If You Want More Self-Confidence, It's Time To Accept These 3 Essential Truths
Steve Jobs once said that one of the best doctors is self-confidence.
Our health suffers when we lose faith in ourselves. We deteriorate when we stop connecting with the part of us that knows who we are and what we need at a deeper level. Self-confidence is who we are in the absence of self-judgment.
Having high self-esteem can lead someone to be happier and have better social relationships, according to a study.
If you want to feel more confident, accept these 3 essential truths:
1. Reflect on the idea that self-judgment has power over our sense of self-confidence
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Our confidence drops the moment we criticize ourselves in some way. I was often anxious when I was younger because I frequently entertained doubtful thoughts about who I thought I was not. This is why we can be nervous when we worry.
Confidence is more a state of being than a personality trait. We can affect our self-confidence by removing judgment.
When there is an opportunity to self-berate, you have a choice. You can poison your soul by entertaining those ugly thoughts, or you can take a breath and return to creating what’s right in front of you.
2. Regularly engage in ‘creative expansion’
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A human who doesn’t create and only consumes allows their pride and joy to escape through an open hatch. Confidence is cultivated by continually creating things. It’s what humans are here for and programmed to do. This means building things. It means starting and finishing projects. It means taking risks and accumulating experiences comprised of moments of fear that grow our characters. Do this at a rate and level of joyous intensity most would consider ridiculous.
Life can only improve once you step out of your comfort zone. Research from Cornell University has determined that to grow in life, people need to put themselves in situations that may feel daunting, and take risks. My life and confidence exploded when my creative output exploded. If you aren’t expanding, you’re contracting.
3. Warm up the connection between your physical body and a more profound sense of awareness
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Awareness is who we are. Our physical bodies merely tie awareness to the physical realm. We are connected to Universal energy in this way — the same energy driving the expansion of Space.
When we reestablish this connection, we feel better. We can do this by opening our physical senses and flooding ourselves with awareness. It’s like flooding ourselves with ourselves. Now, we’re being guided by a nourishing force.
Confidence is about knowing it’s there and having the faith that we can let ourselves go and be supported. When we cultivate self-confidence like this, our health and resilience improve significantly. Eat well, talk to people, and go for walks, but honor your confidence. You’ll rarely, if ever, need to visit the doctor.
Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.