How To Use Each Phase Of The Moon To Manifest Your Desires & Dreams
The moon is the energy that feeds your soul with the delight of potential.

When you're learning how manifesting can work in your life, it's important to consider what kind of impact the phases of the moon have in bringing your dreams to life.
In order to manifest the things you want and need in life, you'll have to be empowered by your awareness of co-creating life with the universe, and you'll have to leave room for the unknown — that’s where the magic resides.
What does the moon have to do with manifesting?
The phases of the moon bring mystical and secret lunar magic into the manifestation process. You can use the moon’s energy to manifest both long- and short-term goals.
Each cycle brings a new energy that rewards you if you understand the subtle changes. It's as easy as remembering the invisible, gentle waves moving through you.
Ignore or resist the moon’s magic and you might overlook the gentle flow of sweet abundance. Living in awareness of the cycles allows you to be the high priestess (or priest) of your creative world.
The secrets of manifestation are shared by the light of the moon. Each lunar cycle holds an intricate part of creation.
What does it mean to manifest with the moon?
Manifesting with the moon involves aligning your intentions and desires with the cycles and energies of the lunar phases. Manifesting with the moon is the simple practice of setting clear intentions during specific moon phases, such as the new moon or full moon, in order to amplify the manifestation process.
By harnessing the moon's feminine energy, you can create a powerful and focused intention-setting ritual that aids in the manifestation of your goals and desires. Working with the moon allows you to tap into its transformative energy and use it as a catalyst to bring your dreams into reality.
Here's how to use the phases of the moon to manifest your desires and dreams.
New Moon
The New Moon is the phase that holds the energy of just awakening and is the best time to set intentions and manifest. You are connected to the inner world and just beginning to experience new desires in your outer world.
With no moon visible, this is a time for new beginnings. You are given a blank slate to create your dreams. You're cultivating the ground for the future planting of seeds.
To manifest what you want on a New Moon, make time for yourself and unplug from life. Light a red candle, burn some sage, and write down your biggest dreams.
Remember to think about what brings you joy and ignites your fire. Pause and enjoy the freedom of unencumbered desires.
Waxing Crescent Moon
Connect to the feelings of your intentions. Communicate with the universe exactly how your successful manifestations feel. Open your heart for your dreams to have space to grow.
Light an orange candle, and visualize walking into the reality you are cultivating in your heart and mind. Imagine nurturing and caring for your dreams. You are planting seeds and lovingly watering and protecting them.
First Quarter Moon
Make an action plan. You may notice a change in the energy around you.
Are you experiencing resistance? Stay motivated but flexible as you begin to follow your action steps. Notice if your actions match your heart’s intentions. You may begin to see some little green sprouts from what you planted earlier.
Light a yellow candle and sit in a sacred space. Close your eyes and take deep, cleansing breaths. Feel the energy of your dreams. Do your actions align with what you began cultivating last week?
Waxing Gibbous Moon
You may find yourself experimenting or trying different angles to reach your goals. Does it feel like you are still on track? Do you need to change course?
Focus on your plans and assess your actions. You'll definitely see your little plants by now, but you may question if you planted the correct seed in the right spot.
Light a candle that is gold. Burn some sage for clarity. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Recognize the effort you have put into your dreams in the past few weeks.
This is a great time for discernment. Do you need any tweaks to your plan?
Full Moon
During the Full Moon, the Earth's orbit is in between the sun and the moon. The Full Moon has such wild potential for magical chemical reactions that it births new relationships and gives off highly emotional energy.
People say yes for the thrill of it. You experience heightened emotions. You have new opportunities for recent work. You'll also experience illumination on what is, or is not, working. Your plants are crazy big! What are you going to do with the harvest? Are you going to let anything die on the vine?
Light a purple candle, make moon water, use a few drops of your favorite essential oil, and welcome all that life has offered. Imagine looking at your life through a lens that illuminates love and highlights your highest good.
Perform a Full Moon ritual to celebrate what’s working in your life, and enjoy the full light the moon brings.
Waning Gibbous Moon
This is the perfect time to set an intention and explore your manifestations.
Do they resemble the list you made in the light of the New Moon? Are you making good decisions to nurture and hold onto your dreams? You have picked most of the fruit, but the plants remain.
Light a pink candle. Write a gratitude list for what you have in your life. Choose a person you would like to share some of your good fortunes with. Reach out to them in the next couple of days. Release with love what no longer serves you.
Third Quarter Moon
The Third Quarter Moon is the energy to settle into and feel everything around you.
Notice your accomplishments. Settle in deeper and notice if there is anything else that is ready to be released. The more you are able to release, the more you are able to receive. Here, you decide if the plants have life left in them, or if it is best to return them to Earth.
Light a white candle. Take some deep breaths. On each exhale, know that you are releasing old emotions. On each inhale, you are receiving pure love.
The energy of the moon is connected to our emotions. The more we can breathe deeply and release old emotions and stories, the easier it is to allow negative energy to flow out of your body, and allow new, positive energy to flow through your mind and body.
Waning Crescent Moon
This is a beautiful place in the moon cycle. It is all about surrendering to the awareness of the rhythms of the universe.
You're in a continuous flow of energy. Each moon phase shares a different story, but there is no true ending or beginning, just a shift in your reaction to the world around you.
This stirs a shift in the universe within. Your garden is quiet. You aren't tending to any seeds or plants. You're enjoying the memory of busier seasons.
Light a blue candle, and pour yourself a bath with sea salt and rose essential oil. Eat nurturing food and focus on self-care. Soon, you will be activating your feminine power in the light of the New Moon.
Follow the lunar cycle and have fun playing with the energy while manifesting all your goals. You're constantly refining your dreams and letting go of the old.
Mastering the flow of the moon’s energy allows you to weave in and out of the highs and lows of life, without losing a piece of yourself in the process.
Wherever you are on your journey, the moon phases can offer insight into how to manifest, release, and experience more joy in your life.
The moon represents the energy that feeds your soul with the delight of potential. This magnetic force field and gravitational pull sway your desires into your inner knowing. It reminds you of your connection to all that is.
The moon shows you how to dance with the sweetness of life and how to move through sorrows. It supports your course of personal discovery through every cycle of life.
When you harness the power of the moon, you are destined to meet face-to-face with this magnetic energy and hold conversations that only the soul understands. This guidance runs on the deepest level through every cell of every life.
Reach for the knowing, and experience a deeper understanding of the self. Allow yourself to be pulled into the undertow of energy that is building up to be the next wave of creation.
Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.