6 Adorable Signs Your Dog Is Claiming You As His Own
This kind of love is unconditional.

Similar to how our own stress levels, happiness, and fulfillment impact our dog’s behavior and well-being, their overall happiness equally impacts us, according to research from animal experts.
When they feel joy in our presence without fear or anxiety, they start to accept us as their family and owner. With a healthy balance of mutual respect and caring, your dog is actually “claiming you” as his own.
If you're wondering if your relationship with your dog has reached this level of ownership, these six signs are an adorably clear indication.
Here are 6 adorable signs your dog is claiming you as his own:
1. They follow you around or wait outside the bathroom
According to the Kennel Club, your dog’s tendency to stay right at your side, even to the point of annoying you, is likely a sign of their trust in you. They feel safe, protected, and loved when you’re in their line of vision — which is why they might also invade your privacy in the bathroom.
While it’s debated among experts, some also suggest dogs that follow you around are exhibiting signs of a pack mentality, where they’ve claimed you as a member, which is why they stick by your side.
Natalie Wheeler | CanvaPro
2. They’re jealous when you cuddle or pet other animals
Dogs exhibiting signs of jealousy often express their annoyance in a variety of ways, from becoming overly clingy to pushing away other animals and engaging in attention-seeking behavior like getting into the trash or squeaking their toys.
A dog claiming you as their own is going to feel offended or jealous when you’re sharing your affection and love with something else. Of course, there’s a strong line between wholesome jealousy and a dog “resource guarding” you as their owner, as trainer Max Alpert explained.
If they’re becoming aggressive, make sure you stop reinforcing their behavior.
3. They don’t guard their food from you
When dogs guard their food, it’s often a sign of fear or stress. They’re either worried that you’ll take away their food or have some memory of not getting the resources, like food and water, that they needed — so they feel like they have to protect it.
Dogs who lack this instinctual guarding behavior or never learned it as puppies often have a level of trust with their owners that’s hard to break.
Chendongshan | CanvaPro
They’re bonded with their owners and view them as the person giving them the food, supporting them, and providing, rather than a threat that’s going to take things away.
4. They don’t beg for food from you
If a dog has claimed you as their own they will hold you to a certain level of respect. While they might test those boundaries occasionally, swiping a treat from your plate or pulling a bit too hard on your morning walk, for the most part, they respect your authority.
Many dogs who’ve claimed their owners don’t beg for food from them. They see their owner as the person who feeds them but knows how to respect their boundaries when it comes to their own.
Especially with a constant routine, they know they’re going to be fed — they don’t feel the need to beg for food and risk getting reprimanded by someone they love and trust.
5. They follow your routine
Routines for your dog are essential, especially in establishing a bond and trust with your pets. When they follow your routine, knowing that you’re going to show up for them every day, they not only respect you but feel less stressed, anxious, and paranoid in the process.
Of course, it’s not just about what time they eat dinner or go on walks that’s important to a dog’s routine; despite being essential, it’s also about their owner’s mood, routine, and vibe.
If they’re used to their owner winding down with a book before bed, they’ll feel confused when they nuzzle up under the blankets and their owner is instead out on the town or making dinner in a different area of the house.
They crave routine because it helps them de-stress and promotes a sense of security about where their owner will be and how they’ll feel.
6. They often show their belly to you and look for pets
There's almost nothing cuter than a dog with his belly exposed ready for a good scratch. What many owners forget, however, is that this position is a sign of complete trust because your pooch is showing his vulnerability.
As many dog owners and experts agree, if your dog wants pets or attention from you, it’ll be hard to ignore it.
Don’t overthink every behavior or signal from your dogs, but don’t underestimate their power in communicating with you either.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a staff writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.