Kind Woman Begs To Save A Dog Chained Outside For 3 Years Until The Owner Finally Agreed To Let Him Have A Better Life

She gave this dog a second chance and a happily ever after.

dog chained outside for years saved by kind woman Wichudapa | Shutterstock

There are moments in life when we’re faced with hardship and forced to see the darker parts of life. In those moments, we have a choice — we can stay in our bubble and not do anything to change the situation, or we can practice acts of generosity and compassion.

One woman chose to fight for the voiceless, and although it took time, she saved a life.

A kind woman begged to save a dog who was chained outside for years until the owner agreed to let him have a better life.

Lindsay Boyk volunteers at a rescue, so she knows the challenges and joys of caring for abandoned animals firsthand. She shared the heart-wrenching story of how she adopted her Very Good Boy, a pit bull named Chubbs.


Boyk posted the dog on TikTok, showing him lying in a patch of grass. She wrote, “When you’ve been trying to save this dog chained outside in the Alabama heat for three years and the owner finally agrees to let him have a better life.”

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“You saddle up for a 12-hour drive and start seeing a world you never knew existed,” she continued, filming herself in the driver’s seat while her new pup cuddled up on a blanket in the backseat, looking out the window with amazement.

Chubbs eventually made his way into the passenger seat to enjoy the AC on his fur. Boyk noted it was the first time he’d felt cool air since he was forced to live outside before she rescued him.

Sad dog chained outside for years Hakase_420 | Shutterstock


“Welcome to the family, Chubbs,” Boyk exclaimed, as her canine companion and tired road warrior snoozed on her lap while she drove.

The sound of his peaceful snores filled the air, showing just how safe and protected he felt with his new person.

In a separate post, Boyk offered a brief update, declaring, “I’d say we’re settling in nicely.” She sat on the couch as Chubbs draped his perfect paws over her legs and covered her with puppy kisses.

@lindsayboyk Mini update! I’d say we’re settling in nicely 🥰 Story time coming soon! I’ve been overwhelmed with the love and support for our boy! And yes he is OUR boy now #chubbs #pitbull #rescued #update #couch #kisses ♬ you look like you love me - Ella Langley & Riley Green

RELATED: Animal Communicator Explains Why You Feel Such A Strong Connection To Your Pet


The love between Boyk and Chubbs is palpable, showing that dogs really do become family. 

It’s clear that the dog and his devoted dog mom have a bright, full future ahead of them, one where Chubbs gets to settle into his forever home and be treated with respect, dignity, and care — things his life before was sorely lacking.

According to the World Animal Foundation, approximately 14.8% of dogs in U.S. shelters are pit bulls. They spend three times longer in shelters than other breeds do, in part because of their negative reputation, which is tied to the stereotype that they’re violent and aggressive.

Yet Chubbs’ sweet disposition proves that mentality wrong.

Happy pitbull after being saved by kind woman and given a better life Nata Bene | Shutterstock


Boyk rescued Chubbs from isolation and neglect. Her act of kindness provided him with a home, a family, and a place to flourish into the loving creature at the core of his being.

There’s so much that Chubbs has yet to discover: The joy of long, meandering sniffy walks, endless games of fetch, and morning belly rubs.

All dogs deserve to be treated with warmth and to be part of a pack. They’re not meant to be left alone to fend for themselves.

Boyk took it upon herself to advocate for Chubbs. Now, he’s truly living his best life, one rooted in love.


As the saying goes, “Who saved who?” For Boyk and Chubbs, the answer is that they saved each other.

RELATED: The Way A Person Treats Their Dog Tells You A Specific Thing About Their Childhood

Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture analysis and all things to do with the entertainment industry.