Disneyland Guest Concerned After Parents Leave Baby In A Stroller Alone So They Could Go On One Of The Rides Together

When parenting and fun collide.

Baby left in stroller at Disneyland while parents go on ride Anna Nahabed | Shutterstock

Parenting can feel overwhelming at times, and it’s no surprise that sometimes parents want to be free and have a little fun. After all, caring for a child is a full-time job, and every now and then, parents need a break to recharge. However, when does the desire for fun cross the line? Is there such a thing as too much fun for parents who have serious obligations?

A mother recently shared a video on TikTok of her experience at Disneyland in California, where the parents of a baby left their child alone in a stroller while they went off to enjoy a ride together. The woman, who goes by Keesha, captured the moment, sparking a conversation about how far parents should go in their pursuit of fun?  


A Disneyland guest shared her concerns after watching parents leave their baby unattended while they went on a ride together.

"I’ve honestly never seen this happen, but why did someone leave their baby here in the stroller while they went to go get in the ride?" asked Keesha, as she shared footage of the baby sitting alone in a stroller, tucked away in a corner.

@keesha4rank Apparently you have to be 15 to be left unattended… idk how they thought this was ok 🤦🏻‍♀️! #disneyland #security #happiestplaceonearth #guardiansofthegalaxy ♬ original sound - keesha4rank

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Disneyland security quickly came to the rescue of the baby and removed the parents from the ride.

Keesha added, “That stroller, right there, there is a baby in there, as y’all can see. Somebody’s kid is in there, and their parents walked into Guardians, and they have not been back yet.”

She recalled the dad unintentionally grabbing her attention when he said, “Oh, just put a chair right there to block that side off.” Later in the video, a security guard was seen lifting the blanket to check on the baby. Keesha said the security guard then had the parents removed from the ride.

A baby stroller parked alone on the street Sergiy1975 | Shutterstock


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Disney has strict restrictions when it comes to unattended minors in their parks, but cultural differences can sometimes cause confusion among guests.

According to Disney, "Children under age 14 must be accompanied by a Guest age 14 or older." Simply put, if your child is under the age of 14, they cannot be left alone. To ensure that every visitor to Disney gets to enjoy the attractions, Disney has a program called Rider Switch, which allows adults to ride separately without having to wait in attraction lines twice, so a child is never left alone.

Leaving children unattended in a theme park may seem extreme, but similar practices are considered normal in some countries. Zoheb Alam writing for Good explained that in Scandinavian countries, for example, it’s common for babies to be left outside in their strollers, even in cold weather. Babies are often seen parked outside cafes and restaurants while parents go about their daily activities. However, these parents always ensure their children's safety by keeping a baby monitor in the stroller. While this is a common practice in certain cultures, what’s acceptable in one place may not be viewed the same elsewhere, so it’s important to exercise caution.

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Mina Rose Morales is a writer and photojournalist with a degree in journalism. She covers a wide range of topics, including psychology, self-help, relationships, and the human experience.