Bride Threatens To Call Off Wedding If Fiancé Invites His Female Best Friend
The bride had boundaries that unfortunately weren't respected.

Marriage can be a tricky thing. It requires people to dedicate themselves to one another completely and before almost anyone else. Anyone who has had a long-time marriage knows this to be true, but for engaged couples, it might not be so obvious of a lesson.
Given modern-day divorce rates, a lot of people seem to be miscalculating when choosing their life partners. There could be many reasons why a marriage doesn't last, but sometimes it all has to do with outside influences.
For one woman, she was unsure if she had made the right decision before her wedding, threatening to call it all off after tension arose with her fiancé.
A woman demanded that her fiancé uninvite his female best friend from their wedding after she received an off-putting text message.
In a now-deleted post to Reddit that was uploaded to an alternate site, the woman asked if she was in the right in a dispute between her, her fiancé, and her fiancé's female best friend.
According to the woman, her fiancé has been best friends with a woman, Rachel, since childhood.
In the past, the couple has needed to set boundaries with Rachel. Allegedly, Rachel has competed with the woman for the attention of the fiancé ever since they've been in a relationship.
While it was a process, they eventually established boundaries and it seemed like that might have settled the matter. Unfortunately, everything came to a head again when the woman and her fiancé were due to get married.
While choosing their bridesmaids and groomsmen, the woman's fiancé decided to make Rachel a groomswoman. Given that Rachel had been the fiancé's friend for so long, she seemed like a natural fit for that sort of role, but the offer seemed to send Rachel the wrong message.
After being given the title of groomswoman, the bride-to-be received an odd and offensive text message from Rachel.
The text read:
"Just so you know, your fiancé and I are still each other's priority. You may marry him and have kids with him, share a house with him, but... know he picked me as a groomswoman knowing how that would bother you because he cares about not hurting my feelings more than your feelings.
You can't easily ruin friendships like that. Just stay in your lane and accept your place. You might be his wife but I'm his best friend and I'm not going anywhere. Make peace with it and who knows, soon enough we might get along."
Polina Zimmerman / Pexels
Obviously, the woman didn't take the shocking message too well and showed it to her fiancé, who resolved to speak to his friend. Because Rachel's behavior was entirely unacceptable, the bride-to-be demanded that her fiancé either remove Rachel from the groomswoman role or uninvite her altogether.
The fiancé initially complained that his future wife was being unfair and that he couldn't control Rachel's behavior. Eventually, the bride-to-be revealed in an update that her fiancé had uninvited Rachel from the wedding and distanced himself from her.
It's perfectly acceptable to set boundaries with the people, especially those you invite to your wedding.
A wedding is meant to be a happy occasion where attendees celebrate the newlywed couple! But beforehand, that means the couple chooses who to invite. In this woman's case, she was extremely uncomfortable with her fiancé inviting his female friend who had clear issues with honoring boundaries.
But rather than taking a backseat and letting her discomfort continue to build, the bride-to-be put her foot down and made a reasonable demand from her future husband to instill boundaries for his friend. And that's a perfectly acceptable thing to ask.
It's incredibly healthy to set boundaries, as this lets others know your limits and what you will and will not tolerate. And for those who don't respect those boundaries, they don't need to be in your life.
Thankfully, the future groom eventually understood this, and put his fiancée first. And, hopefully, their wedding day went off without a hitch.
Dan O'Reilly is a writer and contributor to YourTango, covering news, politics, and social justice.