Intuitive Guide Reveals How To Protect Yourself From Evil-Eye Energy
Pay close attention to how the people in your life make you feel.

The energy from other people in our lives seriously impacts our well-being. Whether it's a toxic co-worker, family member, or frenemy, their negative energy seeps into our own in a damaging way.
Throughout history, the power of the human gaze has been thought to hold great powers, including the ability to curse others. That's how the curse of the evil eye was born. It is not to be confused with an evil eye amulet, which is an emblem meant to block the negative energy of an enemy's gaze.
An intuitive guide revealed how she protects herself from negative evil-eye energy.
Intuitive guide and spiritual teacher Teale, known as @underthemoonwithteale on social media, shared the preventative practices and healing mechanisms she uses in her daily life to combat the negative consequences of evil-eye energy.
This evil eye energy, believed to be enacted by the presence of someone with ill intentions, often impacts another person’s life negatively — from small misfortunes like losing something, to larger, more impactful injuries and depression.
Everything in our lives — from relationships, feelings, thoughts, and interactions — is founded in energetic vibrations. When we mesh with someone, our energies feel aligned. When we resonate with a message, our body’s energetic wavelength responds.
However, when a friend gossips behind our backs or a co-worker talks trash, that negative energy finds its way into your own, disrupting our natural and healthy rhythms; when you notice that your energy shifts around a certain person, you feel anxious in their presence or drained after being around them.
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Thankfully, Teale insisted there are things you can do to combat this.
"Did you know one of the easiest ways to protect yourself from evil eye or negative energy is to intention set and create energetic boundaries?" she asked viewers.
An intuitive guide can create ‘energetic boundaries’ and set intentions throughout the day to redirect evil-eye energy.
Creating boundaries that reinforce healthy space is essential to separating yourself from evil-eye energy. Such boundaries can protect you from emotional vampires and toxic people who drain your energy.
Set the intention that no one is allowed to access your energy. Teale suggested intention setting at the start of your day, although you can do it at any time.
She further advised viewers to be mindful of how they feel when around certain people in their lives and send their energy back when necessary.
"Do you feel uplifted, inspired, and empowered? Or [do they] drain your energy?" she asked. "Your body is literally signaling to you who you should be spending your time around, so it's best to listen to it."
“You can also send people’s energies back to them with intention,” Teale added, “ by stating out loud ‘Any and all energy that is not serving my highest good can be sent back to those that it belongs to.’”
Protecting yourself from evil energy starts with investing in yourself and your happiness. Cultivate relationships that make you feel energized and don't allow others to bring you down.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a staff writer with a bachelor’s degree in social relations & policy and gender studies who focuses on psychology, relationships, self-help, and human interest stories.