How Flowers Brought My Wife Out Of Her Deepest Despair & Helped Her Find A Path To Her Future

2023 was the most challenging year of our lives, but we found hope and a way through.

Woman holds flowers while dealing with grief Getty Images / Canva Creative Studio, Blixa 6 Studios, Mockup Scene, Bali Studio, Asrul Aqroni via Canva

Everyone has those chapters in their life that are challenging. Things seem to be rolling along and the next thing we know a speed bump appears and forces us to slow down and reevaluate our life.  

2023 was that year for my wife, Adi, and me.  

Three weeks into the start of the year, my mother passed away at the age of 85. She lived a good life and by her own admission was ready to pass on to the other side. She told me the world was just moving too fast for her and she was ready to go home to be with my father. 


I was sad, but my sadness was of a different variety than what was to come in the passing months.

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A year of profound grief

In May of 2023, Adi’s family decided the time had come to sell the family land that had been called “The Compound” since the 1950s — it would be no more. Adi and I packed up and left the only place she has ever truly called home for the majority of her life. Life had thrown us a curveball, but it was nothing compared to what was to come. 

In August, Adi’s mom suddenly passed away at the much too young age of 61. Her demise came quickly; no one thought she would die; her death left an enormous void in the entire family.


I have never seen Adi so distraught in all the time we have been together. She would break down in uncontrollable tears while constantly saying to me incredulously, “My mom died.” 

I would listen and say little because there was little to say to comfort her. I saw how hard this was for her and had no idea how to help her. Her shock and dismay led her into a state of paralysis that she simply couldn’t break free of.  

This was without a doubt the most challenging time of our relationship as she struggled to make sense of this new reality.

RELATED: I’m Grieving For My Mother — But She Isn’t Dead Yet


I would hear her prayer, “Please God help me to understand this. Help me to feel better and I promise I will help people when I come out the other side of this.”

Discovering the healing power of flower essences

Enter Dr. Edward Bach and the healing power of flower essences. 

Allow me to give a brief history of the man and his work. Dr. Edward Bach was a British physician and homeopath who pioneered a transformative approach to healing through flower essences in the early 20th century. 

Driven by a profound belief in the interconnectedness of physical health and emotional well-being, Bach sought to address the root causes of illness, both emotional and physical, rather than just the symptoms. He developed a unique system of 38 flower remedies, each derived from specific wildflowers and plants, which he believed could gently restore harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. 


Through his holistic philosophy and dedication to natural healing, Dr. Bach’s legacy endures as a beacon of hope and empowerment for those seeking to reclaim their inner balance and vitality.

The essence of Dr. Bach’s work lies not only in its simplicity but also in its profound ability to awaken the innate healing potential within each individual. Our body has the power to heal itself, naturally. By harnessing the vibrational energy of flowers, his remedies resonate with the deepest aspects of human consciousness, offering a gentle yet potent means of transformation. 

Whether seeking relief from anxiety, despair, or simply a greater sense of purpose and joy, the power of flower essences beckons us to embrace the healing forces of nature and embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal. To experience the profound effects of these essences is to tap into a reservoir of healing wisdom that transcends the limitations of conventional medicine, inviting us to embrace a more harmonious and vibrant way of living.

Through the Grace of God, Adi stumbled upon Dr. Bach’s work and began taking a course to develop a deeper understanding of these flower essences. She began using these flower essences to help her deal with her deep grief and after a few weeks, I began to notice changes in her overall spirit. She cried less. She laughed a little bit more each day while hope slowly began returning. 


woman laughing Rido via canva

RELATED: What The Flowers You Gift To Someone Really Mean & How To Choose The Right Kind For Each Occasion

Processing our deepest grief 

She began to process the entire spectrum of emotions that come with losing someone as important as her mother was to her and as she learned more and more, she began introducing them to our entire family and we all slowly began seeing the extraordinary changes that flower essences offered to help heal us and return us to wholeness.


Each flower essence carries its own unique energetic imprint, offering a specific resonance to address a myriad of emotional and spiritual challenges. For instance, the gentle essence of Mimulus is renowned for alleviating fear and anxiety, providing a soothing balm for those navigating the uncertainties of life. 

Similarly, the vibrant energy of Gentian acts as a beacon of hope, lifting the veil of doubt and despondency that often accompanies setbacks and disappointments. Flowers like Willow and Pine offer solace for those grappling with feelings of resentment or guilt, gently guiding them towards forgiveness and self-compassion. 

Whether grappling with depression, insecurity, or overwhelming stress, each flower essence serves as a compassionate ally, offering support and guidance on the path to emotional healing and wholeness. 


Through their subtle yet profound influence, these essences empower individuals to cultivate resilience, courage, and inner peace amidst life’s inevitable trials and tribulations.

Slowly and methodically, Adi began clawing her way out of her sadness, and true to her word and her promise to God, she made plans to share what she had learned. Together, we will heal ourselves and make the world a better place to live.

RELATED: Woman Shares The 'Unfathomable' Moment Something Told Her To Buy A Stranger Flowers

David Ahearn is the author of "Happy Accidents: The Transformative Power of 'Yes, and' at Work and in Life" and “21 Days to Saying Yes to Life,” a journal born out of his passion for helping people embrace the richness of life.
