Having These 5 Types Of People In Your Life Will Make You More Successful Than 92% Of The World, According To Research

Success is all about who you surround yourself with.

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At the start of every year, most people set lofty goals for themselves. However, according to science, only 8% will be successful in making those goals a reality.

This doesn’t mean that we aren’t ambitious about our goals. We just may not be surrounding ourselves with the right people who will encourage us to reach those goals. Turns out, having people in your life with certain traits and aspirations will pretty much guarantee your launch into the success you’ve always wanted.


Having these 5 people in your life will make you more successful than 92% of the world:

The most important resource at our disposal for a successful life is other people. According to research by social psychologist, Dr. David McClelland of Harvard University, the people you habitually associate with determine as much as 95% of your success or failure rate in life. Some will hold us back and some will push us forward.

Here are the five types of people who will propel us forward on the road to success.

1. The mentor

Many of us are familiar with what a mentor is, but we never utilize them ourselves. Mentors can have a significant impact in accelerating our success journey, and you can learn a lot from them.


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These are individuals who have had experience in achieving their own goals, and can offer some helpful advice that will steer us in the right direction. They can expand our networks and open the door for new opportunities and connections that will only help grow. Mentors work with you personally, and can compose an established timeline and map to use as a guidebook in your journey. 


Natasha Koifman, the founder and President of NKPR Inc — a leading full-service Public Relations, Talent and Digital agency, recommends the use of mentors to achieve your goals. “A mentor, when chosen well, can be the ultimate secret weapon. Their time and guidance are the most valuable assets that a mentor can give you,” she shared with Forbes. “So for anyone who is starting their professional journey or just needs some guidance, take advantage of this incredible opportunity and come prepared to learn from the experiences of your mentor.”  

2. The mark

A mark is a person you want to hear a ‘yes’ from to move forward. Ideal marks vary from person to person, and all depend on what exactly they want to achieve. For some people, their mark may be a big name client. For others it may be a close colleague.

Whoever your mark is, one thing remains the same for all of us. They are the gatekeeper of our dreams. We desperately need their approval in order to make our desired goals a reality. Spending time with your mark is as good as investing in yourself to succeed.

3. The sidekick

A sidekick is not just some fictional character we see in movies, tagging along with the protagonist. They play a crucial role in our real lives. Your sidekick is someone who has as much faith in your ambitions as you do, and is willing to share your responsibilities.


A sidekick could be a spouse, a trusted colleague, or a genuine friend who wants to see you succeed.

woman with sidekick Josep Suria | Shutterstock

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Our sidekicks have more faith in us than we often have in ourselves. They know our limits and when to push us when opportunity arises. If we want to achieve success, we have to let them in on all of our hopes and dreams. They will hold us accountable for making them happen, and will cheer us on every step of the way.


4. The connector

We often hear that if we want to increase our odds at success, we have to expand our networks and connect with certain individuals who will be able to help. The connector can introduce us to the people we need to kickstart our goals, such as a college professor who knows someone very powerful in our desired industry. 

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Recruiters will not just rely on your resume alone. According to some studies, 70% of job seekers are able to network their way into a successful career.  Connectors don’t just help you get your foot through the door. They have the power to bypass the door entirely.


5. The mentee

Having a mentee is just as important as having a mentor, and you should always strive to have them. Even if you are well into your success journey, guiding someone will develop your leadership skills and help them improve on their skills.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Successful people never shut the door on learning no matter how far they’ve come. They view every chance to teach as an opportunity for themselves to learn how to grow even more. 

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Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.