The Top 5 'Hottest' Names Of Women That Get Swiped Right, According To Survey

Does your given name make the list?

Women have the hottest and top names. Alex Starnes | Canva

Many things factor into having an attraction toward someone. There is, of course, physical attraction. Some people may prefer their romantic partners to have a certain hair color or eye color. Or, they may be more attracted to people of a certain height.

Then, there's personality. Do you often look for someone who will make you laugh? Or, perhaps, it's someone's intelligence that attracts you to them. Are they able to hold an interesting conversation about important topics?


Maybe you're attracted to a world traveler, or maybe you only adhere to the rules of astrology when it comes to your dating life, and there's no way that you'd ever go for a zodiac sign that doesn't match up with yours.

There are so many characteristics that may draw an individual to a specific type of person — that's why we tend to have a type, after all! Research from 2015 has even concluded that we all have types for specific reasons, and usually don't waver in our preferences. But there is one lesser-known factor that we may have never even realized could be an indicator of attraction: someone's name!


As it turns out, certain names are considered to be more attractive than others. Have you ever heard someone's name for the first time and thought, "Wow, that's a hot name," even if you've never met them before?

Well, the dating app The Grade probably had this exact same thought when they decided to conduct a survey on what the hottest names are. Similar to Tinder, they decided to base their matches on which names garnered the most swipes.

The top 5 'hottest' names of women that get swiped right:

1. Brianna

70 percent

2. Erika 

69 percent

3. Lexi 

67 percent

4. Brooke 

65 percent

5. Vanessa 

65 percent

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'Hottest' Names In The World, Says Study cottonbro studio / Pexels

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By using incoming right swipes, they found out which hot people have equally "hot" names. Let's find out which names are considered to be the "hottest."

The top 5 hottest male names that get swiped right:

1. Brett, 24 percent


2. Tyler, 23 percent

3. Corey,23 percent

4. Andy, 23 percent

5. Noah, 23 percent

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'Hottest' Names In The World Says Study J carter / Pexels


Does this mean that every single person on this list is the hottest of the hottest and that the rest are just a lesser kind of hot? Can it truly predict who you'll eventually end up with, based solely on just someone's first name?

Most likely not. As we mentioned before, attraction is complicated, and while some people may find certain names to be "hotter" than others, there are still multiple factors that go into finding "the one." Because, at the end of the day, it's what's inside that counts, not what your parents chose to name you!

However, it is interesting to see which people on dating sites are getting the most attention. It can make you curious as to what the Briannas and the Bretts of the world are doing right in the complicated and scary world of online dating.

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Shannon Ullman is a writer who focuses on travel and adventure, women's health, pop culture, and relationships. Her work has appeared in the Huffington Post, MSN, and Matador Network.