Girlfriend Receives Payment Request From Boyfriend To Pay For Half Of Her Birthday Dinner

He said the gift was either dinner or a concealer she wanted.

man, woman, dinner Africa Studio / Shutterstock

Celebrating your birthday with the people you love can be a memorable experience, especially if your dinner is gifted to you by your partner.

However, some people can be stubborn when it comes to what to pay for. In this case, a woman was sent a payment request to pay half of her birthday dinner because her boyfriend claimed that she said she would.

The day after her birthday dinner, the girlfriend received a payment request for half of her celebratory meal.

In a Reddit post, the woman explained that on the day of her birthday dinner, her boyfriend said he was going to “spoil her” at the restaurant he was taking her to. Thinking she was going to get a gift as well as dinner she reminded her boyfriend about the expensive makeup concealer she wanted. He reminded her, however, that her gift from him was either or, not both.


“It is either the concealer or the restaurant he was going to pay for,” she wrote.

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They went out to dinner as planned and she thought nothing of his initial one-gift rule. After dessert, she went to use the restroom, and her boyfriend picked up the tab so she just accepted that he was paying for everything.

Girlfriend Receives Payment Request From Boyfriend To Pay For Half Of Her Birthday DinnerPhoto: Minerva / Shutterstock


The next day, however, she woke up to a request from her boyfriend for $65, half of her birthday meal. Confused about what was going on, she contacted her boyfriend and asked about the request. He said that she told him that he didn’t have to pay for dinner.

She knew they compromised between either dinner or the concealer as a gift but she was suddenly afraid he was going to make her pay for the whole meal on her own.

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He then bought her a gift that was supposed to be shared by her and her mother.

Still upset about the situation, the boyfriend told her to go look outside her door. On the left was a package with body mist she wanted but never asked for. At first, she thought it was very kind of him to give that to her.


However, her anger came back when he told her that the fragrance was a gift for both her and her mother since the next day they were going to her mother's birthday dinner.

Despite all the gift drama, however, the girlfriend still paid for half of her birthday dinner which begs the question, did she really think he was going to cover the full bill and get her a gift or was she just hoping he would?

Should the boyfriend have paid for her dinner?

Without both sides of the story, it seems cut and dry. Boyfriend should foot the bill, right? But maybe it's not as simple as that.

According to relationship expert Matthew Hussey, whoever was willing to pay for the full bill should be the one to pay. In this case, the boyfriend. But, playing devil's advocate, here — what if the boyfriend's budget only allowed for one gift?


What if he is working hard to get out of debt, buy a house, or pay off school loans? What if the girlfriend is painting the picture of being hurt because she feels guilty for feeling slighted when she knew in advance that her gift was either the makeup or dinner?

Perhaps the bigger issue in this relationship is that the couple is at different places in terms of financial stability and growth. Remember, he bought her a gift that she truly wanted. This wasn't a situation where he went to the local gas station on the way to her house and picked up a Hostess Pie and a $1 rose and said here's your gift.



They shared quality time together at dinner, regardless of splitting the bill or not, and that is worth more than any gift. If this couple is truly going to grow together, they need to communicate better. Get on the same page when it comes to money and expectations. 


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Lauren Reams is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news.