Try This Simple Test With Your Fingers When You Can't Decide 'Yes Or No'

Tap into your intuition.

two hands nearly touching in front of swirling colors ded pixto / shutterstock

Decision-making is complicated, even when, and sometimes even more so, it’s a seemingly simple choice. Fortunately, you can use a quick and easy muscle testing method with your fingers when you can't decide on an answer to a "yes or no" question.

Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology or manual muscle testing (MMT), is a non-invasive technique based on Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion: “For every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Those who use muscle testing believe this also holds true of the human body, and therefore "any internal issues you may be experiencing would be accompanied by a related muscle weakness."


During the process, you or a practitioner applies gentle force to a specific muscle while asking a question. If the muscle remains strong, it's a positive response. If it becomes weak, it's a negative response.

How to make a yes or no decision by 'muscle testing' your fingers

You can do this via muscle testing in various ways, but a popular technique, known as finger dowsing, is done by creating a finger lock.

1. Interlock the index fingers and thumbs of your two hands while setting an intention.

Make an "O" shape with the index finger and thumb of each hand, then put the O of one hand in the middle of the O of the other hand.


When done correctly, it should resemble the infinity symbol.

muscle testing fingers to answer yes or no questions

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2. Ask yourself your yes or no question out loud.

Be sure to set an intention as you do.


3. Attempt to push the outside O apart with the fingers forming the inner O. 

Make this motion quickly.

If the outer O stays locked, the answer to your question is yes.

If the outer O breaks, the answer to your question is no.

muscle testing fingers 'no' response

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This method is believed to work because your body intuitively knows the answer before your mind can process or overthink it. It’s based on the belief that a majority of the body’s knowledge lies in the subconscious mind rather than the conscious mind. Muscle testing uses the energy that runs through and around your body to tap into that subconscious knowledge. It’s believed that when presented to the body, stimuli can strengthen or weaken your muscles, causing them to react in a way that lets you know what’s ultimately right and wrong for you.

In the case of yes or no questions, your fingers become weakened when an outcome does not align with your body, causing the lock to break. If an outcome does align with your energy, your fingers will remain locked when you try to push them apart.

It's important to note that muscle testing is not considered a scientifically proven method.

While it can be used to help you zero in on your intuition, you should always consider applying additional techniques for making healthy, smart decisions.


Remember that, existentially, there is no such thing as a "right" and "wrong" decision. Your life is simply a culmination of all of the decisions you’ve ever made. You wouldn’t be where you are today without making a few decisions that you may have deemed wrong at the time or only think of as wrong now even if in the moment it seemed like the right decision.

When making a decision, what’s important is to remain as true to yourself and your values as you can. If you can do that, you’ll be right where you’re meant to be.

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Micki Spollen is a YourTango editor and writer, as well as a frequent traveler.