Your Birth Date Reveals Your Most Powerful Personality Trait
Wondering how to live your best life? The answers might be right there in your birthday.

Finding your niche and learning how to be your best self in the world can be a tough nut to crack — some people go their whole lives without ever feeling like they've truly found their groove. But according to one spiritual teacher, the clues might be hidden right under your nose. It's as simple as knowing your birthday.
The spiritual teacher says your birth date reveals your most powerful personality trait.
Dr. Neeti Kaushik is an Indian educator and child psychologist who also specializes in spiritual guidance, from meditation and manifestation techniques to chakra balancing and astrology. She says the keys to the most powerful parts of ourselves are revealed in our birth dates.
Millennia of spiritual traditions, from Kaballah to numerology, place special significance on birthdates. Kaushik's method groups all of us into one of five categories based on the day of the month we were born, and she says these categories give insights into how to best leverage ourselves both for our own happiness and to maximize our impact on those around us.
Those born on the 2, 11, 12, 16, 22 or 29 are healers.
These people are often referred to as empaths, and Kaushik says their life's purpose is to heal both themselves and others, guiding them on the path towards enlightenment. They are the therapists and teachers among us who help us all move forward.
If you feel like getting even more new-agey about it, Kaushik suggests leaning into crystals, with clear quartz and moonstone being beneficial for keeping their energy flowing and not getting overwhelmed by their work.
Those born on the 1, 10, 15, 19 or 28 are magnets for success.
Kaushik says that "in your DNA and in the energy of your numbers, you have … divine help which can lead you to success." You lucky dogs, you. But just because you're a magnet for success doesn't mean you won't hit a roadblock or two.
Kaushik says to keep the energy flowing in the right direction, you should adopt a few spiritual practices — namely spending time connecting with the sun each day, and cultivating a deep respect for elders. If you're inclined toward crystals, sunstone will help keep you on track too.
Those born on the 3, 6, 14, 18, 21, 24 or 30 have endless creativity.
These people "see everything from a different perspective," Kaushik says, and are always bringing some hint of the artistic to things that make others think differently too. They're just full of ideas!
From an astrological perspective, these people are full of Jupiter and Saturn energy — the former is all about growth, abundance and wisdom, while the latter is about responsibilities and goals. To maximize this, Kaushik says to engage with the color yellow every Thursday — it could be as simple as just eating a banana or wearing a citrine bracelet — and to take every opportunity to share your wisdom with others.
Those born on the 4, 8, 13, 17, 26 or 31 are born to lead.
These are the politicians and activists, the guides and lodestars of the world — the people who, in Kaushik's words, "know what to do, when to do it and how to do it." They are also very grounded, she says, and talented at planning and analysis.
These types don't tend to need much help staying in their good energy — it's just second nature to them — but Kaushik says always having silver and pyrite nearby can help boost these people's grounded, positive power.
Those born on the 5, 7, 9, 20, 23, 25 or 27 are visionaries.
Like the creatives, these people are unique and have their own perspectives on every aspect of life. They're rarely suited to the status quo or what's considered "normal," and Kaushik says they are "richly, divinely blessed" because of it. In fact, she says they've literally been sent to Earth to fulfill a mission.
This gives these people one pitfall, however — they tend to dive into their work and initiatives so intensely that they can lose sight of other parts of their lives, and they can struggle to move back and forth between the two.
Kaushik says engaging with plants helps visionary types to ground and balance this out. Accordingly, when it comes to crystals it's all about the green ones, like jade for instance, which will also help keep you on an even keel.
John Sundholm is a writer, editor, and video personality with 20 years of experience in media and entertainment. He covers culture, mental health, and human interest topics.