10 Ways To Let Go Of The Toxic Story You Believe About Yourself
It's holding you back.

Do you want to update your life story? It's time to change your mindset.
You are in a constant state of change. This offers endless opportunities to refresh your life story.
One of my clients, Marta, is experiencing frustration, fatigue, and even heartache over her current employment situation. She's in a role that doesn’t inspire her and she finds herself constantly worrying about losing her job.
This is not a good fit for anyone who desires stability and a creative life as Marta does.
This very talented woman feels worn down and even broken. She's desperate and wants immediate change. Her mindset has been narrowed by fear and she has created a block towards an easy and successful job transformation.
As Marta releases her old story, she will see opportunities and blessings that were being overlooked by a vision clouded by fear and a grief-filled heart.
Here are 10 ways to change your mindset and let go of the toxic story you believe about yourself.
1. Explore your life.
Self-exploration is often needed to identify what area of life is feeling heavy, dull and uninspired. This stuck and lifeless area is where you will create a shift by releasing the old thoughts and allowing new energy in.
Identifying the area where the pain is percolating creates the opening for healing and change.
2. Explore what story or belief system is feeding the pain.
Perhaps, it's the fear of failure, like Marta. She has never celebrated success with anyone in her life.
You might not be able to change a stuck mindset over the weekend, but you can begin to notice when your inner dialogue wants to share the old story. This awareness is enough for you to pause the negative flow of thoughts.
3. Know where your old story was born.
Often, there's a string of incidents, relationships and experiences that were hurtful, but not the origin of unhealthy patterns.
Search until you find the root of the problem. It's not uncommon to assign the blame to a person or thing that's not the true problem.
For example, Marta’s job is not a good fit for her, but the real issue is her fear of failure. She has created a job that allows her to sit in the energy of failure.
4. Grieve.
After you've identified the root cause, notice the grief and loss held in the origin of the pain. This could have been losing your sense of self or even losing belief in hope and love.
This grief can be very deep and traumatic; it bruises your heart and hinders self-love. It hurts.
RELATED: 12 Ways To Let Go And Free Yourself From A Painful Past
5. Take a break.
Now that you have faced grief and trauma, take a little break from life so you can process your feelings with a new awareness.
Depending on the significance of the loss, you may need to schedule a little staycation or vacation and commit to your healing.
6. Stop honoring the old story.
Don’t give it attention. Change any habits that support the fearful narrative. Come up with a list of things that make you feel good.
Surround yourself with reminders of your feel-good thoughts. This will begin shifting your energy. You might even design a little mantra that supports the new story you're creating.
7. Implement basic self-love and care to heal your bruised heart.
It’s time for you to thrive. Nurture and love all parts of yourself. Feed yourself good food, rest, and honor your human self and your journey so far. You've already accomplished so much.
Of course, you have the ability to change the course of your life! Make a commitment to yourself that you will continue to share love and respect with your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional self.
8. Meditate.
Meditation is an important step in creating a new life story. It can help bring balance and a healthy shift in your awareness. This allows source energy to flow easily into your life.
You will continue to heal on many levels, even after the miracles begin pouring into your life.
9. Pray.
Prayer is a huge part of healing your heart. Stay connected to God, your angels, and your guides.
This helps your heart stay wide open in gratitude and it becomes effortless to receive high vibrational energy.
10. Be courageous with your dreams.
Start creating your new story. Keep the pieces of your old story that are helpful and let the rest go. Allow your mind and heart to have moments of being untamed and wild.
This is where you can begin again in ways you never could have imagined.
When Marta and I discussed her life story in relation to her career situation, she recognized her fear of failure and her mindset of lack.
Marta has been loyal to the belief that life is a struggle until you die.
With this clarity of her deep-rooted beliefs, we got to work. Now, she has the power to manifest a fulfilling job.
Marta began seeing miracles come in almost immediately after she identified the pain and decided to implement self-care into her life.
An old friend reached out to her about a job possibility. She recognizes that creating a new story is essential for building a new life.
There are many layers to heal, but she can experience a beautiful transformation now and continue to expand for the rest of her human journey.
Polly Wirum is an intuitive life coach, and writer. If you are ready to rewrite your story, contact her to explore spiritual coaching, energy work, or a psychic reading to help you discover your best life.