People With The Most Spontaneous Personality Type Share These 5 Dark Traits
Being free-spirited has its downsides.

The ISFP personality type is known as the Adventurer or Artist of the Myers-Briggs types. Though the ISFP (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perception) is open-minded, service-oriented, sensitive, artistic, and free-spirited, sometimes, the ISFP bad traits tend to take hold.
This personality is unconventional and constantly pushing limits, yet their flaws amount to a stunning amount of unpredictability, stress, and unnecessary competition. And that can be off-putting for other people.
While each Myers-Briggs type has a dark side, here are the fatal flaws of the ISFP personality.
5 Negative Personality Traits of the ISFP Dark Side
1. Fiercely independent
Although they are social beings, ISFPs tend to want to hack it alone. A lot of people don't like their approach, and that's why ISFPs are so determined to do well and prove others wrong.
ISFPs want validation from people who think that they are wasting their time and have no focus in life. Once they are determined to prove somebody wrong, ISFPs will go to great lengths to accomplish a task and have people who doubt them on their side.
Although everyone should do things alone sometimes, it can eventually push people away. ISFPs need to learn to let people in.
2. Unpredictable
ISFPs don't play by the rules. They have lived their whole life bending the rules and doing things to push the limits of society, and they don't seem to want to adhere to norms. If ISFPs like what they are thinking or feeling, they will act upon it, but not always in the way others may think.
Feeling free is great, but in the real world, there are consequences to actions. And ISFPs must accept that their unpredictable nature will be noticed by others. They can be artistic and free-spirited without interrupting others' lives.
3. Neurotic
For a creative personality type, ISFPs are easily stressed. With their brains always on fire, they are never at peace and sometimes have trouble sleeping. Even going to work can be stressful because they are the go-to person for new and creative ideas.
Always afraid of not coming up with the solution to everyone's problems, ISFPs stress that they will lose their friends and even themselves if they aren't thinking of the next big thing. But if people can't accept ISFPs for who they are, they aren't worth it.
4. Overly competitive
ISFPs have the minds of competitive athletes. Whether it's at home or at work, they need to be winners, and it drives the people they care about crazy.
Always wanting to prove people wrong, ISFPs have adopted a work ethic that surpasses most of the Myers-Briggs personalities. They seem carefree, but they are hard workers with a mission to get things done, even if it borders on being downright rude.
5. Awkward
ISFPs tend to suffer from low self-esteem, and that comes across to other people as quite awkward. ISFPs seem like they don't care what people say about them, but they do. They always do. And that façade of pretending as if nothing is in their way can be their downfall.
ISFPs want to belong and want to fit into a group, but don't know how. Constantly jumping from one idea to another and never staying in one place for long means ISFPs don't build lasting relationships.
To fix their awkward nature and boost their self-esteem, ISFPs need to put down roots and stay in contact with individuals they meet. Confronting their issues will be more helpful than running away from them.
Njeri Dean is a writer and contributor to YourTango, covering astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.