8 Magical Items That Create Good Luck Around Your Home

Physical items that can help you manifest a wonderful future.

Woman uses items to create good luck in her home. Syda Productions | Canva

Do you wish you had more luck? Maybe you hope to have serendipity on your side. Perhaps you daydream about receiving a monetary windfall. Or you once had a lucky break and want to experience that again.

The good news is you don't have to wait around hoping for good luck. Instead, you can create it! One way is to start with an optimistic outlook on life. Whether you seek more money, good health, a loving relationship, or a blessed life, being lucky sure would help, right?

Here are the magical items that attract good luck around your home:

1. Buddha statues

Buddha statue outside Bruna Santos / Pexels

When you place statues of Buddha around your home, this sets up the energy for peace, harmony, prosperity, and good health. One Buddha in particular — The Happy Buddha — is the most popular for attracting abundance and good luck.

For the best results, place your Buddha with care in a clean uncluttered spot, away from technology. Have the Buddha face east, if possible, towards the sunrise.

Outside the home, a garden is a great spot for your Buddha. Just make sure to put it up on a stand, off the ground.

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2. Power animals

rabbit statues in garden David Brown / Pexels

Whether you choose a statue, photo, or piece of art, power animals are known to bring good luck. For instance, the bull is considered to bring good fortune to the people of East India, as well as Egyptians, Greeks, and Celts.

Other lucky animals include rabbits (fertility and abundance), Goldfish (fertility, abundance, and harmony), and pigs which are considered a good sign by the Chinese and Irish. In Asian countries, the frog is considered lucky, as it helps you reach the prosperity you desire.

Let's not forget the elephant, the largest land animal, who brings good luck when the trunk is turned up at the end. This likely originated in India, where the animal was seen as a status symbol and good omen.

Place your power animal in a spot you are sure to see frequently to remind you how lucky you are.

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3. Horseshoes

horseshoes on sidewalk Picography / Pexels

Ancient lore has it that the Chaldeans, who lived in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) at the beginning of civilization, believed the horseshoe brought good luck because it was a symbol reminiscent of the crescent moon. This represented a variety of moon Goddesses who protected people from evil.

When you hang a horseshoe for luck, be sure the ends point skyward to hold your luck like a cup. The Irish also are known to sometimes bury a horseshoe under the cornerstone of a new building to create good luck.

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4. The Hamsa

woman holding hamsa necklace Thirdman / Pexels

This symbol originated in the Jewish culture relating to Miriam, the sister of Moses, and is also revered among Middle Eastern Christians as the Hand of Mary. Islamic culture also adopted this, calling it the Hand of Fatima, who was the daughter of the prophet Mohammed.

Regardless of the religious tradition, this symbol is a hand representing protection and good luck. People often wear The Hamsa as jewelry or hang them on walls around their home to attract good luck where they live.

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5. The Evil Eye

evil eye Engin Akyurt / Pexels

For centuries, people of the Middle East, Greece, and Türkiye have associated the Evil Eye with warding off nefarious curses. It might be made of gold, silver, or glass and looks like an actual eye, often showing a blue iris. It will protect you from someone’s jealousy, negative energy sent your way, or people wishing you bad luck.

This symbol can be worn as jewelry but is also a blessing hung in your home. The idea is that if you are protected from evil, you are open and safe to receive all the good luck you are due.

Another way to protect yourself from someone with evil intentions? According to intuitive guide and spiritual teacher, Teale, one of the best ways is to say this spiritual affirmation out loud, "Any energy that is not serving my highest good can be sent back to those that it belongs to."

Teale also says that one of the simplest t ways to protect yourself from evil eye energy is to set and create energetic boundaries and set the intention that nobody is allowed to break those boundaries. She also advises you to notice how you feel around certain people.

"Do you feel uplifted, inspired, and empowered? Or [do they] drain your energy?" Teake explained. "Your body is signaling to you who you should be spending your time around, so it's best to listen to it."

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6. The Chinese character Fu

Chinese character Fu on a sign Henry & Co. / Pexels

This symbol from Chinese writing means good luck or good fortune. Fu is one of the three “Star Gods’ and is often depicted as a male God labeled with this character. Again, displaying the symbol uplifts the vibration of your space and helps you feel blessed with a good life.

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7. Mythical creatures

dragon statue Pixabay / Pexels

Dragons and unicorns are both mythical creatures that signify or bring good luck. In Asian cultures, dragons are very popular and seen as a source of power. They are considered to be symbolic of strength, health, and good luck.

Unicorns first appeared in writing and art in ancient Greece as fierce animals, but centuries later this mythical horse was often depicted in medieval art, representing Christ. Unicorns were believed to ward off evil and bring good luck as well.

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8. Sacred geometry

art piece next to a chair Kaboompics / Pexels

2005 research explored how designs from sacred geometry are often found in nature, demonstrating that everything in life is interconnected. Simple shapes like circles and triangles are often used. However, much of sacred geometry shows complicated, multi-faceted forms based on mathematical formulas.

Sacred Geometry artwork has a quiet beauty that resonates with the blueprint of creation. Hanging this art in your home or office helps you connect with the divine and provides a sense of peace and harmony.

Art in your home is a great way to have good energy. Archanaa Shyam, a medical intuitive, said that looking at art in your home can make you feel inspired, happy, or even sad, affecting your mood and energy in the house.

"Some objects do retain their positive frequency for a long time while some others either lose it or pick up other frequencies that are not so beneficial," Shyam, explained. "Just because [viewing art] seems to work for someone doesn't mean it's going to work for [your mood]. Nor will it affect you the same way forever. Some objects may lose their positive frequency faster and easier than others."

In addition, you can gaze at it while breathing slowly as a form of meditation to connect with the oneness that unifies all things.

From building a lucky mindset to decorating with luck symbols, you have many wonderful options to choose from. What will you do to magically boost your good fortune? Have fun with this and enjoy all the benefits.

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Ronnie Ann Ryan is an Intuitive Coach, Past Life Reader, and author of six books. She’s the creator of the free audio course How to Ask the Universe for a Sign and Get an Answer Within 24 Hours. She's been published on ABC, BBC, and NPR.
