11 Brilliant Phrases People With Common Sense Use Often, According To Psychology
Instead of jumping to conclusions, people with common sense often approach situations with logic.

You can always tell when someone is able to use common sense in most situations they find themselves in. It's not about how intelligent they are and how many books they read; rather, it's about their ability to make sound decisions without feeling pressured or rushed.
As such, there are certain brilliant phrases people with common sense use often, according to psychology, where they're able to stay calm in most situations because of how level-headed they are. But what sets people with common sense apart from everyone else? They're able to use phrases to get their point across and problem-solve without getting caught up in any unnecessary feelings or drama.
Here are 11 brilliant phrases people with common sense use often, according to psychology
1. 'Let me think about it'
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People with common sense can practice a certain amount of patience before they tackle any problem or conflict that comes their way. They'll often use the phrase "let me think about it" as a way to give themselves more time to come to a smart and practical solution.
They would rather not rush into anything because if they do, they might come out with an answer that doesn't solve the issue at hand at all. Certified life coach and cognitive-behavioral therapy coach Lisa Hawkins explained that "when making decisions, it can feel gruesome on occasion."
"It gets better as you build confidence and start seeing the positive results of taking the time needed to take all possibilities into consideration and have a clear answer that feels better to you rather than taking a quick shortcut due to decision fatigue," she concluded.
2. 'I could be wrong, but...'
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By someone using this phrase, they're showing that not only are they unafraid of admitting that they don't know everything, but they're also leaving room for someone else to jump in with a different perspective. Individuals who use common sense often aren't going to be adamant that what they know is the ultimate truth and will allow others to butt in if they have something better to provide.
Psychotherapist and psychoanalyst F. Diane Barth, LCSW explained that issues only arise because people don't know how to admit they are unaware of certain things.
"Problems occur, however, when people with different opinions are each convinced that only their beliefs are correct. Discussion and dialogue disappear in such situations, and fights and hostility emerge," she said.
"Knowledge is not finite. It's not an end goal. It's a process, made of learning and curiosity and not knowing; and the more we recognize what we don't know, the more completely we can engage in the process that makes up knowledge."
3. 'How would I feel in their shoes?'
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One of the brilliant phrases people with common sense use often is a question they ask themselves in many situations because they're able to exhibit levels of empathy and emotional intelligence. They would rather have an understanding of someone else's feelings before casting judgment, and they're able to acknowledge that every person has their own unique experiences and struggles that would cause them to react to certain things.
Paul Thagard, PhD, a philosopher and cognitive scientist, explained that empathic understanding is important in many social situations, from friendships to psychotherapy.
"You can feel someone else's pain by reasoning about it, perceiving it, or by using your unconscious embodied rules to simulate it. These deliberate, automatic, and dynamic modes of empathy can all help you to understand other people by putting yourself in their shoes," he said.
4. 'Is this really worth my energy?'
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This phrase used by people who exhibit common sense means they would rather think about giving their energy to certain interactions and situations because of how precious they view their time to be.
They're aware that certain battles are meant to be fought while others can be ignored, because it truly won't make a difference to insert themselves into something that would ultimately end up draining their energy.
Learning to pick your battles is a vital tool because it means you're actively choosing yourself over being involved in unnecessary conflict and stress.
5. 'I don't know, but I'll find out'
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A key trait for people with common sense is knowing that while they may not be knowledgeable on everything, they will still take the time to figure it out and learn. They're willing to seek answers and solutions to things instead of living in ignorance.
They don't pretend to know something nor will they dismiss a topic because they're unaware of the intricacies of it either. Instead, they're willing to tackle it head-on.
Paul M. Sutter, an astrophysicist, explained that there's power in saying, "I don't know." He continued, "The abstract of almost every scientific paper is 'We don't know, so we did some work. We figured out this little thing, but here are some things we still don't know about, and here are some new things we now need to figure out. The end.'"
"'I don't know' is a surprisingly liberating phrase," he posited. "Try saying it out loud. How do you feel? Do you feel confused or frustrated? Well then, you're in the right place, a place of potential. A place where you can begin to learn new knowledge and begin to open doors of inquiry."
6. 'Let's agree to disagree'
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Many people view saying "let's agree to disagree" as something negative but, in reality, it acknowledges that two people can have different viewpoints without having to argue each other down until the other person changes their opinion. It's a phrase people with common sense use often to diffuse tension but still remain respectful.
Melody Stanford Martin, a social ethicist and communications expert, recommends agreeing to disagree before the conversation starts, saying, "It can be incredibly helpful to begin a conversation with, 'Yes, I will talk about this difficult subject with you. But how about we decide beforehand not to try to change each other's minds?'"
7. 'If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is'
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While people who lack common sense tend to repeat their mistakes, people who do have common sense challenge themselves to think deeper about certain situations.
So, when people with common sense use this phrase, they're encouraging those around them to think about certain situations that may seem overly perfect and effortless. They would rather be safe than sorry instead of rushing into something and then regretting it later.
People with a strong understanding of common sense are cautious about things that don't require any effort or thought to be put into it. Business coach Jason Hennessey explained that being cautious and thinking through possible pitfalls is an important step when evaluating any action or opportunity.
"Being bold by making a decision and taking the steps necessary to implement the decision is also critical to finding success. That's why one of the most important skills an entrepreneur can have is learning to balance being bold and being cautious," he said.
8. 'Does this make sense?'
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An individual who can exhibit strong common sense skills will often question everything and want to know if something makes sense before they decide to give their energy to it. A 2021 study determined that people who question things are better able to understand the world around them, solve problems easier, and improve their interpersonal relationships.
If someone with common sense is presenting an idea or concept, they are concerned about making sure that people can grasp what they're saying instead of assuming that it's common knowledge. They would rather make sure their message is being perfectly understood because of how much they value another person's perspective.
9. 'Let's focus on what we can control'
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When individuals with common sense use this phrase, they are acknowledging that life is full of unpredictable moments that we can't sometimes control. Instead of dwelling on it and causing more stress, these people would rather focus on what is within their control.
They're practical thinkers and would rather devote their time to finding an actual solution than remain stuck. By focusing on controllable factors, these people are refusing to let themselves be defeated by challenges.
10. 'No, that doesn't work for me'
Sabrina Bracher | Shutterstock
Unlike a harsh rejection, when people with common sense use this phrase, they're setting a firm but respectful boundary. They're aware of things that make them comfortable and things that make them uncomfortable, and instead of going with the flow and agreeing, they are making it clear that if something doesn't fit within the parameters of what they like, they'd rather not do it at all.
There's something powerful about being able to put your foot down without doing it in a way where other people feel disrespected or unheard. They're also leaving room for other suggestions instead of turning their back on certain things.
11. 'Let's focus on the facts'
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One of the brilliant phrases people with common sense use often is "Let's focus on the facts," as these critical thinkers are fanatics about getting all the information before making a decision. They would rather have everything laid out than waste time and energy jumping to impulsive conclusions and solutions. By doing this, these individuals are preventing misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
Approaching challenges with facts instead of feelings helps these individuals make informed decisions. They're logical and aren't afraid to divert a situation for a minute until they gather all of the facts where they can come back to the table with a better answer.
Nia Tipton is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in creative writing and journalism who covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on psychology, relationships, and the human experience.