxiety.
Balance and raising your consciousness
The energy of the Hanged Man tarot card has been pivotal in my life. It is my reminder to slow down and check in with my body, mind, and spirit. Does this sound familiar? You just don’t have the strength and wherewithal to stay the course in life. Change and transformation is sure to come.
I just completed my second half marathon in a month. This is something that stirs up so much inside me, joy, gratitude, competition, and the desire for more. All these thoughts and feelings bubble up in a chaotic fashion; until some part of me is called back to the beauty of living a balanced life.
Fifteen years ago, I would not have blinked an eye about running multiple half-marathons. One year I ran three marathons. I was driven by the joy of running, choosing races and following a plan. I also had three young children and volunteer work.
There was no balance or stillness in my life.
Eventually, my body, mind and spirit became too tired to continue propelling myself forward. I literally couldn’t continue running and live a thriving life.
My body said, “no more,” and life changed overnight. At first, this was really scary. Until something inside of me surrendered to unseen forces. I had no idea what the outcome would be, but I felt safe.
I received a diagnosis, the medical reason for my physical changes. More importantly, I began to understand spiritually why it happened. I learned how to be still and receive. I began communicating with my guides, angels, and God.
Eventually, I had the energy to care for my family, but I couldn’t imagine ever running again.
How a big life change changed me
When I moved from Alaska to Arizona I began to feel like my old self. I felt my physical self grow stronger every day.
Joy literally ran through my mind and body on the trails. I still feel compelled to kiss the Earth in gratitude.
At some point, I decided to start adding a little running (trotting) into my hiking. It felt good, but I was cautious. I didn’t want to burn out and find myself with the Hanged Man again. Slowly I added more miles into my schedule.
This is where I am today. Happy, grateful, and reminding myself of the beauty of a balanced life. I have energy for my physical body, mind, spirit, work, family, and community.
I live in the beauty of celebrating now and fully embrace each step of the journey
In a couple of months, I’ll pick another half marathon and begin training. Having the date on my calendar gets me super excited! In the meantime, I will hike, take yoga and Pilates classes, work, and enjoy family and friends.
New life, new me, new goals
My goals look completely different than they did 15 years ago. This is a characteristic of living a balanced life. Things come and go. We evolve and transform into something our soul is encouraging us to explore.
My transformation has brought a shift in my awareness. It doesn’t matter where I am, or what I’m doing, at some point I will be pulled back into the ocean of awareness that completely changed my life years ago. Here I let go of it all and enjoy the peace.
Eventually, I come back to the reality that holds goals and a different form of joy. In this human life, both experiences are needed to thrive.
Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.